Chapter two: Followers

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It was dark. The streets were empty, it was almost too quiet for my liking. I had my hands in my pockets, holding my dagger tightly in my hand. The streets were dangerous at night, for a man and a woman. The only sounds that could be heard were the clicks of my shoes. But I wasn't alone.

No, I was definitely being followed. I stopped dead in my tracks, hearing the footsteps following me stop as well. The steps were too heavy for them to be a woman's, the drops of water falling into nearby puddles made the atmosphere more heavy.

  I kept walking, keeping tabs of the heavy footsteps. They continued as well, so that's what we're going to do, huh? I turned into a nearby alleyway and hid. I peeked slightly to see a tall silhouette standing at the entrance of the alleyway.

Hands in their pockets, head tilted slightly, their hat hiding their eyes. They soon started walking, slowly making my adrenaline go wild. I hid behind a wall that had a stairway connected to it. Pressing my back against it as I heard them walk closer.

  I soon see their shadow appear beside me, the moonlight making it thick. They just stood there, I held my breath and grabbed my gun. Ready for whatever they were planning to do. They knew I was here. They just stood there.

Fuck this, I soon jumped out and pointed my gun at the stranger. The stranger did not move. They weren't affected by the barrel in their face. "Who are you, and why are you following me." I spat, but they didn't utter a word. "Do not make me repeat myself." I said, venom dripping from my tongue.

  Again, no answer. "That's it..." I growled, before I could pin him to the floor, he grabbed my shoulder and knees my in the stomach. Gasping for air, he grabbed me by the throat and slammed me into the ground. Earning a grunt he pinned my hands with his left hand and pinned the knife again my throat, drawing beads of blood. Soon I caught his eyes, his eyes were golden.

They were gleaming with satisfaction. He was enjoying this, nobody takes control of me. I kicked him off of me and lunged at him, desperate, I tried to land a punch on him, but he dodged every single kick and throw.

  He soon swept his foot under me, causing me to fall onto my back. I hissed as my head made contact with it, he hovered over me, getting a look of his crooked smile. This was the man who was responsible for the death around here. A deep chuckled escaped his lips, echoing in my head afterwards.

  He stood up and began to walk off, I lifted my head and I wish I hadn't, he soon threw a dagger, which grazed upon my cheek. I soon got up and ran after him, but as I turned the corner he was gone. I growled and felt blood trickle down my cheek.

I walked over to where I was laying and saw that the dagger was sharp enough to pierce itself into the hard concrete ground. I sighed and pulled it out, wrapped it in a cloth, putting it inside the pocket of my coat.

The walk home, I knew his eyes were watching my from afar.

Morning came, instead of the rays of the sun blinding me, It was storming. I did my usual routine, slowly because of my injuries. I couldn't get his eyes out of my head, I have never seen any eyes like that. I sighed and grabbed my things, prepared for questions from Smith and Jaeger.

I entered the department, avoiding the curious and shocked eyes that followed. I opened the door to my office and already saw Jaeger there working on the case. His eyes met mine and widened with shock. "What happened to you?!" He asked, I growled and sat down. "Nothing." I spat. He crossed his arms, studying my face. He sighed, "no need, I already know." He says confidently.

I rose a brow at him, "know what exactly?" I asked, pressing him to continue. "You were jumped by Rogue." He says, looking me in the eyes. Soon I had a flashback of the glowing golden orbs, same structure but...what am I saying. "Rogue?" I asked. He sighs and pulls out newspapers and old documents.

"Rogue is a serial killer. . .his techniques are recognized by strangulation, body mutilation, Beating a corpse beyond recognition, but his recent victims were women who had ties with certain crime civilizations."

He took out old photos of those who fell victim to him. "Rogue is a dangerous man, his victims are mostly men but that was just until recently, there have been very few cases of women who have been attacked by this man." He said with a sigh. "What does this have to do with me? He kills his victims yet here I stand." I said. He leaned back into his chair, lacing his fingers together.

"His "survivors" didn't make it far, turns out those who had escaped an attack from Rogue were found dead with their hearts ripped out their chests, their tongues cut or their throats slit"

"So he's coming after me." I said. Eren didn't answer, "I would love to see him try" I said, Eren chuckled and placed his papers back into his case. "Oh but he already did." He said. Before I could ask him what he meant, Hanji bursted into my office. "Levi! Erwin needs to speak with you!" She exclaimed. I sighed in annoyance and walked to see what the chief needed.

Eren's point of view:

  I watched Levi walk out of the office with annoyance, leaving me and Hanji alone. I studied her features, she was smart, no doubt about that. She may look like a dimwit but she is clever. "So Eren, tell me more about yourself?" She asks. I hummed and made myself more comfortable. "There's only so much I could tell, Ms.Zoe" I said with a small smile. "Oh mysterious~" She said with a swoon.

