Chapter 8

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In the city, Elastigirl was reading the newspaper about her, Telekibunny and Indestructadog saving the ambassador while riding in a limousine. Telekibunny heard something outside.

Telekibunny: "Do you hear that?"

Indestructadog: "That sounds like a crowd."

Elastigirl: "What's going on, Tommy? A protest?"

Tommy (limo driver): "They're in support."

Elastigirl: "Support? Support of what?"

Tommy: "Well, in support of you."

Telekibunny: "Us?"

They roll down the window and see the crowd of people cheering them on. Many of them had signs that had positive things to say to or about them.

Indestructadog: "Look at this."

Telekibunny: "Hi everyone. Wow thank you, thank you."

Elastigirl: "Wow, thanks for coming out. Hi. Oh my goodness thanks so much."

Telekibunny (to Indestructadog): "I haven't felt this much support since we went underground."

Indestructadog: "Yeah no kidding. Oh stop the car. Look."

A little girl stood close to the vehicle.

Elastigirl: "Hello. What does your sign say?"

She turns it around and it read "Screenslaver is still out there." The smiles for all the heroes in the car disappear.

Indestructadog: "Okay. Keep going."

Later on, they come in to Winston's office. He was on the phone.

Winston: "Oh what do you know. Ellenwood. Oh now you wanna return my calls about superheroes huh?"

Lionheart: "Lookie here."

Winston: "Oh, I'll have to call you back. Felicia, hold my calls, please."

Winston turns to the heroes. "He-hey! It's working! Hey, the ambassador made a big speech about superheroes today. Turns out saving someone's life makes a good impression on them. Who knew, huh? I'm getting calls from all over the world. Media awareness is up 72%. The push for superhero legalization is becoming a worldwide movement! I have big plans for our next move. We're gonna have a summit at sea. (shows the heroes the cruse ship) We'll use our ship, we'll gather leaders and Supers from all over the world..."

Elastigirl: "That's great. I'm happy. I'm happy the numbers are up. I'm happy the ambassador is pro superhero. And I'm happy you're happy."

Lionheart: "Is something wrong?"

Winston: "I'm hearing that you're happy but why am I not feeling it."

Elastigirl: "Because we didn't get him. Screenslaver is still out there! All we did was play his game win this round."

Telekibunny: "And the round before that, with the train. And I don't think he'll stop anytime soon."

Elastigirl: "He's gonna want more and as long as he gets to play, he wins!"

Lionheart: "Hold on now, you didn't let us finish."

Winston: "One thing I learned in business: smell the flowers. They don't bloom that often. What do you want on your tombstone? She worried a lot?"

Indestructadog: "What does all this have to do with what we're doing, huh? That makes no sense to me. At this point we should get more supers to help us."

Bellwether: "Oh, you want more heroes?"

Indestructadog: "Yeah, right here right now!"

Evelyn: "Alright, stop talking. Show them."

Telekibunny: "Show us what?"

Bellwether: "You'll see. Just walk this way."

She, Winston, and Lionheart lead them to another room. Inside it were several other superheroes. They see Elastigirl, Telekibunny and Indestructadog walk in.

Indestructadog: "Who are all of these people?"

Two of the heroes get excited as Elastigirl walks towards both of them.

"Wow! Elastigirl! There you are!"


"Oh my goodness. She's so, heroic."

"I, I didn't, wow! Come on, get yourself together, Karen. Hi, my superhero name is Voyd."

"I'm her sidekick, Mavis. I mean, Mystery Girl."

Voyd: "I just wanna thank you for like, for being you, and I just, okay, what I can do, is this."

She grabs a cup and opens portals for it to travel through the room. It eventually reaches Evelyn and she catches the cup.

Elastigirl: "That is impressive. Very inter dimensional."

Indestructadog: "Where'd your friend go?"

Mystery Girl: "Up here."

They look up, and see her flying near the ceiling, as a bat. She flies down and returns to normal form.

Mystery Girl: "Yes, I can shapeshift into many things. Mostly other animals."

She then turns into a dog to meet eye to eye with Indestructadog. Then to a rabbit for Telekibunny. Then she turns back to normal.

Telekibunny: "Ooh. That's so unique."

Voyd: "I felt like an outcast, before, but now, with you being you, I feel like..." She hugs Elastigirl. "Yay me."

Mystery Girl: "As you can tell, she's a big fan."

Winston: "I flew them in from all over. They've all been in hiding. They have powers, secret identities, and names they've given themselves."

Each of the heroes introduce themselves.

Screech: "I am Screech, it's a pleasure. I've always considered you the gold standard of superheroes."

Elastigirl: "Oh, thanks, your too nice."

They shake hands.

Hiro: "They call us Big Hero 6."

The rest wave hi.

Indestructadog: "Who's that big guy?"

Baymax: "I am Baymax. I am a personal healthcare companion. I also know karate."

Indestructadog: "Oh, it's a robot."

Elastigirl: "Do any of you have hero names?"

Fred: "Ah just me. I like to think of myself as Monster Man."

Wasabi: "But to us, your just Fred."

