Suzuno Fuusuke X Reader | Melting His Icy Heart

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[So I'm writing this on a kindle fire so please don't blame me if it turns out awful my phone's dead. This was requested by ChxrrieBlossoms. And for this one you're a manager of Aliea Gakuen. And I'm not using alien names because it's less complicated that way.]

I woke up thinking it would be a usual day as a manager of Aliea Gakuen. Or not. I've got a fever. Yeah, no, I'm not getting up today. My head really kills. "Nngg." I groaned. Its been at least ten minutes since I've supposed to have been up and working.

"Y/n! Y/n! Why aren't you up yet?!" I heard Suzuno yelling from outside. I want to get up, but I just can't. It's proving to be too difficult. The door swung open, and an angry Suzuno was standing there. His stern look softened, however, when he saw my ill State. "My god, what happened to you Y/n? You look awful."

3rd person POV

It was no secret that Suzuno had a soft spot for the [Hair colour] haired girl, and a rather large one at that. He was brought back to reality by her coughs. "I don't feel so good. I think I have a fever. I'm alright though, I can still manage today."

She painfully sat up, and tried to get out of bed, but he stopped her. "Stop! You're going to cause yourself more harm, and then you'll be of no use to us, won't you? Here, let me help." he sat down beside her and placed a cool hand atop her forehead. Y/n seemed to relax a little at the cool temperature, so he snaked his other arm around her, and pulled her into his chest. Suzuno hated warmth, so it was no surprise that he was stone cold. This, to Y/n, was good.

He rubbed her back a bit and muttered "feel any better?". He got back a quiet hum in reply, which he knew was a good sign. The moment was perfect, Y/n was no longer in pain, Suzuno was cuddled up to the girl he loved, and everything was calm. Until the door opened and there was Nagumo. Standing with Hiroto.  Uh oh.

"What in Aliea is going on here?!" demanded Nagumo. Hiroto looked shocked, but made no effort to speak. Suzuno instantly pulled away from the girl to glare at Nagumo. "If you must know, I was cooling her down. She has a fever, and I have a cold body. I thought it would help, which it evidently did. Why, what did you think was happening?" he sneered.

"I...uh.." Nagumo struggled for a reply. Suzuno was just about to mock him even further, when he heard Y/n start to groan. Oh right, he'd just taken her source of cold away from her. He automatically wrapped his arms around her again. "Ahem, Suzuno, I believe your team is waiting for you." Hiroto said through gritted teeth. "Well, if I'm with them, who'll look after Y/n?" "Midorikawa can, he's a good medic. Now, if you'll remove your arms from her waist, and get to practice." Hiroto commanded. "No. I'm not moving. She needs utmost care and attention. Face it, she's better off with me here, Hiroto."

Hiroto sighed. "Fine, you stay and look after her. But Father will hear if this!" And with that, he walked out. Nagumo followed suit, but stopped in the doorway. "Oh, and yes we do know about your massive crush on Y/n. See you Suzuno." And then he too has walked out.

Suzuno rolled his eyes and looked down at Y/n, a tiny smile on his face. Only she could melt his icy heart.

And this is what the announcement was about! I'll admit, the chapter isn't the best, but I tried. I hope you liked it! I'm gonna add custom art n' stuff to the chapters probably after I publish them, as it takes at least an hour for one simple piece. But it will have custom art soon. I'm hoping to do it for all my chapters. That's all for now, love you all, bye!

-Author-chan ❤️

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