Kira Hiroto X Reader | "Knitting is for losers!"

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[This was requested by itsYukii! Enjoy reading!]

Y/n L/n, another orphan at Ohisama En, was a quiet girl. Her mother had died of (No not a car accident for goodness sake) a terminal illness and then her father, unable to cope, became an alcoholic and abusive towards her, then drank himself to death. Y/n had ended up at the orphanage at the age of 6, and now she was 14. At first, she was scared of anything and everything, so for therapy she was advised to take up some kind of activity. So she took up knitting (Okay I can't knit in reality but I can crochet which is similar) and the other children liked it when she knitted scarves and blankets and other things for them. It was how she made most of her friends there, first with Yagami, as Yagami helped her with basic knitting at first. Then with others, such as Midorikawa when she gave him a green blanket, then with Hiroto, when he gave her a book on knitting, and then Nagumo and Suzuno.

The time she became friends with Nagumo actually still made her laugh. Suzuno had managed to get caught in the wool so Nagumo had to help cut it off his arm, where it had gotten knotted. In return, Y/n gave them both scarves, one with snowflakes and one with flames, for each boy respectively. That was years ago. Anyway, she was currently sat in the corner of the room, knitting something. Nagumo and Suzuno were arguing over a game, Hiroto was reading with Midorikawa, Yagami was with Hitomiko in another room, everything was fine, until he walked in. Yep, Kira Hiroto, the only person who refused to befriend Y/n. Why? "Knitting is for losers!" Or so he says.

"Oh look, you're knitting again. Tch, lame." He muttered as he walked by her. Y/n ignored him and continued knitting. She was quite good as ignoring his remarks now, as she'd been doing it for several years now, so it was pretty easy to do, although sometimes he'd say something that upset Y/n more than usual. "Where's Yagami?" He asked Hiroto. Hiroto shrugged and didn't look up, annoying Kira. "Well damn, it's not like that was a hard question!" Even though he was on the other side of the room, Y/n flinched at the yelling. She didn't like yelling, it reminded her of her father. She steadied her trembling hands and concentrated on knitting. She nearly jumped out of her seat when Kira slammed the door violently behind him. 

[Also Midorikawa is best character in next scene because he's Midorikawa. 'Nuff said]

"You don't need to be scared of him, he's just a jerk." Midorikawa sat besides Y/n and smiled at her. "You're right, thanks Midorikawa." "Anytime Y/n."


It was late evening and most people were in their rooms, preparing to sleep. However, Y/n had decided to stay up a little later than usual, to finish off what she was knitting earlier. It was very nearly finished, and she reckoned in another half hour or so it would be finished. She sat on her bed and got to work, trying to finish the warm sweater. Yes, she was making a black turtle-neck sweater. For who? Kira. Why? Because she hoped it would make him act a little nicer to her, if he knew how nice knitted things could be.

At around 1:45 in the morning, Y/n had finished. Yes, it took around 2 hours longer than she anticipated, but she was very happy with her work. She was very tired, but also very thirsty. She crept out of her room and down to the kitchen, to get a drink of water. She nearly dropped her glass when she heard someone behind her. "Y/n? What are you doing down here?" It was Kira. "I'm just getting a drink..." She said quietly. "At 1:45? Okay then..." He looked at her in slight confusion, but went back to what he was doing, which was getting a sandwich. [I do that sometimes, randomly get food in the middle of the night. I don't know why tho] Y/n finished her drink and then put the glass in the sink. "Goodnight Kira." And with that, she went back upstairs to finally get some sleep.


When Y/n woke up, she looked over at the finished sweater on her desk and smiled. Hopefully he'd like it. She got dressed and went downstairs, to get breakfast with the other children. [Okay I feel like now is a good time to share what happened to me yesterday. I was walking to my P.E line, when a Year 7 (I'm Year 8) walked up to me, said "Fuck your chicken strips!" and then left. As he walked off I yelled "Vine isn't dead!" and went to go line up. My friend thought it was completely normal, and to be honest it probably is. There you go, now back to the story.] "Morning Y/n." I sat with Nagumo and Suzuno at one of the tables. "Morning." "Wow, you look kinda tired. What time did you get to sleep last night?" Suzuno asked. "Um...around 2?" The two boys looked shocked. "Wow, you should still be in bed! That's only 5 hours of sleep." Nagumo pointed out. "No, i'm fine, really, not tired at all." Nagumo and Suzuno didn't look convinced, but didn't push the topic further. 

After they'd had their breakfast, Y/n decided to go get her sweater to give to Kira. She went up to her room, carefully checked the sweater over for any errors, and when she found none she hooked it over her arm and went downstairs to ask where Kira was. "Hiroto, do you know where Kira is?" She asked. "I think he's in his room." "I see, thanks." She went back upstairs and knocked on Kira's door. "What?" Came the reply from inside. "Kira, it's me, Y/n. Can I come in?" She heard him walk to the door and then open it. "What do you want?" He asked rudely. "W-well, I thought s-since I've given everyone else something, i-I thought you should have something too." She explained, and showed him the sweater (Or jumper, whatever you call it). "Uh thanks?" He took it. "Do you like it?" She asked hopefully. Kira looked down at her hopeful eyes and mentally cursed himself for liking this girl. She was so quiet but kind, and he was him, she was scared of him for gods sake! "Yeah, it's great." 

He pulled it on and instantly regretted thinking knitting was stupid. This was the cosiest sweater he'd ever had! He looked at her and for the first time in his life he gave her a genuine smile.

[I found the perfect image for this. Also in my folder with all my pictures for stories, I label stuff in a way that means I can find it easily. The image below was labelled 'Kira Hiroto Sweater Thingy']

"It's really nice, thank Y/n." Y/n couldn't help but smile when he said that. "Y'know, you look pretty cute like that." And without warning, he'd kissed her. Welp Y/n.exe had stopped working. Y/n blushed furiously when he pulled away. "Aw, you look even cuter like that." And he kissed her again.


Not really sure about that ending, was it good enough for you? I can always rewrite it. Oh well, I'm sure it's fine. It was over 1000 words, which was good. Tomorrow I'm moving, so I don't think i'll be online for two weeks after that. Although if I can I'll only make it one week. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I can't take anymore requests now, cos i don't think I'll be able to get them done by tomorrow. I hope you understand! That's all for now. Love you all, bye!

-Author-chan <3

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