Suzuno Fuusuke X Reader | New Pet!

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[Okay so like I remember doing this chapter ages ago  and messing up a bunch of stuff like requests but hey its a cute chapter and i'm a sucker for stuff like this. Also imma make a second version of this chapter with a certain bunny-like girl... yeah also my new account is not gonna be created for a little bit so i'm just filling this empty wait time with random stuff like this so hope yall enjoy. :)]

Y/n giggled watching birds in their cages fluttering round. Her more serious friend, Suzuno, sighed in annoyance.

"Remind me again why we're here Y/n?" "You're here to help me choose a new pet dummy! Oooh isn't that bunny cute!" Suzuno rolled his grey-blue eyes as his best friend raced around the store, looking at all the cute pets, from lizards to fish to dogs to rabbits and mice and goodness knows what else.

"You should get something small, I'm sure your mum won't want a giant dog to care for. How about a rat?" Y/n looked at him in horror. "Suzuno! Why would you even say that?!?! I can't stand rats, you know that!" The white haired boy chuckled. "Yeah yeah, I forgot. So no rats... How about a rabbit?"


So, they decided that a rodent of some kind would be good. They'd now been to three pet stores, and Y/n still hadn't found anything that she really liked. Sure, there'd been some cute ones, but none she really clicked with. It's like with people, she thought, you have to like them to have a relationship of any kind.

"Well, this is it. Last one. I hope we find something here." Y/n nodded, and they walked inside.

"Y/n, look." Suzuno directed Y/n's attention towards one of the many enclosures.

In it was a tiny, white mouse, curled up on some bedding.

"Isn't he cute? Awww!" Y/n fawned over the tiny rodent, much to the amusement of Suzuno. "So, is this the one?" "Yeah! Wait here while I go find a member of staff!"

Suzuno grinned. Y/n's abundance of energy never failed to make him smile, a rare thing for most. And yeah, maybe there was some kind of attraction more than just friends there, but for now he was just fine being friends with her.

"Hey, I found someone!" Y/n once again stood beside the mouse, looking at its tiny features.

"Ah, I see you've chosen Suzu. Yes, this little one has been here for a while, he'll be happy to have a loving home." Y/n's eyes widened. "His name is Suzu? Pffft-- Hahaha! Suzuno, it seems this mouse is named after you!" Y/n giggled.

Suzuno turned a faint shade of pink, scowling. He brushed his hand through his snowy white hair in annoyance and rolled his eyes. "Oh shut up..."

"Oh, is this your boyfriend? Sorry miss, I didn't notice." The woman smiled apologetically. Y/n started giggling and Suzuno blushed even more furiously.

"We're not a couple, but don't worry, we get that a lot!" Y/n grinned. "Oh, sorry. Well, let's start the adoption process then, shall we?"


After completing the adoption process and purchasing any other required items, Y/n and Suzuno began walking to Y/n's home. Y/n had the box with the tiny creature in her arms, and Suzuno (as he was such a gentleman) was carrying the other stuff for her.

"I'm glad I found a pet in the end. What do you think, Suzuno? Do you think I made a good choice?" Suzuno didn't say anything, but nodded, a small smile on his lips. "I'm sure my mum will love him as much as I do! Oh, and this means you're coming over twice as much to play with him, and help me care for him, and just to see him! Promise?"

Suzuno shook his head in disbelief. He never really knew quite what he was getting himself in for, befriending her all those years ago, but he'd learned to put up with her endless energy and optimistic ways. "Sure." "Thanks Suzuno! You're the best!" She giggled.

Once again that all-too-familiar shade of pink adorned his face, and Suzuno had to turn his face away from Y/n so she wouldn't see. "Aaaw, Suzuno is blushing! Cute! Hurry up, I wanna get this guy safely home!" Y/n exclaimed, linking her arms with his.

"And if my mum asks if we're dating just say yes, it's easier that way." "Y-Y/n?! Huh?!"


WOOOOOOWWWWWWW MERI UPDATED FOR ONCE OMG SO RARE lmao this chapter sucked, I know, I'll probably rewrite it soon, but for now this is what it is. I hope someone enjoyed it. Imma go write something else now. Love you all, bye!

-Author-chan ❤️

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