Chapter Three: Anything

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I headed to the station right as the sun began to rise, to see Jaeger standing there put weight on my shoulders. Seeing him with that girl, reminded me of the night at the bar. Was Eren her friend? So many questions left unanswered. He looked at me and waved, "Good morning, Mr.Ackerman" he said in a chirpy tone. I growled, tired as always. We walked inside to see my office messed up, papers torn to shreds, my desk was split in half, it was a mess.

"What the fuck?!" I yelled, Eren looked around to see if we could find any evidence of who it might have been. "Levi, you might want to look at this..." he said in a low manner. I walked over to see a bloodied cloth, tied up with old rope. "Let's see what's inside..." he reached for the cloth until I pushed him away.

"Are you crazy?! Don't just open bloodied objects!" I exclaimed. Eren rolled his eyes and shoved me away. "Maybe its a clue, maybe it's Rogue?" He carefully opened it to find a tongue. Yes. A god damn tongue. "Oh god..." I groaned. Eren took a deep breath and looked for a box to put it in.

"From the looks of it, someone around here may have been gossiping...Rogue May have gotten ahold of someone last night, let's go check the city, he could've gotten far, plus it's still....warm." He said, obviously grossed out. "Agreed, let's go, I'll leave a note for Erwin." And off we went. Great, my office is destroyed by Rogue with a bloody tongue, can this day be over already?!

There was chaos, people screaming and shouting. They were surrounding someone, perhaps the owner of the tongue. "Police! Everyone back up and go home NOW!" Erwin shouted, officers soon began to get everyone away from a lifeless body.

"Thank god you two are here..." Erwin exclaimed, Hanji walked and sighed "Good morning you two, this man has been dead for at least 30 minutes, who would kill someone right in the open in the middle of the city?!" She said, grabbing the sides of her head in shock.

Eren stepped in front of Hanji and studied the body, "He wasn't killed out in the open, they dumped his body here to make it seem like he did..." he trailed off. "Why would they do that?" Hanji asked. He was right, there was no blood coming from the body, it was seemed as if it was sucked right out of him, which is probably why he was more pale.

"Do you think we were supposed to find his body first rather than us discovering the office being destroyed?" Eren asked. It was possible. "I believe so, hanji have his body be examined immediately while it's still fresh." I said. "Geez, now sympathy for the man?" I rolled my eyes as I grabbed Eren.

"We need to track down this man, but first, I need you to stake out any witnesses that may have seen someone involved in this." I said. "On it." And off he went. It was only a matter of time where it will be one of our officers. A few hours later, I returned to my office and looked at the damage done by this man. There's got to be some sort of evidence, hair, prints ...something.

I began to dig around to find any clues, but none were in sight. I growled in frustration, this has got to be one of the most complicated beings alive. I was too deep in my thoughts, I didn't hear Eren walk in with a defeated look. "Did you find anything?" I asked.

He sighed and began to help me clean. "I haven't, nobody was around during the time of incident, which is absurd, it was at the crack of dawn, the people are awake before that." He said. He looked over at me, "Well, that's what the people I've talked to have said, I just don't understand how a man this messy can't leave any tracks" he said.

He was right. This man has prayed upon the people, has caused damage in my office and left a body for all the world to see, as if he went ghost on us. "That boy who was in my office, he had told me he had information upon this man." I said. Eren studied me for a minute, "Rogue? How?" He asked, a bit concerned. "He told me to meet him at this address, also instructed me to go alone." I said. He stood up quickly, "That's odd..." He said.

" That's why I'm having you stake out the entire thing." I said. He cocked his head, and sighed. "If it means it will keep you safe, I'm in partner." He said, he pulled out his files and placed them on the table. "I actually forgot to mention, we received a tip from anon, about where this man May be, take a look, I'm heading towards town square, I need to question some people." He said. "Eren, I mean it, I'm going to need your help." I said, as much as it pained me to do so.

"And help is what you'll get, I'll be back at dawn." He said before leaving me to my own deep thoughts yet again. "This is only the beginning of his game, yet, we have not moved from our starting point..." I said, irritated. I managed to clean my office, from head to toe. Satisfied, Hanji came in and plopped herself upon my once clean desk. "Move shitty glasses." I spat. When I heard no wise crack, I looked over to see Hanji staring at the floor. Something was up with her.

"No wise crack?" I urged. She sighed and removed her gloves, ", How could he pull of such a stunt?" She asked, not facing me. "I'm not sure, Hanji" I said, looking over at the files. "I'd be called crazy if I said that this Rogue was not human." She said, laughing to herself weakly. I didn't say anything following that statement, because as stupid as it sounds, that's what it seems like. Not human.