"Some things are better left unsaid, Ms.Zoe, in fact — let me hear more about yourself, you're certainly quite the woman." I said, smirking. She giggled as she took a seat. "What would you like to know?" She asked. I thought about it, until it popped up, "what's your biggest fear" I said, her eyebrows rose, not expecting a question like that. "I fear nothing,
Which gets me into trouble~" She said with slight laughter.

  I studied her face, knowing she was lying to me. That's the thing, I hated liars. "Well you're a scientist aren't you?" I asked, her eyes widened, "how did—" I sighed and pointed to her white cloak. She laughed in embarrassment. "Oh yeah...I've been experimenting a lot with chemicals and I'm a bit out of it today. . .my apologies" She said. "No need, back to the subject, everyone has a fear. . .Spiders, the dark, open water....commitment" I said, taking a sip of my tea that I brewed earlier. Her eyes shifted away from mine.


Back to Levi:

  I walked into Erwin's office, seeing what he needed. "Yes, Erwin?" I asked. "Levi, do please take a seat. I sat in front of him as he brushed his hair back. "Levi we have some trouble..." he said reluctantly. I rose a row at the statement, "what do you mean trouble." I urged. "Rogue is back. He left you a message." Erwin said cautiously. "A message? That bastard..." I spat.

Erwin handed me a bloodied note, I opened it to read "I'm always watching."

"Levi, we need to push the case back for now and focus on the safety of our citizens, I would like you and Jaeger to track this monster now." He said sternly.

"I'm on it." With that, I walked out of his office and walked down to where my own awaited for me. Before I could open the door Hanji left in a hurry, "Shitty glasses?" I looked at Jaeger, who had his eyes wide open "Is she okay?" He asked. I furrowed my brows a bit, Hanji has never acted like that especially when I call out to her. "I'm not sure, that's the first I've ever seen her react like that..." I said. Eren didn't utter another word until we discussed the plans to protect our people.

"So we have to create a mandatory curfew, who knows what this man is up to." I said, annoyed. Eren shifted a bit and sighed, "Out of all times, he decided to do it during the Leonhardt Fiasco. . ." He said, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Maybe to catch us off guard perhaps?" Eren's eyes met mine with curiosity, "How so?" He asks. "Well maybe he had knowledge upon the scandal, maybe to drive us away from it for some reason.....last night I feel like I've met him some where..." I said truthfully. "But how would that even be possible?" He asked.

"I don't know, but his eyes, his eyes is what caught me off guard, they were sounds funny but I'm not head investigator for nothing." I said. Eren hummed, "Well I believe you, Mr.Ackerman, but if we're gonna work together to catch this monster, we have to trust each other" he said confidently.

I looked at him, "How can I trust you?" I asked. He smiled and leaned back into his chair, "I haven't given you a reason not to." He said. He was right but I was not going to give in so easily.

"Alright Jaeger, But you're going to have to earn my trust, I just don't trust easily, you have to work for it." I said, holding my hand out to him. "Don't worry, you won't regret it." And we shook hands upon it. "Now, let's head down to town hall and let people know about this." Eren agreed and off we went.

Eren and I walked to city hall, Eren admiring the city along the way. We called up the meeting and to my surprise everyone came. Eren stood beside me beside the podium, looking strong and confident. What an airhead.

"Ladies and Gentleman, thank you all for coming. Today we are going to discuss the curfew that will be in affect as of tonight." I said, there was gasps and angered comments.

"Now, there is a reason. There is a dangerous man out in the streets of our city, he only attacks those wondering alone at night, Men and Women, For the safety of our people please be inside of your homes by 8:00pm, no later." I said sternly.

"Me and my partner, Eren Jaeger, are going to try to catch this man before anyone falls into his hands. Anyone who is seen walking the street past curfew will be arrested and jailed for the night, everyone be careful and this shall be the end of our meeting." I said stepping off the podium.

"You can't do this!" A man shouted. "Holding us hostage?!" Another screamed. Eren stepped up and held up his hands.

"Your safety is our priority, whether or not the people like our wishes, those who will go against the demands of the station will serve the consequences. Behind Bars or death in the hands of this man, the choice is yours, I hope you all are smart enough to follow this wish." He said, the room fell silent.

"We are doing this to protect you and yours, rebellious acts will bite you back, be wise, thank you." He stepped off the podium leaving the room worried. "Never knew you had it in you." I said truthfully.

He smirked as he grabbed his coat, "I can do many things, but it takes the right person to have me act upon it." He said, walking away from me. "I'm curious now." I said, a bit annoyed. "Curiosity killed the cat, Mr.Ackerman, even the good have their secrets." He said with a wink.

I rolled my eyes and walked behind the kid. "You're right, after all I know you're hiding something." I said, in a teasing manner. "Oh yeah, want to take a guess?" He said, stopping dead in his tracks.

