Yandere! Bryce Whitingale X Reader | You're Mine Part One

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Ohayou minna! Today we have a very special chapter! A Yandere Bryce Whitingale! I'll be using the English names, but for all you lovely people who use Japanese names, yes, this is Suzuno Fuusuke. Yay! Wait no, not yay, terrifying! Anyway, I had a lot of help from a very excellent person, the one and only majestic Shadowkitty01! So, without further ado, let's get started! Warning: contains mature scenes. Read with caution. Also, the backstory I gave Bryce is just made up, it's not true at all.


It was a normal day in the town of Inazuma, and Y/n and her best friend Xavier were walking to school. They were just chatting to each other about stuff, not a care in the world, completely oblivious to the boy behind them stalking them. Well, actually, he was only after Y/n, because he was obsessed with her. The boys name was Bryce Whitingale, aka Gazel, ex-captain of Diamond Dust. He was, in other words, a Yandere for the H/c beauty. He'd been this way ever since he could remember.


A young boy five year old boy watched in shock as the man stabbed his father, and advanced towards his mother. "Jackson! You bastard you killed him! D-don't come any c-closer!" The woman screamed for her dead husband, and stumbled backwards. She had hidden her son behind the cupboard for safety, but he could see everything clearly. He continued to watch as the man roughly stripped the woman of her clothes, and the proceed to rape her. No matter how she screamed or bawled, the man simply went rougher and faster. Young Bryce didn't know what to think, except one thing: he enjoyed watching it. He'd never really disliked his mother, but seeing her so helpless made him...satisfied? At ease? Happy? He wasn't entirely sure of his emotion, but he did like it. He then watched as the man finished raping his mother, and pulled his sick out of her sore body. Blood (no not period blood) dripped from her violated womanhood as she collapsed to the floor in agony. "I've always wanted to do that Linda. Ever since I first layed eyes on you in high school, I knew I had to have you. But then you went and got with that Jackson, I had no choice but to take you for my own. Now, I'm giving you two choices. Come with me, and live. Don't, and well, I think you get the idea." he ran his hand through her hair, but she smacked it away. " I'd rather die!" The man shrugged. " Your choice. Very well, it was nice knowing you." and he picked up his knife, brought it above his head, and then smashed it in to Linda's skull. Bryce was shocked. That part didn't please him. But he knew that it had to happen. And he also knew that that was what he was also meant to do. The only difference was he wouldn't give his girl a choice.


That's why Bryce was like he was: broken. He hadn't expected to find a girl this as soon as he did (at 16) but he did, and that girl was Y/n. However, he had competition. There were boys, boys like Xavier and Claude that were also in love with Y/n. 'Pathetic. I'd give her ten times the love that they could put together.' that was his thoughts on it.

Finally, they arrived at school, still unaware of Bryce behind them, and then they had to part ways. Y/n headed to her first class, Physical education, and headed to the locker rooms to get changed and showered. (The changing rooms at my school had showers that kids could use before or after P.E) Bryce gave a smirk. He'd managed to hook the school security cameras up to his laptop, which he could then watch at his leisure. The school just so happened to have a camera in the girls locker room, to monitor the girls. It usually wasn't monitoring anything unless the girls were out of the room, but Bryce of course used it to spy on the girls-- Y/n in particular.

He found an empty classroom, entered, locked the door, closed the blinds and set up his laptop. The girls had just started to unpack. And Y/n was in perfect view of the camera. 'Perfect.' he thought. He went silent as he began watching the screen.


I began to pull out my kit from my bag, and then went to get undressed. Today I'm wearing my sports underwear, since I had P.E. It looked like this:

I then began pulling on my gym clothes, which looked like this:

And pulled it on. Yes, that's my shirt. What can I say, its funny! We had some time to kill, so I began talking to Emily (made up character) and the conversation somehow turned to boys. "Soo, Y/n, which boy have you got your eye on?" I rolled my eyes. "I don't do boys. (What no! Not in that sense! Dirty minded freak.) I'm more focused on academics right now." "Girl, you're 16. You need a boyfriend! Have you at least had your first kiss?" I blushed. "Of course I have!" "Oh? Who?" "Byron..." "AAAAH! I ship it!" Emily started fangirling about me and Byron. "Shut up! It was a dare, we're just friends!" (So don't go looking at me with that look in your eye! You really ain't going away without a fight! I've told you one two three four five six thousand times! Okay okay I'll stop.) "Wait! He's in this class! I know he likes you, you two should totally hook up!" I mimed vomiting. "Ew, no way."

Bryce POV.

So, my baby girl had another admirer? Looks like I'll have to keep an eye on him. Y/n looks so good today, I'm a little worried. She'll attract other boys, who will want my Y/n! I can't have this. Maybe I need to make a move quicker than I expected.


"Okay guys, I'll see you in class!" Lunch time. Oh how I love lunchtime. I get to eat my food and sit on the school roof reading. Yasss! I left my friends at the library, they've got done stuff to do. I'm kinda hoping they'll come find me though, lately I've been getting really weird creepy vibes, like I'm being stalked 24/7 or something. I don't know, maybe I'm just paranoid?

"Oh, hey Byron! I didn't think anyone was up here!" Turns out Byron is here too, so that's pretty neat. "Yeah, I like to come up here sometimes. It's so nice and relaxing, you know?" "Yeah, it's nice and quiet."

