How Far Will I Go?

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Chapter Three: How Far Will I Go?

Sapphira was currently taking a walk in the woods with the Eevee-whom she often called Fae-, Mata Nui and Click as well, enjoying the sounds of nature around them as much as you could get from this side of Los Angeles, California.

"I always wondered what a real forest would look like since being in California since the day I was born." Sapphira mused aloud half to herself as Fae was nestled on her left shoulder, Mata Nui walked on the woman's right. "Didn't help while being on Bara Magna since the planet is a barren desert wasteland." Sapphira said as she crossed her arms over her chest, her hair flowing slightly in the slight breeze that blew around them that nipped at her skin that wasn't covered a bit.

"Understandable, but while my home isn't the most safe, not that any planet is completely safe, the forests are very beautiful." Mata Nui told her, enjoying how Sapphira looked in the occasional break of sunshine from the treetops.

Sapphira looked up at him, "And you say that like my planet is more safe than Bara Magna and your home, we got people threatening to kill someone over a different opinion and interest than them, parents disowning their kids for who they would date or identify as, society finding a way to judge something of you and my least favorite to be honest is that people torment someone to where they take their own life, the tormentors take the time to mourn before moving onto the next unlucky person or don't even mourn." Sapphira complained slightly, her face darkening as she talked of it.

Mata Nui immediately took notice her mood change as she talked of the few things of the long list wrong with her kind, deciding to change the topic to help lighten the mood and ease her thoughts. "Though it may cause some questions from your kind, I would like to try something with my own powers to help you see the beauties of nature for once." Mata Nui said, smiling to himself seeing Sapphira's eyes sparkle at that as she quickly looked up at him.

"Please do so I've always wanted to for years!" Sapphira said happily, making Mata Nui laugh lightly at that. "Don't worry, I will but it will have to be in an area where your kind won't notice easily." He reassured her making Sapphira jump happily as a smile was on her face, which did force Fae to jump from her shoulder and onto the ground, Click being on the Eevee's head as he knew to give the two their moment.

Mara Nui enjoyed seeing her happy like this, Sapphira nearly knocked him off his feet as she tackled him in a hug in her own joy. Mata Nui laughed lightly at that as he hugged Sapphira back, wrapping his arms around her waist and burying his face into the top of her royal blue hair.

Sapphira suddenly sagged in his arms making Mata Nui look at her, seeing her expression was a bit down. "Sapphira, what is it?" Mata Nui asked her concerned for what happened. "Well," Sapphira trailed off with a sigh as she rested her arms on Mata Nui's arms while he still held her waist. "Am I enough?" Mata Nui stared at her in confusion. "What?" He asked her confused, making Sapphira sigh again as she shook her head.

"Am I enough for you? I mean, you could find someone so much better than me. I just wonder if I'm enough for you." Sapphira told him, closing her ocean blue eyes as tears threatened to spill from them. Fae and Click watched the two from where Fae was at on the ground, worried for her trainer.

Mata Nui suddenly brushed a stray tear from Sapphira's right eye making her shoot her eyes open and look up as he held her cheek in his hand. "If I could be told, I could have better. I don't want better," He said as he brushed her tears away and leaned closer to her face. "I want you." He admitted making Sapphira heart lurch.

She wasn't much used to the feeling of love like this. But when it came to him, she could tell each word he said to her was sincere and full of love. Sapphira leaned into his touch making Mata Nui hold her close to help comfort her.

Song: Running All Night by The Score

Mata Nui focused his powers to change the surrounding area around them, making the grass grow back to life from withering of the cold, a beautiful array of flowers bloom from the ground and some of the trees grow their leaves back to their beautiful green tints.

Sapphira looked around the area in awe. She knew it wasn't the Mask of Life he had do this, since it hadn't glowed like it had various times when he had done so, but it was Mata Nui himself that had done that. It did make her question how much power he had like he was a Toa like her or more so.

Sapphira looked back up at him seeing a soft smile on his face, making Sapphira smile in return. Resting his forehead with the Mask of Life against her's Mata Nui had his eyes half-lidded as he stroked Sapphira's cheek he held in his right hand still.

"Like I said Sapphira. If someone told me I could have better, I don't want better. I want you, because you make me happy." He told her in a hushed tone before kissing her gently as he closed his eyes, Sapphira melting into the kiss as she still held his arms in her hands as they kissed.


A/N: This is supposed to match where I got the line Mata Nui say's of he doesn't want better
Leave me alone I'm a proud weeb here!

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