"So, have you and Eren uncover anything?" She asked. I sighed and looked over at where we found that wretched cloth. "Other than a tongue, no" , She shot her gaze over to me and slammed her hands on the desk. "A tongue?!" She gasped. I pinched the bridge of my nose and sighed.

"Yes Hanji, a tongue." She stayed quiet for a moment. "Do you possibly have it? Maybe that'll help us figure out what tool was used or whatnot." She said, more serious. "I'll drop it off in your lab tomorrow morning, for joe, I just want to figure out what the motives of this ...being, is." I said truthfully. She nodded, "I hope we catch him." She said.

"Me too."

Later on that evening, the townspeople were scattering to their homes before curfew. Levi, continued to reminisce the night he and rogue crossed paths. He wondered if Rogue was even human. It sickened his stomach ache to even think that. Hanji, stayed in the lab to continue her work. She found unusual things about the body, only to make her suspicions grow. Eren, continued to wonder if Rogue would go as far to kill one of their officers. Did they know Rogue? Eren was quite certain that Rogue was watching their every move, and his worries were not that far from truth.

It was only then, that Rogue will make himself known.

6 hours earlier

Unknown POV

It was cold. Where was I? The floor made my body ache, the sounds of water drops that echoed into the darkness. I picked myself up from the floor, only to fall. I winced and didn't notice the footsteps from afar, slowly getting closer. "W-Who's there?" The footsteps only got closer, and closer ...and closer.

The only light in this place focused on me, I couldn't see which frightened me even more. I could hear my heart beating, pace getting faster by the second. Soon footsteps came into light, a man, tall and dark. His hat covered his eyes, his mouth held a crooked smile that haunted me.

"My, you're more beautiful up close, I can see why he has taken a liking to you." He said in a low, menacing tone that made me shiver. "How do you know me?!" I asked. His crooked smile only widened, "Oh my dearest, do you not know me? Offending, I must say." He said as his smile faltered. "I–I don't know..." I said in a hush tone.

He removed his hat, my eyes widened in horror. My heart stopped, I couldn't believe it. "It can't be—" , he rolled his eyes and stepped closer to me. "I'm full of surprises." He said, not moving his gaze.

"Why are you doing this? Is this some sick joke of yours?!" I screamed. He smirked and took another step. "Not at all my dear, I'm not sick if that's what you're wondering" He said with his crooked smile. "Stay back! If you know what's good for you!" I cried out. "Are you threatening me?" He said, his eyes darkened and his smirk faltered once more.

His hands dropped to his side, tilting his head to the side. "I–" I soon backed up to another pair of legs, who soon forced me to stand and forcefully made me stand still. They put their hands upon my mouth. Fear took over my body, I couldn't move even if I wanted to. Soon, more shadow figures stood all around us.

His eyes had a glow to them, I couldn't look away. "I really liked you, I wasn't going to hurt you, I just wanted to talk." He said, his face not showing any sort of emotion. My eyes swelled with hot tears, why was this happening to me? "If only you hadn't threaten me, your safety would have been my top priority." He said, taking his cloak off, showing his ragged shirt and slacks.

"But, one thing you should know about me, if you hadn't figured it out already, I don't appreciate the weak threatening me." He said. "The man who was stupid enough to threaten me in my presence, made quite the debut in your city, it's the tongue that makes us wise, that makes us stupid." He said, walking over to a figure who held a box.

"Now, tell me why you think threatening me when you're powerless in my presence was a smart idea? Hm?" He asked, he snapped his fingers and the hand soon removed itself from my mouth. I gasped for air and cried. "I'm sorry..." I weeped. His face, showed pure disgust. "We're sorry for lots of things nowadays. You're only sorry, because your life rests in my hands." He spat.

I lowered my head. The light beamed off of the object he held. His footsteps got closer, and stopped in front of me. "I–I'll help you!!" I cried. He grabbed a fistful of my hair and forced me to look at him. His knife dragging downward of my cheek. "P–Please...I beg of you" I begged.

He grabbed my face and pulled me closer, "You do as I say, I will kill you without second thought if you even think about deceiving me." He spat.


"Good. Now, I want you to be the pretty being you're seen as and get me that investigator, Raven, you know what to do."

And before I could ask what he meant, A beautiful girl stood in front of me and placed her hand on my head, blacking out immediately after.

"Now, I have a date to catch."

This was a short chapter, but I had wanted to update this as soon as possible.

But what does Rogue want with Levi? And who was he threatening? Keep reading to find out!

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