Li Hao X Reader | Nearly Died But It Was Worth It

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[Right so according to my two minutes of research, today is Li Hao's (Aka Mutekigahara Fujimaru but im not typing that out every time lmao) birthday so naturally i'm doing a chapter on him. Look at the resemblance tho they're smol chaotic good beans i can't help just get on with the chapter already!!!]

I wasn't happy. Why? Because today marks the day i officially give up on life. Now now now i know what you're thinking, Y/n no don't kermit sewer slide! Geez, relax, no, it's just cos today just so happens that a certain green-haired midget's been messing with me all day, and i was forced to put up with it because dumb coach thinks we look great together. Yay. Uggghghghghgh i hate him so much right now. And yeah i may or may not have a crush on him, but my crush is only as tiny as he is.

"Y/n!" Oh god no not now coach. Please don't say-- "I need you to go find Li! Thank you Y/n, you're such an asset to the team." Ughhhhhh ksjlhadlqiyfvnqlihetnvoei why me can't he get like Asuto to do it or something? I hate my life ;-; why am i even here anyway i'm only supposed to be visiting the coach not helping him deal with that bloody midget!!!

"Oi! Midget! Where are you! I swear to god if you're putting gum under the desks!" I yelled. Yeah i call him midget, what's wrong with that? Despite how annoyed i am, i can't disguise the fact that i like how friendly he is with me. And also can i just say get out of here with that boys-gotta-be-taller-than-their-girlfriend crap, if i wanna date a boy who's t i n y  i will. I can dream! 

"Li i swear to god coch wants you, why are you even hiding?" I muttered to myself. I'm now on the second floor of the school. I couldn't find him on the first, so second floor it is. Wait what the hell did i just see someone slip round that corner? Suspicious..... Welp hope i don't get jumped or murdered. Or both.

"Li? Is that you?" Okay now i'm like 95% sure imma get murdered. Oh well, i'm only losing like 20 minutes of progress in my game, i don't really care. Oh, there's that suspicious figure slipping up to the third floor. Well. This isn't fun. "Li i swear to god if that's you i'm going to break your fucking knees." I mumbled, running down towards where i saw them.

 Ahhhh should exercise more i'm tired already. Fuckin limbs.... And then i realised where i was-- the roof. Oh. Neat. Right so i'm pretty sure that was in fact Li that ran up here, so let's look for him shall we. Actually no i'm gonna go look at the view first, i haven't been up here in a while. I stepped closer to the edge of the roof, thankful for the railings separating me and certain death. Although, one push is all you'd need to push someone off here. >:) My evil thoughts faded when i felt someone's hands on my back. "The fu--" Then they gave me a shove, scaring the literal life out of me.


I turned around after screaming like i was 7 to see who had just given me a heart attack, to see Li. That sort little fucker. "What the hell?! What was that for! You just gave me a heart attack! Not cool!" I glared (down) at him. "Pfft hahhaha you should have heard yourself! I never thought you could scream so girly like that! Man that was hilarious! So whatcha doing up here anyway?" He asked, as though HE HADN'T JUST TRIED TO MURDER ME AS A JOKE! 

"Hey, what gives?!" I ignored him and grabbed hold of his wrist to take him back to the coach. "Y/n! Y/n I'm sorry, please don't kill me ; - ;" He rambled meaningless apologies as we walked down the stairs, but i wasn't having it. 'I'm so mad i can't even find him cute right now geez.' I thought. Eventually, we reached the coach, who was smugly watching the team practice whilst doing his strange moves. Weirdo. "Here's your really helpful assistant coach." At this point, Li had grabbed that mask he wore, and i couldn't see his face. Not that i care. I'm pissed!

"Oh, something important come up? Never mind, goodbye Y/n! Ohehehahahhyeyhye!" [Yes that's my imitation of the coach's laugh shut up it's close enough lmao] I turned around and left, not really caring for anything else, and went to get my bag. 

"Y/n! Wait!!" I had just reached the gate when i heard a voice. "Oh great, what the hell do you want Li?" He reached me and took off his mask, so his voice wasn't muffled and i could see his face. "I just wanted to say sorry... I couldn't help it, your reactions are just so funny....and cute compared to everyone else's... But i'm really sorry!" Geez, this is weird. I'm used to him being more... not like this. 

"... Apology not accepted. you nearly killed me, y'know. It'll take more than a basic apology." Okay, so i do accept the apology, but i wanna see if he really means it. "What?! I am sorry, what will it take instead...? Well, this should convince you!" Nothing in the world could have prepared me for what he did next; he stepped closer to me, stood on his very tippy-toes, and kissed my cheek. *Ahem* SKLAHFNVLQQUGTV LQWEHANWEPOJIHNV PWOEKHYVB RHJB RWPOI HJCOPWQIHJGV PMOWHRMGV POHRW;TVGOKHWQEPO HJMV RW;OJHGVM PRWOHJV WMR;O'JHV R;WEJNV ;RWLJHMV POERJB [PJ M[3P5J[O24 IHJV what the actual hell just happened?!!??!??!??!?!?!?!?! 

".............................................." "I'm gonna take that as apology accepted." He grinned. Little fucker... did he.... omg... DID HE PLAN THIS?!?! I'M GONNA-- "Well, see you later Y/n. Next time I won't prank you as bad. Later Y/n."  He winked at me and put his mask on, and then ran back to the team and the coach.

I raised my hand to where he kissed my cheek. Instead of thinking something cute or romantic though, my only thoughts were 'I'm surprised he was tall enough to reach me to be honest.' Despite my thoughts, i grinned to myself. He may have nearly made me fall off the roof... but i already fell for him long ago. 'Fuckin adorable green haired midget.'


Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee that took two hours i hope i ahve done Li Hao fans proud, probably haven't but oh well i tried. Not really romantic but c'mon, he's not really a character i can write romance on. Oh and petition for me to never write over 1000 words again T^T me poor lil hands.... Anyway yeah it's his official birthday today so i made a thing for him. No fanart though too lazy lmao. That's all for now, love you all. Bye!

-Author-Chan <3

[Tiny bean and Smol bean at the top tho amiright ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ]

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