Age Crisis?

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I've got a B.Sc degree in Mass Communication. I graduated last year (2022). I'm currently doing this youth service thing Nigeria has all their graduates do for a year. And I'm 20.
It's supposed to be a proud thing for me. I've achieved things that most people my age haven't. I should be grateful. I am. But proud? Not so much.

In nursery and primary schools, I happened to have double promotions. I was happy cause they were only given to smart kids, little did I know it would take a huge toll on my life.

From the moment I got into the university, I started to lie about my age. I was so insecure about my age that it didn't make sense to me. "Why?" You'd ask. But why wouldn't I?
Of course uni is more diverse age wise. You'd come across lots of people of different ages, but I was 15 going to 16 when I got in. I was so young, I looked so young (courtesy of my face and petite body); and I knew that was the only thing that could hinder my rebranding process from being a success, so I was just never gonna act young or let anyone know just how young I was.

My strategy worked, of course, but it also had down sides. One, I had what I'll call 'age crisis'. In my lying escapes, I hadn't stuck to one age. I lied about how old I was based on the people in the room. At 16, sometimes I claimed 20, or 18 or 21. Just anything to fit in. Even though my body size could have made it unbelievable, the way I learned to talk and act more maturely made up for that, so they believed. Or just never cared to object.
As I advanced; it became a problem especially on my birthdays, because whenever I got asked of my age, I'd have to look around and try to see who I told one thing and who I told the other before answering. It was draining.
Two; I always anticipated certain ages. I felt like when I get there, I could stop lying because then the age would be considered 'big'. First one was 18. I was excited to turn 18. I'd be an adult. I'd be legal. I could switch my bank account from a student's account to a standard one. 18 finally came, but it was like losing a race. Everyone else had passed that age long ago. It was old news. Next was 19, I was excited again. At least I wouldn't be on the borderline of adulthood and adolescence, and then it came; only along with the feeling of still feeling small. I was still in the 'teen' category and it bugged me. I wanted so badly to drop the 'teen' and the '1'.
I graduated at 19 which was a win for me, but it didn't seem so because the '1' in the age could be associated with ages 10, 11, 12 and all those small ages and I dreaded that, so I counted down on my calendar for 20.

I'm 20 now, fellas and nothing has changed. Besides the fact that I've stopped lying about my age. Deep down, I still battle with myself when I get asked about my age, though. My subconscious and I really wrestle on whether to tell the truth or lie. I eventually tell the truth, but not without observing the questioner's reactions. Most of the time, they express shock and surprise and say things like, "wow! So at 20 you're already at this point in your life? I'm impressed".
But are they?
I always wonder, if they're impressed; why do their reactions say otherwise? Why do their shoulders slouch when they say 'wow'? Why can't they maintain eye contact when they say 'I'm impressed'? Why do they stammer after saying 'I'm impressed'?

My mom says they're really surprised. My brother says I'm overreacting and overthinking. I think they both don't know what they're saying.
I don't blame them, though. You never know where it hurts unless you're wearing the damn shoes.

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