Chapter 7

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Later that night, Bob laid in bed, unable to sleep. Helping Dash do his homework kept his mind occupied. He looks at a clock and saw the time was 2am. Eventually he decided to get out of bed and go downstairs. He turns on the light, pours a cup of coffee, and begins to study the math books Dash had. At sunrise, Bob wakes up Dash.

Bob: "Come on, bud. Come on. I think understand your math assignment. We still have some time to finish it before you test."

They both were at the table, with Bob explaining each problem to Dash. It didn't take long before Dash was ready.

Bob: "You got it? Yeah baby."

They clank cups. Dash drinks his orange juice, looks at the clock and runs off to get ready for school. Bob puts Dash's books in his backpack and smiles.

At a high school, Tony looked at himself in the mirror of his locker and grabbed his backpack. When he closed it, Violet and Ian were standing in front of him.

Tony: "Oh, hello."

Ian: "Hey."

Violet: "We're in a new house. I did write my address on your locker in permanent ink."

Tony: "Oh, is that what that is?"

Violet: "Did you forget?"

Tony: "Forget...what?"

Violet: (chuckles) "That's funny. (Laughs) Points for funny. Oh, was it the weird outfit? Because there's a reason. I'm in a drama class and they just wanna do Shakespeare but they're like, "Try to make it relevant for the kids." So, like, "Oh, superheroes! Kids love superheroes.""

Tony: "Yeah, yeah."

Violet: "You wanna wear one kind of tights and then they're like, "No, wear these other kind of tights.""

Ian: "Let's not overwhelm him."

Tony: "D-do I know you?"

Violet was stunned. She walked past him angrily. Ian was confused but didn't follow her. He gave Tony a strange look then walked the other direction. In the city, Elastigirl, Telekibunny and Indestructadog were preparing for an interview. Sitting next to them were Winston, Evelyn, Lionheart, and Bellwether. They were watching Chad, the talk show host, interview the ambassador.

Chad: "Many say your speech today is critical."

Ambassador: "Both sides just want the best for their people. We are so close to finally getting peace in a region."

Telekibunny: "You all ready?"

Elastigirl: "I haven't done this in a while."

Winston: "This is good, the train gives us momentum. Just go out there and be your charming self and capitalize on it."

Bellwether: "Relax Winston, this is an interview, not a football game."

Indestructadog: "What's wrong with motivation?"

The producer enters the room to let them know that it's time to get out there.

Evelyn: "Hey, stretch a leg."

Elastigirl pointed at Evelyn and smiled at the pun. The others follow her out. Meanwhile, Chad was finished interviewing the ambassador. She walks off the stage.

Elastigirl: "Madam Ambassador, hello."

Ambassador: "Oh, you are Elastigirl! And you are Telekibunny and Indestructadog. Look at you all. This is why now I'm shaking your hands."

Indestructadog: "Pleasure to meet you."

Ambassador: "It was so sad when you went underground. I am glad to see you back in your shiny outfits."

Telekibunny: "Aww shucks. You have no idea how cool it is to be back."

Elastigirl: "That means so much coming from you. Good luck with your speech. Bring lasting peace!"

Ambassador: "I will, when you defeat evil."

They laugh.

Telekibunny: "Wow, she's a one of a kind."

Indestructadog: "Well what are we waiting for? Let's get this thing going."

The cameraman signals Chad to begin talking.

Chad: "For over 15 years, superheroes have been in hiding. Forced into it by a society no longer willing to support them. That may soon be changing due to a growing movement to bring the Supers back. Here, fresh on the heels of their own heroic save of a runaway train and sporting new looks, are the superheroes, Elastigirl, Telekibunny and Indestructadog. Welcome!"

Elastigirl: "Hello, Chad."

Telekibunny: "Great to be here."

Chad: "Well, All the polls are going in your direction."

Elastigirl: "That's true. Things are good..."

Chad: "Hello."

Elastigirl: "Uh, hello?"

Chad: "Do I have your attention?"

Telekibunny: "Uh, yes?"

Indestructadog: "What's he looking at?"

Chad: "Of course I do. I'm appearing on your screen. Reading the words I'm saying off of another screen."

They turn around and see the screens showing a hypnotizing pattern. They block the screen to keep themselves from getting hypnotized.

Telekibunny: "What the heck is this?"

Chad: "Screens are everywhere. We are controlled my screens. And screens are controlled by me, Screenslaver."

They run to the control room and see the operators also hypnotized.

Elastigirl: "Hey!"

Imdestructadog: "Shield your eyes, everyone!"

Telekibunny: "It's no use. They can't hear us."

Chad: "I control this broadcast and this idiotic anchorman you see before you."

Producer: "What's wrong with him?"

Evelyn: "The signal's been hijacked. I'll check it out."

Bellwether: "I'm right behind you!"

Elastigirl: "Don't look at any monitors." She puts a clipboard over the producer's face. Then she runs to Chad and slaps him. She was gonna slap him again.

Telekibunny: "Wait, what did he say?"

Chad: "I could hijack the ambassador's aerocade while it's still airborne. Right, Elastigirl, Telekibunny and Indestructadog?"

Indestructadog: "Uh oh."

Telekibunny: "We gotta move!"

