Origin Four #3

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Rain: I feel bad for Australians

Zia: Why?

Rain: They have to grow up walking on their hands


Zia: No-

Venus: Let him finish


Zia: Chillax

Venus: That's not a word

Zia: Sometimes those who deny the chillax are the ones who need it most.


*ominous crash from outside*

Jazmine: Alright, which one of us is gonna check outside?

Zia: Not it!

Rain: Not it!

Jazmine: ...Neither one of you are as dumb as you lead onto be


Venus: What is the one thing I told you not to do?

Zia: Burn down the house

Venus: And what did you do?

Zia: I made dinner




Zia: And burned the house down


Zia: What do you think butterflies taste like?

Jazmine: They taste bad


Zia: How-?

Jazmine: I answered your question, that's all you get


Venus: We're so in sync that we finish each other's

Zia: Sentences

Venus: Please don't interrupt me


Rain: You're giving me a sticker?

Venus: Not just a sticker. That is a sticker of a kitty saying "me-wow"

Rain: I'm not a preschooler

Venus: Fine, I'll take it back

Rain: I earned this, back off!


Zia: With all this money, I'll be getting what we've always wanted!

Venus: A bar

Zia: *smack*

Rain: A strip club

Zia: *smack*

Jazmine: Uh- an actual headquarters?

Zia: *smack*

Zia: Oh, sorry. Yeah, we're gonna get an actual headquarters


Venus: You bought a taco?

Jazmine: Uh-huh *takes another bite of the taco*

Zia: From the truck that hit Rain?

Jazmine: Well, me starving isn't gonna help him


Rain: Are these human eyes?

Zia: Put those back!

Rain: They were in the microwave

Zia: It's an experiment


Rain: Just curious, is there a reason your dagger is still pointed at me?

Jazmine: Well, there's probably still some part of me that wants to stab you.


Rain: I get that.


Zia: Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me-

Jazmine: *throws a book at Zia* How's that for words not hurting you!


Zia: Hey Venus, would you like some booze?

Venus: No thank you


Zia: *tackles Venus* IMPOSTER!


Venus: Love is in the air!

Rain: *knocking over almost everything* ZIA WHERE'S THE FEBREEZE????

Zia: *runs in with a bag of full Febreeze*

Jazmine: *is already spraying 4 cans at once*

Rain: *covers mouth and nose with shirt and grabs a can out of Zia's bag*

Venus: . . .

Venus: Why are you guys like this?


Rain: You read my journal?!

Zia: To be fair, I did not know it was your journal

Zia: I thought it was a very sad handwritten book


Zia: Can Rain and I go out for ice cream?

Venus: Did you ask Jazmine?

Rain: She said no

Venus: Then why did you ask me?

Zia: She's not the boss of you

Venus (internally): It's a trap it's a trap it's a trap


Rain: Why aren't there friend pick up lines?

Rain: Like, pick-up lines to makes friends

Rain: Like "Hey, that's a cute dress, you know who it'd look better on? Nobody else, because you're a beautiful individual!"

Zia: "Be my friend or I'll set you entire family on fire."


Jazmine: Two types of people


Zia: Thank you for coming, Venus. I could really use your help with this.

Venus: Pass

Zia: You came all the way just to pass on helping me?

Venus: Yeah, I wanted to see your face when I said no


Venus: Totally worth it

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