Fred: "Shhh! Don't tell them our identity!"

Go-Go: "Don't sweat it. Heroes should know other heroes' identities. Right?"

Telekibunny: "Nothing wrong with that."

Honey Lemon: "Where's the other dog? The white one?"

Indestructadog: "Let's just say I'm the favored one here right now."

Hiro: "And by the way, we're not exactly in hiding, but we do have to get out of the scene before anyone sees us. You know, play it safe."

Telekibunny: "If only it were that easy."

Brick: "I am called Brick."

Elastigirl: "Nice to meet you, Brick. Uh, where are you from?"

Brick: "Wisconsin."

Telekibunny: "I can tell by the accent."

Elastigirl: "Fire and water together?"

Waterflow (Wade): "May seem like an odd duo, but we make it work."

Telekibunny: "Can't get any stranger than a fox and a bunny together."

Inferna (Ember): "Just between us. We are also a couple outside of hero work."

Telekibunny: "No kidding? Oh I feel like that's a trend now."

Elastigirl: "I assume your powers are..."

He-Lectrix: "You know, zapping things, electrically charging things, bolts of lightning, that kind of stuff."

Reflux: "Name's Reflux. Medical condition or superpower. You decide. Hehe that's a little line I say just to put people at ease."

Alpha (Balto): "I always admired your group of Super-Pets. Don't try sneaking up on me, I'll catch you from hundreds of yards away. Sight, smell, you name it, it's why I'm here."

Indestructadog: "Now that's something I can tell the boss. If I were in charge I'd say yes."

Later on, the snacks are all gone, and Krushauer uses his powers to crush a can of soda down in front of Winston.

Winston: "Yes, that is impressive. Keep practicing."

Winston taps He-Lectrix on the shoulder, but gets zapped. Lionheart felt a splash on his back. He looked back and saw Waterflow whistling as if nothing happened. Inferna chuckled.

Lionheart: "Good one."

He walks towards Hiro. They do a fist bump. Lionheart does so with Baymax.

Baymax: "Balalala."

Lionheart and Winston meet together.

Lionheart: "Fun night, huh?"

Winston: "Indeed it is. Well, I'm beat. Congratulations. Big day, good night ladies and dog. I will see you tomorrow."

Indestructadog: "Don't just call me dog."

Lionheart: "Bellwether, you coming?"

Bellwether: "Nah, I can hang around longer."

Evelyn: "Goodnight. Must be nice for you. Being out front. All this time."

Elastigirl: "Out front?"

Telekibunny: "What's that supposed to mean?"

Evelyn: "Well, it's been a while since your superhero days and even then, you were kind of in Mr. Incredible's shadow. The same can be said for you two. Being under Firefox and Superdog's shadows."

Indestructadog: "Oh you have no idea."

Elastigirl: "Nah I beg to differ."

Bellwether: "No, think about it."

Evelyn: "I'm not saying you weren't big. You were, and are superstars. All of you. But you have the stage to yourselves now. People have to pay attention."

Telekibunny: "I understand that but I'm not the biggest fan of flying solo."

Elastigirl: "Oh, you mean, "It's a man's world" and all that? Well, what world do you live in? Your brother runs DevTech."

Evelyn: "I don't want his job. I invent, Bellwether tests, he and Lionheart sell. I ask you, which of us has the greater influence?"

Elastigirl: "Which side of me are you asking? The believer or the cynic?"

Evelyn: "The cynic..."

Elastigirl: "Would say selling is more important because the best sellers have the most buyers. Doesn't matter what you're selling. It only matters what people buy."

Evelyn: "This is true. If I discovered the origin of the universe, my brother would find a way to market it as a, uh, foot massager."

They all laugh.

Bellwether: "Who would've thought you had a sense of humor."

Evelyn: "So, what would the believer say?"

Elastigirl: "The believer would tell you to make your mark. Don't wait for permission, assert yourself and impose your will on the status quo."

Evelyn: "Sounds like my brother."

Elastigirl: "What?"

Evelyn: "You sound like my brother."

Telekibunny: "No seriously. He would probably say that."

Elastigirl: "Well, he's not wrong. There is an art to getting a reaction--Oh! I know how to get him!"

Bellwether: "Get who?"

Evelyn: "My brother?"

Elastigirl: "Winst- ah No! Screenslaver! You're tech-savvy. I need to lock onto a signal and trace its origin."

Indestructadog: "Why haven't we thought of this before?"

Elastigirl: "How fast can you slap something together and meet me at the airport?"

Evelyn: "Airport?"

Elastigirl: "Need to go out of town, pronto."

Evelyn: "I can get your contraption together by 5:00 a.m."

Elastigirl: "We need to get on TV."

Telekibunny: "How about Chad!"

Bellwether: "Perfect."

Evelyn: "I'll get my brother to set up an exclusive with him tonight on the newscast."

Telekibunny: "It's not too late to do one tonight!"

Elastigirl: "Finish our interview by phone!"

Evelyn: "Promote the hell out of it!"

Elastigirl: "Independence from Screenslavery!"

Evelyn: "Chad tonight!"

All: "Boom!" (Laughs)

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