Elastigirl: "Nearest window! Where's the nearest window?!"

An employee points to a room and they run in. Elastigirl throws a chair at a window and shatters it. They look up and see the helicopter has already taken off. Elastigirl grabs Indestructadog and climbs up to the roof with Telekibunny flying upward. The monitors are shut off and everyone's back to normal.

Man 1: "Oh, what's going on?"

Man 2: "Where's Elastigirl?"

Elastigirl: "Ugh Which one?"

Telekibunny: "Split up!"

Elastigirl slingshots herself to one of the helicopters. She breaks the window and gets in. Telekibunny flies to another helicopter while carrying Indestructadog and he pulls the door open with his teeth. Once he gets in, she zooms into a third helicopter.

Pilot: "Elastigirl! What are you doing here?"

Elastigirl: "The ambassador is in danger. Which chopper is she--LOOK OUT!"

She pushes the pilot's heads down and ducks before another helicopter breaks the front window.

Indestructadog: "In here! Hurry!"

Elastigirl: "Follow them and get me close! Get out of the sky, and touch down safely!" She jumps off and gets on the other helicopter. As she attempts to break in, one of the bodyguards almost shot her.

Ambassador: "Stand down! It's Elastigirl."

Elastigirl breaks in. Telekibunny flies inside the helicopter.

Elastigirl: "Stay in your seat, ma'am!" They head for the door to the cockpit, but they can't open it. Indestructadog bites on the door and rips it open. They look inside and see the pilots hypnotized. Elastigirl punches the monitors.

Elastigirl: "We're under attack! Quick, go! Protect the ambassador!"

The pilots run to the center of the helicopter. Elastigirl jumps on the pilot seat and takes control of the helicopter. Telekibunny gets in the copilot seat.

Telekibunny: "Go help them!"

Indestructadog goes back to watch the others.

Elastigirl: "Open the door!"

Ambassador: "Do as she says!"

Telekibunny: "You need to jump!"

Elastigirl: "Can you all swim?"

Pilots and bodyguard: "Yeah!"

Ambassador: "No!"

Indestructadog pushes the Pilots and the bodyguard out and they land in the river. He jumps in to help them. As they do, another helicopter pursues the one with the ambassador inside. It bumped into one of the jets, making it uncontrollable.

Telekibunny: "Forget the helicopter, we need to save the ambassador!"

They get out of the cockpit and grab the Ambassador.

Elastigirl: "We're gonna have to slingshot! Hang on!"

Telekibunny jumps out, then Elastigirl slingshots herself and the ambassador out. The helicopter crashes into a construction site as they jump out, causing an explosion. Elastigirl turns into a parachute and they both land safely.

Elastigirl: "Are you all right, ma'am?"

Ambassador: "I'm perfectly fine..." The Ambassador faints but Elastigirl catches her.

Telekibunny: "I'll get help!"

She runs away while Elastigirl stays with the ambassador.

Back at the Parr house the following morning, Bob was making waffles. Dash, Bomb and Billy had a stack of waffles on their plates.

Miles: "Dad, can I have a sleepover tonight?"

Nick: "Miles, you ask me one more time, the answer will be no."

Krypto: "That makes me think, why not I have a sleepover? I wanna show this place to the others."

Nick: "Your a dog, Krypto. Dogs don't get sleepovers."

Krypto: "Wow, thanks a lot. But that shouldn't matter."

Bob: "No, he's right. Unless you wanna..."

Miles: "Yeah! Bring your friends over, Krypto. Make it a slumber party!"

Krypto: "Okay then."

Nick: "Oh boy." He face palmed himself.

Chuck: "Another please."

Billy: "You serious? That's your fourth!"

Chuck: "I'm sorry I can't help it. These are good."

Red: "Remember, this isn't our house, we can't just eat whatever we want."

Violet comes down stairs frustrated.

Violet: "Boys are jerks and superheroes suck."

Bob: "Good morning!"

Billy: "Wow, someone must've had a good nights sleep."

Violet: "He takes one look at me in that suit and decides to pretend he doesn't even know me."

Bomb: "Who?"

Billy: "You know damn well who."

Nick: "Hey hey hey! Watch your mouth."

Bomb: "No I don't know. Who is it?"

Bob: "Well, he's protecting himself. If he really did see you, it's best that he forget. It's better for you, too. I can't tell you how many memories Dicker's had to erase over the years when someone figured out your mother's or my identity." Bob closes the fridge door and Violet appears behind it in anger. He was startled.

Violet: "It was DICKER!!! You told him about Tony!!"

Bob: "Honey..."


Violet goes upstairs to her room. Then, Jack-Jack spills his cereal and while Bob picks it up, she goes behind him to the sink with her supersuit.

Violet: "I hate superheroes, and I renounce them!"

Violet puts her supersuit in the sink and she turns on the disposal, but the suit is still intact when she takes it out. She bites it and tries ripping it apart. Then she throws the supersuit on the wall and she goes back upstairs into her room.

Dash: "Is she having adolescence?"

Bomb: "Oh I know who. Is his name Tony?"

Red: "Someone finally showed up."

Nick: "Nice going, Bob."

Chuck: "So, what's the plan today?"

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