The Voice

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There is a tiny voice in my me. I can't say if it lives in my head or heart, but it's somewhere. I hear it all the time. Loud and clear. The voice.
The voice that when I want to judge my church choir for "spoiling" a song reminds me that it is not my place to judge them since I can sing too (to an extent) but didn't go to join them. The voice that when I claimed my mom's church friends who were praying so loudly in our living room one night could be disturbing the neighbours, reminded me that I wouldn't have an issue with the "noise" if it was a party or me blasting Cardi B music instead. The voice that helped me say "thank God" one time I saw a girl with more acne than I did. The voice that when I once told this guy I liked him, told me that I had just lied. The voice that lets me know I'm doing eye service when I see my boss coming towards my desk at work and try to hide the movie I was watching instead of working. The voice that when I unconsciously tried to judge the unnecessarily skimpy outfit a girl was wearing and walking down the road, told me that I was trying to remove the log in someone's eyes, ignoring the stick in mine. The voice that forces me to write as soon as I get the urge to, instead of procrastinating. The voice I sometimes ignore and later regret because it turned out to be right after all.

I don't know what that voice is. I don't know who it is. Is it God? Is it my subconscious? Is it my conscience? I don't know, but it is there.

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