Lus Kasim X Reader | Uh... Can You Help Me?

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[Right this lad has next to no fan fiction so guess I'm making some now. :) I know nothing about the anime or Lus' role in the amime so I tried to make it as generic as possible. Enjoy lads. R/n means random name by the way. :)]

Y/n was walking around town when it happened. She was just vibing to the music in her earphones when she saw her- R/n. An annoying "friend" of Y/n's who was two faced and bratty.

'Oh god oh f--' She thought, turning off her music and quickly turning around and speed walking down a random alley. Well this was great. She had no idea which street this alley lead to or where she was walking, but anything to get away from her.

She exited into a wider street, that she absolutely did not recognise. She would have to shove her nerves to the side and ask someone for directions.

"Y/n!" R/n's annoying voice could be heard from the alley. Crap. She would do anything to disappear right now, she'd even share that ice cream she had at home, she did not want to deal with R/n's crud today.

She sidled around a corner and continued walking. Satisfied that R/n was too dumb to find her, she looked around. 'I have no idea where I am, and I can't go back that way cos I'll be stuck with R/n... Okay, find a person that probably can help. Uhhh.... What about that guy?'

Y/n glanced around and saw a boy with pale blonde hair and blue-grey eyes. He didn't look like he would stab her, and seemed around her age if that even mattered, so maybe this would work.

"Excuse me? Uh... Can you help me? This is a little awkward but do you know how to get to [Familiar location]? I'm a bit lost." Y/n nervously laughed. The boy maintained a poker face through her whole little speech, and Y/n was worried she'd screwed up. 'Oh god what if he's deaf or something, or if she just laughs and walks off? Oh god I should have just tolerated R/n for a while--'

"Yeah, it's about 15 minutes away. I'm guessing you don't know this area too well? That's fine, I'll walk you." Uhh... What? He'd walk her? Okay, not what she was expecting but hey could have been worse.

"Oh, thanks dude. I'm Y/n by the way, Y/n L/n." Ah, that was kinda cringe. Well could have been worse. "Lus Kasim." He said flatly, and began walking.

"So, if you don't mind me asking, how did you get lost?" He asked as they rounded a corner. "Ah, it's kinda stupid but I was trying to avoid this girl I know, she's pretty awful and I didn't want to deal with her. I walked down a random street to get away and got lost. I'm pretty dumb." Y/n grinned. Despite his quiet and calmness Y/n felt she could talk to him about stuff.

Lus nodded, not saying anything more. It wasn't everyday random strangers waltzed up to him asking for help but he was glad Y/n had. She seemed nice.


"Damn, that was quick. Well thanks for the help Lus. Say, I know we only met like 20 minutes ago but you seem pretty cool. Wanna exchange numbers?" Y/n asked, grinning at him. For the first time since she'd first laid eyes on him, he gave a small smile. "Sure."

Y/n wrote her number down on a scrap of paper she had in her pocket, and handed it too him. "Thanks for the help today Lus, hope we can hang out properly sometime." "Yeah, sure." Y/n smiled and turned around, waving over her shoulder.

"See ya!" Lus turned around to go the other way, still with a plain face but the ghost of a smile on his lips. He figured he wouldn't mind helping her out again sometime.


Don't ask why I did it, just accept it lmao. I remembered there's like no fan fiction of this lad for some reason, or fanart for that matter, so I figured I'd write something. If you know of any fanart or have some yourself that you wouldn't mind me putting at the top of the chapter it would be real appreciated! And yes, if i was given specific permission to use it, I will give credit. I just prefer having fanart at the top, but sometimes I can't so idk. Thanks for reading, love you all bye!

-Author-Chan ❤

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