Afuro Terumi X Shy! Reader | I don't deserve you

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Y/n still wasn't sure how she'd done it. Somehow, Afuro Terumi, the most popular guy in school, fall for her. She was a shy little nobody, and he had so many girls to choose from. She didn't think she was overly pretty, or smart, or athletic, or special in any way, so why? It wasn't that she didn't love him back, because she did, but it just didn't make sense! Y/n sighed and closed her locker, deciding to go find they boy she was currently thinking of. 

"Hey Y/n!" Y/n's heart sank as she heard Ike Orika, one of the "popular" girls, yell her name. It was no secret that Ike wanted Afuro as her boyfriend, and was insanely angry when Y/n had 'Stolen' him from her. "You little slut, why hasn't he just ditched you yet?!" Y/n flinched at her harsh words. She didn't speak as she didn't want to make it worse. "You're so quiet and pathetic, you don't look beautiful like me, you aren't special in any way! Just give him to me already, you don't deserve him!" There they were. Those four words that made Y/n's heart want to break into a million pieces.

"I-I'm sorry...I didn't a-ask for it..." "Sorry isn't gonna cut it, bitch." And with that, Ike gave Y/n a brutal slap across the face, and then marched off, muttering something about "An undeserving slut." Tears rolled down Y/n's face as she ran to the roof, knowing fully well no-one was there, so she could cry. She spent a solid ten minutes bawling her heart out, before she started calming down. 'Ike is right though... I don't deserve him!' She thought miserably. She wanted to tell Afuro about this, but she was too shy to really tell him anything. She remained curled up in the corner, not hearing someone approach her.

"Y/n? Y/n it's me, Afuro." Y/n heard Afuro's angelic voice and wanted to cry again. "W-what...?" "Y/n, I know why you're crying. It's Ike, isn't it?" Y/n nodded, now looking up at her boyfriend. "Oh, please don't cry." He pulled her into a hug, and Y/n instantly felt better. "I saw the whole thing between you and Ike, and honestly, it's not you who doesn't deserve me, it's I that doesn't deserve you. You're so kind, passionate, smart, cute, and not to mention absolutely drop-dead gorgeous." Afuro kissed her cheek, still holding her close to him. "R-really?" "Of course, I'm no liar." "T-thank you Afuro..." Y/n smiled weakly at him. "Anything for you, now let's go get you cleaned up okay?" Y/n nodded. "And don't you ever forget, you deserve everything, and I'm the luckiest boy in the entire universe to have someone as perfect as you loving me." Y/n wanted to cry again, but this time out of happiness. 'I should have never doubted it.' She thought with a smile.


And this one is also done! I hope you enjoyed it! That's all for now. Love you all, bye! Oh, and this was also requested by Samarbaby.

-Author-Chan <3

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