"You're into kinky acts." I said, not serious whatsoever. "I guess you could say that." He said, looking over his shoulder. I'm not sure why, but I could not comment on his statement. "Mr.Ackerman, some people get hurt for trying to pry one's secrets." He said in a warning tone. "So you're hiding something." He didn't say anything, just looked away and threw on his coat.

"Let's head back to the station, Erwin wanted some reports upon Reiss." Reiss? As in Rod Reiss, who pulled off the biggest heist of our decade? "Why didn't he mention that case to me?"

Eren hummed and shrugged his shoulders, "beats me, Let's go now." He said tugging my jacket, I furrowed my brows. "Tch." This conversation was not over, he was definitely hiding something and me being stubborn I'm going to find out what that is exactly.

Eren went straight into Erwin's office, as for me, I went into Hanji's department. "Oh don't do this now!" Hanji exclaimed. I heard Petra sigh in defeat, "but how would he know about that?" I hid behind the wall, Hanji's department was downstairs in secluded room. It was blocked off for special reasons. She's a scientist/doctor.

"I don't know, it's like he could read anyone, I never mixed work with my personal life but he hit the nail." She said a tad annoyed. "I don't know if Levi feels it but something is up, I feel it." She said, confidently. "Hanji it was just hunch, he probably saw your body language around Erwin, he is very intelligent for his age Hanji, this kid cracked his first case at the age of 12! It's a gift, it's something that makes him very important, we shouldn't scare him off because he guess your fear." Petra said. Hanji has a fear?what does Erwin know about this?

"I know but, he seems a bit TOO smart you know? I don't know maybe it's my anxiety kicking in, I'm overreacting for sure..." she said, "But I have no idea how he just....I'm over it." She said waving her hands. "Well, I do think you made the right choice by doing what your heart told you to do, don't force yourself into something you'd regret, I have to go, I have a lunch meeting with Oluo, take care, Hanji."

I hid so Petra couldn't see me, I waited for a bit to walk into her department. "Shitty glasses." I greeted, her eyes shot up to my own and smiled. "Hello, shorty, what can I do for you?" She asked, I told her to take a seat and told her about todays events. It was then that Hanji was convinced that Eren was a spy, which was ridiculous. A spy of Grisha and Carla Jaeger? Please.

"I mean think about it Levi, why does he guess correctly all the time? How does he know so much?!" She exclaimed, I pinched the bridge of my nose and sighed. "I understand Hanji but what reason does he have to spy on us?" I asked. She thought about it, soon sighing in defeat. "Levi, I'm going to be honest here, something is off about, Eren." She said.

"Maybe, But don't we all have demons?" I said, "I suppose you're right." She said, leaning back in her chair. "How does he do it? He is like a mind reader, it's horrifying." She said with a shiver. "He has a gift for sure, body language plays a big part as well as emotions to those around you." I said. She nods in agreement. "You're right, maybe I'm looking to deep into it?" She says. "Right, so let's lay low about these thoughts, no need to stir up anything."

I would be lying if I said I didn't want to tell her about my incident with Rogue, I wanted to spill every single detail but she would be quick to pin it on Eren. Rogue thought ahead, knew every single one of my moves and defenses. Who was Rogue? Was Rogue even human? The question rang in my head repeatedly, his eyes are what haunt me. A glow not human like.

Eren and I will begin our investigation tomorrow to investigate the victims locations who fell into his hands. Maybe I could get a secret or two out of Jaeger. Who knows what tomorrow would bring. But who am I to ask?

"You're right, but be careful..." she said with worrisome.

"I haven't died yet, I must be be doing something right." Was all I said leaving her department to meet up with Jaeger. As I was walking, Petra came to me and smiled "Before I take my leave for lunch, you have a visitor." I furrowed my brows and peeled into my office from across the hall to see a blonde coconut. "I see, thank you Petra."

I studied the kid before entering. "Tch." , he turned around and I met his ocean orbs. "Hello, Mr.Ackerman." He greeted. I sat across from him and sighed, "What can I do for you?" I asked. He looked at me for a second before speaking. "I'm here about Rogue." He said. "What about Rogue?" I asked. "I have some information that'll help you capture him." He said discreetly. "Well, What are you waiting for?" I said.

"Not here, you have leeches in this building, meet me here at this address, come alone." He said getting up, "I wouldn't be late either, thank you for your time." He said, soon Eren walked in, "Scuse me." Armin mumbled and walked around Jaeger. Hm. "Well, I have to leave early Levi, I hope we can start this investigation at dawn?" He asked.

"Yes, But May I ask why you're leaving?" I asked.

"I have some business to take care of, I wish you well with a better walk home tonight." He said with a genuine smile. I waved him off, and off he went. I looked out my window to see Jaeger talking to the raven girl, her eyes shifted to mine, before I could read her expression Jaeger took his two fingers beside her chin to look at him. As if to stop me from seeing her expression. Her eyes widened for a second, as they walked off.

Hanji was right.

He was up to something.

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