Grounded (Moxiety)

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Virgil took a deep breath. Here we go. It was worth a shot, right?

"So, about me being grounded..."

Patton let out a long sigh, and rubbed the bridge of his nose underneath his glasses. "I'm sorry, kiddo, but this is non-negotiable."

"But Dad--!"

"I'm not changing my mind." Patton said, with that tone of finality that he used to say: this conversation is over.

But it wasn't over. Not if Virgil had anything to say about it.

"Please?" Virgil pleaded. "Come on, you don't understand, I said that I'd meet some friends later!"

Patton returned to his knitting, and didn't look up.

"Please, just for tonight?"

"No." Patton said, as he started a new row.

"It's just one night!"

"Virgil, I said no."

Virgil was silent for a moment, almost deciding if he should give up. It didn't really seem like Patton was going to budge on this one. Unfortunately. 

One final attempt: "Look, it's--"

Patton dropped a stitch, and huffed a little in annoyance. He set down his knitting, and looked Virgil dead in the eye. His eyes were soft, but firm. "Kiddo, for the last time, I'm not grounding you when you haven't done anything wrong, just because you want to get out of social obligations."

"But Daaaad!"

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