Bullied! Okuiri Hiro X Popular! Reader | I'm Here For You

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[Hey, I know this is stupidly late, and you have my sincerest apologies, but Inahocanh189 it is finally here. You had every right to ask where your chapter was, and i never even replied because of my shameful lack of activeness. I have had quite a bit of trouble in my personal life recently, and sadly that meant being able to log onto Wattpad maybe once a fortnight? It's been a slow go, but it is here and I am truly sorry it took so long. Please, enjoy the chapter and excuse my slow-ass authoring. Thanks for requesting!]

It was a usual day at school, Y/n was with her friends, nothing out of the ordinary, when...


Everyone turned in shock, and were all met with the sight of the renowned 'Bully', Dylan Stonehill, throwing a piece of his lunch at a nerdy-looking boy, who Y/n knew as Okuiri Hiro. "Man, what a mess i've made. I'll just clear this up huh?" He jeered, throwing something else.

Okuiri sighed, attempting to wipe the majority of the food from his blazer with a nearby napkin. This was nothing unusual for Dylan, except for the fact he'd targeted him in a very public area. It was generally in confines of hallways, classrooms, and after school where there was little to no people around. Apparently Dylan was feeling rather confident though today.

"Hahaha!" "Loser!" "Man, that's gross." "I wish I got it on video!" Shouts of idiotic people chorused round, as Okuiri simply picked up his things and left. Being an avid friend of his, Y/n was none too pleased.

"What the hell was that for?!" She immediately approached Dylan after Okuiri had left. "What? Runt deserved it." He said with a smug grin. "Wipe that crap-eating grin off your ugly mug right now and stop bloody messing with him! He's done nothing wrong!" "Make me." He taunted.

"Agck!" Those two words were all Y/n needed, giving him a swift left hook to the stomach, temporarily incapacitating him. "You ass!" "Shut up Dylan. I can tell this has been going on for way longer than it should have. If i hear of one more incident you're dead." She threatened, and then left for her next lesson.


"Oi! Runt! You're dead meat, you are!" Okuiri mentally groaned as he heard Dylan's voice - it was angry. "You got me into some serious crud back there! You're gonna pay hard." He shoved him into a nearby wall and threw his bag aside. Okuiri looked up at him with mostly unemotional eyes, trying to stop the fear from creeping into them.

Dylan surprisingly did nothing, simply staring at him. He normally kicked, punched, scratched and cut as much as he felt necessary until Okuiri could barely stand. Even for Dylan, this was  a cruel taunt. He always knew humans were the worst thing to walk this planet, and Dylan was a prime example of this.

"So you have Y/n on your side huh? Man, that's gotta be rough. I mean, i know you're weak but a girl having to stick up for you? Pathetic. Look at you. You're helpless, like a mouse to a snake. You have no strength, you'll always be insignificant. If I were your parents, i'd have abandoned you at birth. You're a runt, and even Y/n thinks that, so don't ever forget it." He gave a condescending sneer and dropped him to the ground. 

He had taken advantage of his weakness' and played on them, manipulating his own thoughts against him - the cruelest type of manipulation. He had treated him like prey, and it had worked. Tears slid down his face as he rushed away, urging himself as far away from Dylan as possible.

Y/n closed her locker just in time to turn around and nearly be knocked clean over by someone running by. "Hey, watch it- Okuiri? Hey, wait!" She balanced herself and looked towards her friend, who had frozen in shock. "Okuiri? Why are you crying?" He looked down and pushed his slightly askew glasses up his nose, but didn't speak.

Y/n carefully approached him, taking small steps towards him as she spoke. "Please, tell me what's wrong. It's alright to cry, I just want to know how i can help. Oh, Okuiri, was it Dylan? That evil- nevermind, you're what matters most to me." She smiled at him, a warm smile that, despite his tears, made Okuiri smile a little.

"Now would you you like to tell me about it?" She wrapped an arm around his shoulders and gave him a comforting squeeze. He calmed his shaky nerves, took a few deep breaths and explained the whole ordeal.

"......He..He said all that?! The little-" "Y/n, it's fine, really." "But it's not  though! I mean, well, i care about you so much, and Dylan being so cruel to you, it hurts me! I can't bear seeing you like that, i just can't. I don't want you to be hurt." She finished, glaring at nothing in particular reproachfully.

"Y/n, I'm..." He didn't know what to say. "...that was the most heartfelt thing anyone has ever really told me. I feel the same way about you as well." A shy smile ghosted his lips. He hesitated for a moment, and then threw caution to the wind. "Y/n?" "Hm?" He leant over a gave her a quick peck on the cheek. A rather befitting act, he thought. Y/n seemed to agree with this, as she went a slight shade of pink.

"Y'know, there's something I've been meaning to ask. Y/n, will you be my girlfriend?" She grinned. "Really? Of course. I don't care what anyone, especially Dylan thinks. I'm here for you always." Okuiri's lips formed into a genuine smile. "Thank you, Y/n. Thank you."


Oh sweet jesus, I am so tremendously sorry about the time! Gods, I feel awful making you wait like that Inahocanh189, I'm fully understanding if this is the last time you ever read anything of mine, I don't deserve anything like this. I feel ashamed of myself, and this has really made me think long and hard about what kind of author i am. I hope this chapter was up to standard, and if not be sure to let me know. If there is anything you want, please let me redeem myself. I hate myself for taking so long, and again, I'm so very sorry. Oh, and thank you for the link, it was helpful in identifying the character to begin with. :)

Tangent aside, I hope you enjoyed the chapter regardless, and anyone else who read it also did. Thank you very much for requesting, and I'll see you guys. Love you all, bye!

-Author-chan <3

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