Origin Four #2

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Zia: Are slaves really slaves if they don't know they're slaves?

Jazmine: Yes

Zia: Shame, I was hoping we could have some sort of philosophical debate.


Rain: *gets down on one knee*

Venus: It's finally happening!

Rain: *ties shoelaces*

Venus: *tearing up* He finally stopped wearing crocs!


Venus: Why the fuck is there grape soda in the milk carton?

Zia, who accidentally dropped the milk, panicked, and refilled it with the first thing she saw: *sweating* It came from a purple cow


Rain: Here's a fun Christmas idea. We'll hang a mistletoe, but instead of kissing, you have to FIGHT whoever else is under it.

Venus: We are not doing that.

Zia: Mistlefoe

Venus: NO!


Origin Four: *loses Jazmine in crowd*

Zia: Don't worry I got this

Zia: *shouts* Jazmine's brother is pathetic!

*mini explosion in crowd*

Jazmine, in the distance: Come forward and I'll show you how pathetic YOU are! *at 50% of her power*

Zia: There she is


Zia: I think I may have overdone it

Venus: Ya think?


Zia: This is not a drill! I repeat, this is not a drill!

Zia: *holds up screwdriver labelled "drill"* This is a screwdriver! Who labelled this "drill"?!


Rain: You can say "Have a nice day" and that's considered polite.

Rain: But you can't say "Enjoy the next twenty-four hours" without sounding extremely threatening.

Venus: Why are you in my room-


Zia: I'll have an army at my beck and call

Rain: Do you need an army?

Zia: Would you turn down an army?

Rain: We need one guy

Zia: I would take an army over anything

Rain: I don't think I would be good at armies

Zia: I think I would be great at armies

Venus: Rain, I think you'd be killer at armies

Jazmine: I think anyone who says "I am good at armies" wouldn't be good at armies

Venus: Shush, Rain is best at armies!


Jazmine: Zia, did you do something stupid?

Zia: I think we both know the answer to that.


Zia: You look depressed

Venus: Thanks it's the depression


Venus: You know what I hate doing most after a party?

Rain: Trying to find your underwear in the big pile?


Rain: Is anyone else scared?

Jazmine: Not really. I've already lived longer than I expected.


Jazmine: Whoever is making cheese commercials can save their money.

Jazmine: We're buying cheese and we're never going to stop buying cheese.


Zia: I have a solution

Venus: Thank goodness

Zia: It involves fire

Venus: Absolutely not


Venus: Please stop making new flavours of Coca-Cola. Either put the cocaine back or leave it alone.


Zia: How would you feel if I interfered in YOUR personal life?

Rain: I'd hate it. That's why I, cleverly, have no personal life.


Jazmine: Why are you guys up at 3 am?

Rain: We drank six cups of coffee

Jazmine: Why would you do that?

Zia: Today was done with us but we weren't done with today.

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