Mizukamiya Seiryuu X Reader | Did I said that out loud?!

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[I'm sorry this took a while, school and personal life get in the way so much >.< This was requested by akoya_luvs_u! Thank you, and enjoy the chapter.]

Ah, prom. Such a... Stressful time. For Mizukamiya, this was no exception. He was freaking out, because he wanted to ask his best friend out to prom, but he hadn't the slightest clue how.

He decided the best thing to do would be to ask his other friend, Hizaki about it, over text. A horrible decision, really.

To: Teddy bear
Hey you're good with girls right
Delivered ✔✔

To: Blueberry
ooooo who's the lucky girl
Delivered ✔✔

To: Teddy bear
Shut tf up
Just tell me how to ask her out
Delivered ✔✔

To: Blueberry
It's Y/n isnt it
Called it

To: Teddy bear
I stg why do I ask you stuff
Yes it's Y/n
Delivered ✔✔

To: Blueberry
Well just don't be urself and you'll be okay bro 👉👉
Read 14:20

'Well that could have gone better.' He sighed, before switching his phone off and shoving it in his bag. He had a small smile on his face as most of his lessons today we're with Y/n.


"Hey, Mizukamiya! You okay?" When he arrived in class, Mizukamiya was greeted by none other than the girl he was thinking of. "Ah, I'm fine. Just spacing out." "Great, are you excited for prom? It's only two weeks away, everyone's started asking everyone out. Who do you think you'll go with?" She inquired.

Mizukamiya went slightly pink and shrugged. "Well I'm thinking of asking a girl out, but I'm scared she'll say no. Uh what about you?"

Y/n laughed. "You know no one will want to go with me so I'm pretty much gonna solo it, y'know?" He nodded, and they took their seats.

So Y/n didn't have anyone in mind, that was both good and bad. She expected to not be asked, how would she react? Would she say no, call him desperate and snap his little heart in two? Or would she say yes, but only out of pity or because they were friends? So many doubts ran through his mind all day, he couldn't help but constantly think of rejection.

It was strange, he was normally calm and friendly, but now he was tense and stressed. It was certainly a change, one that some picked up on - some like Y/n.

She decided to confront him about when they walked home together. After all, she was his closest friend, how could she just stand there whilst he struggled with his emotions? She had to ask.

"Mizukamiya! Wait up! Hey, you've been acting... off, for a few days. Is everything okay? Nothing's happened, has it?" All he could do was stand there, very much surprised. She really cared about him, but what could be say? "I really want to ask you to prom but I don't know how..." Certainly not, how would she react?

Y/n stood there, speechless. Unbeknownst to Mizukamiya, he'd just voiced his thoughts out loud. Not exactly what he thought he would do.

"Oh god, did I say that out loud?! I did, oh my god I'm so dumb." He sighed, nervously pushing a lock of his deep blue hair behind his ear. "Well, yeah know you know why I've been so nervous. I can't believe I just said that ..."

Y/n grinned at him, and then started giggling. "Man, what happened to the Mizukamiya I know? You're all nervous and that, it's really a change. But sure, I'll go to prom with you. Can I come over to yours? We can discuss it there." She smiled up at him.

Mizukamiya grinned, gaining his calm self back. "Sure. That'd be nice." The two of them intertwined their fingers, and began walking, but not before Y/n leaned up and have him a small kiss on the cheek.


Woo, wrote it in one sitting as well! There, a wholesome chapter for an ocean haired boy. I hope you enjoyed, thanks for the request! I'm thinking of opening a few slots on the request page, please let me know what you guys think of that idea.

Also yes the text convo for a while is only aligned to one side of the page. :P I broke my laptop a few weeks ago so I am currently using a kindle which is so difficult so :( but I'll try to fix it when a can. Sorry these take so long, I'm awful at balancing stuff but I enjoy it so what am I good for? Oh well, love you guys, bye!

-Author-Chan ❤

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