Kurosaki Makoto X Shy! Reader | Chemistry Confessions

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[This was requested by Samarbaby. Enjoy!]

"Good morning class, today we'll be doing an experiment in pairs." Y/n sat happily at her desk, on her own as she was too shy to ask anyone to sit with her. "Right, so get into partners and then fetch the equipment listed on the board. Take an instruction sheet from my desk and get to it." Y/n's heart sank. She was too shy to ever ask someone to work with her! She glanced around... everyone had a partner. Then her eyes landed on the boy surrounded by fangirls: Kurosaki. He looked up at her and smiled. Weaving out of the crowd of fangirls, he approached Y/n. "Would you like to be my partner?" He asked in his heavenly voice. Yes, it was true Y/n had a  crush on the blessed looking boy, but the chances of him liking her back were zero. Or so she thought~.

"U-um...s-sure." She gave him a shy smile. "Great! I'll go get the equipment, could you go get a sheet please?" Y/n nodded and scurried over to get a sheet of paper. She returned to their table and Kurosaki started setting up the equipment. "Step one. Set up equipment. Well, we've already done that. Step two, put equal parts of..." Y/n zoned out just looking atKurosaki's perfect face. "Y/n? Are you alright?" Y/n blushed and snapped out of her daydreams. "Y-yeah?"Kurosaki laughed. "I asked you if you could measure the two acids, but it seems you couldn't hear me. Not to worry, I can do it." He began measuring one acid and Y/n felt she should be helping too. "Um,Kurosaki-" "HeyKurosaki, why don't you ditch the silent freak over there and work with me?" A girl pushed Y/n out of her place and began flirting with Kurosaki. Her name was Abe and she was known for being a playgirl.

"Excuse me, but aren't you working with Yushiro over there?" He frowned at her. "Well, I was, but-" "And you seemed to have shoved my partner away. Perhaps it's best if you go back to your table, hm?" He said in a polite but firm voice. Abe huffed. "Fine." She flounced off, and Y/n returned to her place. "That girl... I mustn't say anything bad about her, but she can be a little irritating i suppose." He placed his finger on his chin in thought. "U-um, I was going to say...I-I think I s-should do some w-work as well..." She said in barely above a whisper. "Well, yes, but you don't need to right this minute. I've got this. You've done quite enough already, but if you want you can start measuring the metal powder now." He smiled at her. Y/n felt her cheeks heat up and quickly turned away, soKurosaki wouldn't see. Unbeknown to her, he did see, and he thought it was rather cute.


"Well done everyone, you've done very well today. As usual, I require two volunteers to help clean up." Y/n automatically put her hand up, as when she did this she was usually on her own, and also she missed the crowds of people. She was so small and quiet that she was frequently shoved around by people missing her, and then she was too shy to confront them about it. To her surprise,Kurosaki also raised his hand. "Ah,Kurosaki and Y/n. Well, I would stay with you and help but I have a meeting. Class dismissed." Everyone except Y/n andKurosaki left. Y/n immediately began clearing up the nearest table. She sawKurosaki start cleaning up as well and couldn't help but admire his angelic features. 

  Kurosaki noticed her staring as she placed the equipment on its shelf and chuckled to himself. He'd been in love with Y/n for a while, and knew she felt the same way about him. He was planning on asking her out soon, but had just seen an opportunity in this alone time they had while clearing up.

After they'd finished, Y/n picked up her bag and went to leave, but Kurosaki stopped her. "Y/n, wait." Y/n's heart fluttered when he said her name. "Y-yes?" "Before you go, I want to tell you something, while we're alone. You see Y/n, I'm in love with you, and have been for a very long time now. I find your shyness very adorable." Y/n's face flushed a deep red. "I-I..." She struggled to speak.Kurosaki laughed and took her hand, placing a feathery kiss on the back of it. "Y/n, will you give me the pleasure of calling you my girlfriend?" Y/n nodded, still blushing and speechless. "You've made me so happy." And he captured her lips in a sweet and gentle kiss. Y/n returned it, thinking one thing. 'I love you too,Kurosaki.'


Aw, I enjoyed writing that! It was super cute and fluffy! The next one on Afuro will be out soon, i promise. I hope you enjoyed! Love you all, bye!

-Author-chan <3

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