Hiroto X Reader | Baking With Bestie!🍰

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Ac: Ohayou minna! I'm back! And I'm back with Hiroto!

Hiroto: why am I here?

Ac: shush child, all will be revealed soon. Enjoy the chapter!


I'm excited. Why? I'm gonna have a sleepover with my best friend, Hiroto, and we're baking as well! Okay okay, stop fangirling and continue packing. You may have noticed but I loooooove baking! And Hiroto is like a brother to me (Ac: ouch, Hiroto you got brother zoned. Harsh.) so baking with him is gonna be twice as fun! Midorikawa was going to join us, but then he suddenly got ill with a virus that's been going around. I feel bad, I know he'd have liked to come with us to the sleepover, but now he can't. Wait a second, where'd I put my notebook? Oh, there it is. I wonder when Hiroto is getting here. He'll probably come through the window again. Ever since we were little, there's a tree outside my bedroom window with a rope attached to it, and sometimes I use it to sneak out, and sometimes Hiroto uses it to sneak in. My parents don't like him sometimes, saying he's too 'rough around the edges' whatever that means. He can be a little pervy sometimes, but I'm used to it. Okay, my bags all packed, and I need to change out of my pyjamas. I'm gonna change in the bathroom just in case someone decides to make a surprise visit.


Speak of the devil. I flung my now changed out of pyjamas in my wash basket and walk over to the window.

"Hi Y/n! Can I come on?" I grinned. He was sat on the branch of the tree without a care in the world. That's Hiroto for you. I moved aside and he bounded inside, with one graceful movement. "So, all ready to go?" I patted my [insert favourite colour] bag and smiled. "Yup! Oh, my mums still totally against this by the way. She agreed, but she's not too happy." Hiroto smirked and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "Don't worry, I promise if we do anything like that we'll use protection." "Hiroto!" Yep, told you he could be a pervert. He's not always 'golden child'. "Kidding kidding! Come on, grab your stuff and let's go." I grabbed my bag and slung it outside. I then grabbed the rope and hopped down from the tree, Hiroto close behind me. Then, to my surprise, he picked up my bag for me and put it over his shoulder. "What? I can't let a lady carry her own bag, that's unacceptable." I sighed, cos there's no way of getting round Hiroto once his minds made up. We began walking to Hiroto's house [yes I'm aware he lives in Sun garden orphanage but shush pretend he's not an orphan and has parents and a house. Just go with it Idk what I'm writing] where I was then greeted by Hiroto's parents. For some reason they think we'd make the cutest couple, and they keep telling us things like "So how many grandkids are we having?" and when I go upstairs with Hiroto alone "Make sure to use protection!" I see now where Hiroto gets it from.

"Okay, put your stuff here, the guest rooms ready for you...unless..." "Unless what?" "Unless you wanna sleep with me tonight?" I blushed. "Kiyama Hiroto!" "I'm joking I'm joking! Please don't kill me!" He laughed. "Grr. You're lucky I love you too much." "You love me? Then why won't you sleep with me?" "Idiot! I love you like a brother, that'd be weird. How the hell we ended up as best friends I don't know." "I do. It went something like this..."


I was new at Raimon Jr, and I was hanging around with Endou, as I'd known him for a while before I moved away. Anyways, he introduced me to the team, and there was a certain red head that stood out to me. His name was Kiyama Hiroto, and I was head over heels in love with him-

