MHA #4

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Endeavor: I didn't raise you this way!

Dabi: You didn't raise us at all


Iida: Morally, you cannot do that

Bakugou: Morally, I didn't ask you


Twice: I have a plan

Shigaraki: For the last time, killing everyone and then ourselves is NOT a plan!


Flight Attendant: Please make sure all small objects are secured

Kaminari: *to Siku* Do you feel safe, cuz?

Siku: I will murder you


Shigaraki: Aw boo hoo did someone get their feelings hurt?

Toga: Shigaraki, you just broke his ribcage

Shigaraki: He'll walk it off


Iida: *shows excellent poker skills*

Kaminari: Damn Iida. Are you secretly cool?

Iida: Well, poker is just math, so I guess it depends on if you consider the mathematician Carl Friedrich cool

Kaminari: I do not


Bakugou: If you have something to say, now is the perfect time to keep it to yourself


Mina: Aww, you're so cute when you're angry

Siku: Then prepare yourself, because I'm about to get really fucking adorable


Bakugou: How did you find me?

Aizawa: Oh, I saw a huge explosion and thought now who could that be?


Midorya: I need some advice

Jazmine: The fact that you came to me with your problems shows that you need a lot more than that


Inasa: I have a plan

Shoto: We can't kill anyone

Inasa: I no longer have a plan


Twice: When you've lived a life like mine, you get thick skin

Dabi: This outfit doesn't suit you



Kirishima: Have a good day

Bakugou: Don't fucking tell me what to do


Mirio: You're looking a little unsteady there

Siku, drunk: Says the guy with three heads


Jazmine: How long are we gonna stand here and let him do that?

Kirishima: Just give him a minute

Kaminari: *pushing on a door that obviously says pull*


Siku: I'm small, but knowing

Kaminari: You don't even know what the top shelf looks like

Siku: ...Bitch


Kaminari: Butter is just food lotion

Shinsou: There's something wrong with you


Koda: What would you say if I came home one day with 6 kittens?

Jiro: What's in the box?

Koda: ...

Jiro: Koda, what's in the box?

Koda: I think you know


Kaminari: I lost Siku

Mina: How did you lose Siku?!

Kaminari: Oh, give me a break. He's like two inches tall


Uraraka: How do I ask a guy out?

Jiro: Simple. You open the door and say, "GET OUT!"


Koda: I'm not a war guy

Jazmine: No one is until the war


Kaminari: I think we should spend some more time together

Momo: We spend a lot of time together

Kaminari: I mean time not studying


Aoyama: Could you guys please recommend books that made you cry?

Mina: New general mathematics


Aizawa: I told you never to show your face here again

Ms. Joke: That's why I have this handy dandy mask


Mic: It's a pleasure to teach these kids

Mic: They'll either keep us young or kill us


Bakugou: It's time for plan B

Kirishima: *whispers* What's plan B?

Mina: *whispers* I only listen for my name


Uraraka: I just had a great idea

Toga: Put your hands up and surrender?

Uraraka: No, I'm gonna stab you with your own knife


Toshirori: How do you convince your best pupil not to save your life?

Gran Torino:  You're the teacher, you'll find a way


Twice: *facing a pro hero* You're in big trouble pal. I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast

Toga: *snicker* You eat pieces of shit for breakfast?

Twice: *panicked* No!


Kaminari: Screw you Monoma

Monoma: Screw you? That's really good! Are you taking argument classes? Cuz that's still some beginner shit. Maybe move up to go fuck yourself

Siku: Kinky


Twice: Why do you have a knife sticking out of your hand?

Toga: Fashion statement


Uraraka: You're irrationally angry 365 days a year

Bakugou: That's just your personal opinion, I don't have anger issues. Do you guys think I have anger issues?

Kirishima: I wouldn't really call it an issue-

Sero: Yeah, an issue is something you can fix

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