I Still Remember

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Yes Dad?

Son, We have to tell you something.

Umm ok?

You are going to be a big brother

Ok so........ Wait what?

You are going to be a big brother.




Oh my god!
You are not joking right
I will have a little brother or sister to play, to love, to tease.

The moment I heard this news I was jumping all around the house. It was the best day of my life.

It still bring a smile on my face but now that smile has turned painful.

I still remember....

That unfinished game of tag
The sunshine which my life lacked
Every thing I adored
Is not here anymore

When he first
Opened those big doe eyes
Little fist holded my forefinger firmly Which gave me my solidity

When he took his first step
My heart raced
And my eyes glowed
But now it's all still
Only my tears flow

I used to feel alive
In those big doe eyes
The moment they closed
I became dead from inside.

Author Note
Oh God!
I can't do this anymore.
I am literally crying while writing this.
I can't even imagine losing someone so special.
So great respect to all those who have lost their special ones and are still leaving their life

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