Rando III (Tears)

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It's funny how joy, anger, sadness, frustration and many more emotions can be expressed through just one means. Tears.

If only there was a way to differentiate it, perhaps, life would be much better. For some of us, that is.

I've never been so excellent at hiding my emotions. I try. Really hard. But I fail.

It's funny because I thought I did it effortlessly. Now I know I don't. Never did.
Friends and acquaintances have countlessly tried to let me know how much I suck at it, and I had never believed it, but now that I sit here desperately looking up ways to stop myself from shedding tears, I've finally accepted it. I can't hide my emotions for shit.

Google said I should breathe in and out, focus on something else, roll my eyes; but even after doing these, I am still asked, "are you crying?" And of course I am forced to lie and say, "no. I think something is wrong with my eyes because I don't have my glasses on."

I told this lie with the fakest smile ever, or the worst attempt of it, as I am led to believe by my brother who I eventually received a text from. "Try a fake smile. Would probably help," he said.
Wild he thinks I wasn't even attempting to fake a smile, when I felt like I was doing the absolute most.



The liquid that my body apparently knows how to generate the most.


The liquid I am most embarrassed of being associated with.


The liquid that can only be forced out of you by the ones that are supposed to mean the most to you and you to them.


The liquid that dropped on my keyboard as I typed this.

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