Bryce's POV

Oh, how dare he!? That stupid little Byron is stealing my Y/n! I'll teach him, she's mine!


I was talking to Byron when suddenly a boy I recognised as Bryce came up to us. "Hey, sorry to interrupt but I really need to talk to Byron. Sorry, It'll only take a moment." He gave an apologetic smile. "Oh, it's fine. Go on Byron, I'll wait here for a minute." I smiled brightly at the two boys, and they left.

Byron POV

Great, just great! This freak wants to talk to me! I was having a perfectly good conversation with Y/n as well! Bryce had lead me to a secluded alleyway, and stopped to face me. "Listen Byron, don't take this personally, but I'm afraid I'm gonna have to ask you to stay away from Y/n." I scoffed. "Oh yeah? Well what if I don't?" Bryce chuckled, and all of a sudden I felt really uneasy. "Trust me, you don't wanna do that." "I don't? Well it doesn't look like you're going to stop me." Bryce growled. "Boys like you piss me off!" And the last thing I knew was Bryce tackling me to the ground, before the world turned black.


"Hey, sorry that took so long. Byron remembered he had to be somewhere, he told me to say bye to you." Bryce returned without Byron, and admittedly that's kinda suspicious, but I'm not one to judge. "Oh okay. Well, I guess I'd best head to my next lesson. It was nice talking to you Bryce." I smiled warmly at him, before grabbing my stuff and leaving.

Bryce POV

Wow. Just wow. God I'm so obsessed with that girl! She really is perfect. Right, now that Byron's out of the picture, I can move onto the next part of the plan.

Y/n's POV

After class, I headed to my locker to store all my junk. I opened it, and to my surprise a note fell out. It read:

Dearest Y/n,

Please meet me under the old birch tree after school. There's something really important I need to tell you.

-Your secret admirer 💙

Well that's not weird at all....I guess I'd better go, I don't want to keep them waiting.

"Huh, no ones here." I leant against the tree, and waited.

10 minutes later, still no one. "Forget it! They're not coming." I went to walk off when suddenly someone grabbed me from behind. I struggled as I was blindfolded, and then something was placed in front of my nose and mouth, and I slowly lost consciousness.

I awoke in-- actually, I have no idea where I am. I'm still blindfolded. Then it hit me. Someone actually took me. Oh my god....

"Oh, you're awake. Heh, took you long enough." That voice. I recognise it, but I don't remember who. "Wh-what do you want with me?" I said, braver than I felt. "Oh Y/n, I've already gotten what I want-- you. Now, be a good girl and behave, or else they'll be consequences." I heard a sharp shling from a knife being sharpened, and then my breathe hitched in my throat as I heard the person walk towards me. I felt the knife gently press against my neck for a minute, before it suddenly sliced through the blindfold.

Oh. My. God. Its Bryce. "B-Bryce? But w-why?" Bryce chuckled. "Isn't it obvious? I'm obsessed with you. I'm the one that's been Stalking you. I know everything about you, I know where you live, I know which route you take to school, I know who you hang around with, I even know what you do at home. You really need to close your curtains when you get dressed, someone might look." He said in a bemused tone. "You f-freak! That's--!....thats..." I went to insult him further, but that awful knife was once again pressed against my neck. "Careful Y/n. Finish that sentence, I dare you." "You're a monster." I spat. "You made the wrong choice, sweetheart." And without a moments hesitation, he pressed the knife further, slowly slicing my throat open. "N-no! Stop, p-please!" I yelled, in fear and pain. "Are you going to behave?" "Nngg...yes, I'll do w-whatever you say, just d-don't hurt me..." He removed the knife, and I let my head hang in shame. 'Oh god...what have I gotten myself into?!' "Okay, I wobt hurt you. But I need to prove that you're not gonna try any tricks." He leant down and whispered in my ear. "You do what I say when I say it. If you don't, well. I won't kill you, but I'll make you wish you were dead. Got it?" I nodded, to frightened to speak. "Good girl. I think I can untie you now." It was then that I noticed my hands and feet were bound together, and I was sitting on a bed. Well, I was tied to a bed and sitting. Bryce untied my legs, and then my wrist. He then untied me from the bed, and I at once stretched my limbs.

"Well, at least you're untied now. Let's see, what can I do with you~?" I shivered nervously. "I know." He leant forward so our noses were practically touching. "You don't want to be hurt?" I shook my head nervously. "Kiss me." I was shocked. "W-what?" "You heard me. Kiss me." I felt something cold and metallic against my leg, so I quickly leant forward and pressed my lips against Bryce's. I still felt the knife pressing into my leg, so I knew I had to do something else. Tears pricking in my eyes, I opened my mouth and let him do what he wanted. When he finally pulled away, I nearly crying. "Oh, Princess, don't be like that. You'll get used to it eventually." I sniffed. "I don't want to get used to it! I wanna go home!" He chuckled darkly. "This is your home. Well, it's your new one." He kissed me gently again, and when he pulled away he whispered in my ear. "You're mine. And while you're here, you are my property. So I'd behave if I were you." I nodded, knowing that no one would ever find me, and that there was no hope left.



Oh my god. 2275 words. That's a lot. Anyway, I know it was dark and evil but I had fun writing it. I hope you enjoyed, especially you Shadowkitty01! Love you all, bye!

-Author-chan 👋

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