Origin Four #1

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Jazmine: I want to show you a picture from last night that really concerned me.

Rain: Okay, but in my defence, Zia and Venus bet me ten bucks I couldn't drink all the shampoo.

Jazmine: That's not what I was- you drank shampoo?


Rain: No...


Jazmine: They shot down my ideas...

Zia: You want me to take 'em out? Maybe kill their families?

Jazmine: What?! No!

Zia: *laughing* Just kidding, man! You looked all "Oh no, Zia's a maniac!" Haha! That was great!

Jazmine: Hey, don't joke about that, alright? Sometimes I wonder what you do at night.

Zia: Oh, it's pretty nuts. The less you know, the better...

*The Previous Night*

Zia: *watching TV as she shoves marshmallows in her mouth* 468, 469-


Venus: *holding a cauliflower in front of Jazmine's face* What is this?

Zia: ...A cauliflower?

Venus, to Rain: Now tell her what you think it is.

Rain: *arms folded* Ghost broccoli.


Zia: Hey Jazmine, could you carry this box for me? It's super heavy.

Jazmine: *picking up the box effortlessly* Nothing is heavier than the burden that I carry.

Zia: I am equally impressed and concerned.


Rain: *after hearing everything Jazmine went through* How are you even still alive?

Jazmine: I have narrowed it down to three possibilities.

Jazmine: I'm cursed, Fate's not done with me yet, or my determination to see my brother again is so strong it's keeping me alive


Venus: *cutting onions* Dammit, why can't we genetically modify these onions so I don't cry?!

Rain: Yeah, why can't I genetically modify myself so I don't cry?

Venus: A-are you okay?

Rain: *tearing up* No


Zia: Why don't you ever go drinking with me anymore?

Venus: Because the last time we did the night ended with a bar fight, Rain tied to a chair, and you sobbing naked in a corner.


Venus: Be careful with the onions, they can make you cry.

Zia: Not if I make them cry first!

Zia: *stabs the onion*


Jazmine: *talking to the origin* When I first met you guys, I thought you were weird and annoying.

Zia: ...And?

Jazmine: And you are.

Jazmine: Yet I would risk my life to protect all of you.


Zia: Big foot, but fully shaved.

Rain: Mr. Clean

Jazmine: You two are the reason why I have to sleep with one eye open.

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