"That is so not how it went! I wasn't in love with you, I actually didn't meet you until I nearly fell off The Steel Tower. You saved me from falling so I owed you a favour. That favour was just to tell you my name. And that's how we became friends." I explained, grinning. "That's not how I remember it. You and I know fully well that the favour was a kiss. And you never gave it to me." I smirked. "Yep, and I'm never going to, so don't hold your hopes to high." "We'll see about that..." he muttered, but I didn't hear him. "Huh?" "Nothing! Uum, so what do you wanna do? Ask or dare?" I grinned. "Okay! You go first!" "Ask or dare?" I was feeling confident so I picked dare "Dare." He thought for a moment, before smirking. "I dare you to prank call Suzuno." I gasped. "No way! He'll kill me!" "Well, better write your will now then." I groaned and picked up my phone, hoping it was dead. Nope. 98% charge. Well, it was nice knowing you. RIIIIING. RIIIIING. Please don't pick up. "Hello? Who is this?" "Hi, this is Emma. Is this Suzuno Fuusuke?" Okay I regret nothing. This is gonna be fun. "Wha- how'd you get my number?" I could hear Nagumo laughing in the background. So it was on speaker, huh? Let's have some fun. "Oh, I got it off another girl, Y/n or something." "Huh?! What?!" "Actually, I wish I could've gotten it sooner. You see, I'm in love with you! I've been stalking you for weeks, I know all about you!" I could hear Nagumo still laughing, and Hiroto was trying desperately hard not to laugh himself. "You what?! Listen, Emma, or whatever your name was, I have no idea who you are! That's so creepy, I'm hanging up!" The phone went dead, and both of us burst out laughing. "That was brilliant!" Hiroto managed to say between laughs. "I'm not done yet." I picked my phone back up and dialed Nagumo. RIIIIING. RIIIIING. "Y/n? Hey, what's up?" "Nagumo, you gotta help me! There's a crazy girl called Emma trying to find out where Suzuno lives! She threatened to stab me if I didn't tell her!" I heard Suzuno yell in panic. "Here, Suzuno's with me, talk to him--" "Y/n what the hell is going on? I know this is fake!" Oops. He got me. "Well, you got me. Pretty funny right?" I heard Nagumo burst into laughter in the background. "Next time I see you I'm so gonna murder you, you crazy--" I hung up.

"Well, that was interesting. Okay, my turn! Ask or dare." "Dare." I thoyht for a bit. "I dare you to...to....tell me who you'd rather date out of Nagumo, Suzuno or Midorikawa?" He pulled a face at me. "Y/n, I'm not gay! None of them!" "Ah, but I didn't ask for that answer. I'm going to guess and say....Nagumo?" "Hell no!" "Suzuno?" "No way!" So it's gotta be Midorikawa!" "No! If I had to, I'd probably pick him cos he looks most like a girl. But that doesn't mean anything!" "Fine, fine. Your turn again." "Alright, ask or dare." "Ask. I'm not doing anything embarrassing again." he smirked. "Is it true you used to have a huge crush on Nagumo?" My face went bright red. "No! We were just really close and then Suzuno started that rumor about us! I swear I didn't." "Oh, so explain why you had a picture of him on your phone?" "He sent it to me for his profile picture! Whatever, I'm done with playing ask or dare, let's do something else!" "Okay, fine, let's go do that baking. "Yaay! Baking!" I cheered like a little kid, and rushed out of the room. Hiroto chuckled and soon followed me.

"So, cookies or cupcakes?" I thought for a moment. "Cupcakes! Vanilla flavour with chocolate chips!" We began preparing the necessary ingredients, and Hiroto began measuring the ingredients out into separate bowls. I preheated the oven, put cake cases into the slots in the baking tray, and then turned to help Hiroto. "Here, try a little mix and see if it's ready." He brought the whisk up to my mouth and I licked a bit, and grinned. "Yep, that's ready! What's the matter, why are you staring?" Hiroto chuckled. "You've got something on your lip, that's all." I blushed in embarrassment. "Where?" "Right here." And without hesitation he leant forward and swiftly captured my lips in a kiss. We pulled away for air, and by that time I was a blushing mess. "H-hiroto..." He placed a finger on my lips. "I love you Y/n. Why do you think I'm so flirty around you?" I smiled. "I hoped this day would come. I love you too, Hiroto." And we shared another kiss, Completely forgetting that we were supposed to be putting the cakes in the oven.

Ac: That's a wrap! Did you like it guys? I was inspired by the pic at the top.

Hiroto: It's good but I'm quite ooc.

Ac: that doesn't matter. Sorry I haven't updated this book recently, I've been more focused on my other book. Hope you guys enjoyed! Byeeee!

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