Origin Four #5

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Zia: Don't do anything stupid till I get back

Venus: How can I? You're taking all the stupid with you


Rain: I can't drink any more of this beer

Venus: *absolutely drunk* There are sober children in Africa, finish it!


Rain: How do people stay in the house all day?

Jazmine: All my stuff is there and I don't like people


Rain: A mosquito tried to bite me and I slapped and killed it

Rain: And I started thinking

Rain: Like it was just trying to get food

Rain: What if I went to the fridge and it just slammed the door shut and snapped my neck

Venus: Are you okay?


Rain: How do we usually get out of these messes?

Venus:  We don't

Zia: We make a bigger mess that cancels out the first one


Jazmine: I made ice tea

Venus: I don't want ice tea

Jazmine: I didn't make you tea. This is my tea

Venus: Then why did you tell me?

Jazmine: Its a conversation starter

Venus: Its a horrible conversation starter

Jazmine: Oh, is it? We're conversing! Checkmate!


Person: Violence isn't the answer

Origin Four: You're right

Origin Four: Violence is a question

Origin Four: And the answer is yes

Person: nO-



Jazmine: What's he talking about?

Zia: Don't worry about it



Venus: You know, Zia, I can't tell if you're a genius or incredibly arrogant

Zia: Well, on a good day, I'm both


Zia: Do you have any idea how many laws you are breaking on a daily basis?

Jazmine: One?

Zia: No

Jazmine: Two

Zia: No

Jazmine: Is it one?


Zia: Come on, have I ever given you reason not to trust me?

Jazmine: Do you want me to list them alphabetically or chronologically?


Venus: I hate when people say "You don't need alcohol to have fun." Well, you don't need running shoes to run but it fucking helps don't it!

Rain: Venus! Put the wine back!

Venus: NO! I'm about to be a fucking delight!


Jazmine: I scare people lots because I walk very softly and they don't hear me enter rooms so when they turn around I'm just kind of there and their fear fuels me

Venus: How did you get in my room?!?!

Jazmine: Exactly!


Rain: Change is inedible

Zia: Don't you mean inevitable

Rain: *spits out a bunch of pennies* Clearly I didn't


Zia: If we cut off our leg, would it hurt?

Venus: Of course it would hurt!

Zia: But where would we feel the pain?

Venus: In our leg- Wait

Zia: But the leg is gone!

Jazmine: You're both idiots


Rain: I have a plan

Jazmine: You have a plan?

Rain: I have part of a plan...

Jazmine: What percentage?

Rain: I don't know, 12 percent

Venus: 12 percent?!

Zia: Better than 11 percent

Venus: So what if it's better than 11 percent?! Whaat does that have to do with anything?!


Venus: I thought I told you to get gas!

Rain: We're broke, remember? What was I supposed to do- fill the tank, stab the guy, and drive off?

Venus: Mhm

Rain: . . . Now you tell me!


Zia: Look at us! Bickering like children, looking around the room for things to hit each other with!

Rain: I don't think we were doing that

Venus: Chair, lamp, plant, table leg, Rain's leg

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