Chapter 9

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Rick Dicker and Gru were packing their stuff getting ready to leave their office. The phone rings.

Rick: "Dicker."

Bob: "Yeah hey Rick. You remember that kid I mentioned to you? Tony Rydinger."

Rick signals Gru to take some of the boxes to the car. Then continues talking with Bob.

Rick: "Mind wipe? Yeah nice kid."

Bob: "Well you also wiped out the Friday night date my daughter had with him. In fact you wiped out my daughter."

Rick: "Oops. Not in exact science, Bob."

Bob: "Rick, you gotta help me here. Violet hates me, and you, and superheroes. I gotta fix this. What do you know about Tony?"

Rick: "Umm not much. Seems like a good kid. Popular, plays sports, music. Parents own The Happy Platter. Kid works there part-time."

Bob: "Happy Platter?"

In the city, Bob takes his kids, Nick, Miles, Billy, Red, Chuck and Bomb to the Happy Platter. As they walk in, Violet asks a question.

Bob: "Why did we drive all the way across town for The Happy Platter?"

Bomb: "Kinda feels like a nice environment."

Nearby, was Ralph and Vanellope.

Ralph: "Hey gang. I didn't think I'd see you here."

Miles: "Dash and I are having a sleepover tonight. Wanna join us, Vanellope?"

Vanellope: "Really? Of course I would. I mean, Ralph, can I?"

Ralph: "I'm fine with it."

Bob (to dining host): We'd like a booth over there. Near the philodendron. Good, right? Near the philodendron."

The dining host takes them to their table and places a high chair for Jack-Jack.

Nick: "Wait, Bob, what about the rest of us?"

Ralph: "You guys can sit with me and Vanellope, I'll just ask for a few extra chairs."

Red: "Well I guess we'll stick with you guys."

They sit down while Violet continues to go on about the place.

Violet: "This platter doesn't look all that happy to me. It looks bored."

Dash: "Haha. The bored platter."

Chuck: "I've seen better service."

Bomb: "Come to think of it, I'm bored too."

Red: "Guys, we just sat down. Give it some time."

Bob: "I thought Vi would want a change of pace from drive-in food."

Violet: "I like drive-in food."

The waiter comes to the table while they spoke and hands them their waters.

Dash: "Does this mean vegetables?"

Bob: "A balanced diet means vegetables, kiddo, get used to it."

Chuck: "Hey Dash, maybe you'll run faster if you eat more vegetables."

"Good evening everyone."

Violet looks up and sees the waiter. She was shocked at who it was. So shocked that when she was sipping her water, it came out of her nose.

Everyone: "Woah!"

The waiter was Tony. He too was surprised at what he just saw. The others at a nearby table heard the commotion.

Ralph: "What happened?"

Billy: "Wait a minute. I've seen that waiter. That's Tony."

Nick: "Oh Bob what are you doing?"

(Back at the other table)

Tony: "Is she alright?"

Violet (while coughing): "Nothing to see."

Bob: "Normally she doesn't ever drip like this."

Tony: "Would you like water, sir?"

Bob: "Yes, yes I would. This is my daughter who you must know, right?"

Tony: "Hello."

Bob (whispers): "Violet."

Tony: "Hello Violet."

Bob: "Hey Vi, say hi to..."

Violet: "Don't push it Dad!"

Dash: "I'm Dash! Her little brother."

Tony: "Hello."

They shake hands.

Red: "We're just friends with them. No introduction necessary."

Bob: "Mmm this is really good water. It's very refreshing. Spring water, is it?"

Tony: "I don't know sir. I think it's tap."

Bob: "Well, it is very good."

Dash: "Excellent tap."

Violet: "Excuse me."

Tony: "Well, nice to meet you."

Red: "Wow, you guys are embarrassing."

Bob: "Where did she go?"

Dash: "To find a good place to be angry?"

Meanwhile, the news was turning on and Chad was on air.

Chad: "Tonight, we go to a special remote interview with the supers, starting with Elastigirl."

Elastigirl (over the phone): "How are you feeling Chad? You doing alright?"

Chad: "I'm fine. The doctors checked me out, I have no memory of the event. I gotta tell you it's pretty strange to see a recording of yourself the night before and have no recollection. I don't think anyone needs to worry. We've taken many precautions tonight though. Where are you right now?"

Elastigirl: "On a case. In a secure, undisclosed location."

Chad: "And I suppose your sidekicks are with you at the moment."

Elastigirl: "That is correct."

She was taking the interview on an antenna above the news station. Telekibunny and Indestructadog kept watch in the meantime.

Chad: "I wanna talk about you. Starting with your save of a runaway train. Here's an exclusive unedited clip from your own suit cam. Roll the clip."

It was showing her on the Elasticycle zipping past cars trying to keep up with the speeding train.

Elastigirl: "This thing is really moving. One hundred and climbing, how much track is built?"

Evelyn: "About 25 miles."

Indestructadog (in the background): "I can't keep up!"

Suddenly, the program was hacked and it was switched to a creepy figure speaking to the people watching.

"Screenslaver interrupts this program an important announcement."

This left the people confused and frightened.

Evelyn: "I'll be damned. She knew."

Bellwether: "That's why she's the boss lady." She chuckles.

Winston: "Let's see if your gadget works."

Screenslaver: "Don't bother watching the rest."

The monitor in which she was watching the interview began tracking down the location for where the message was being given.

Elastigirl: "Gotcha!"

Screenslaver: "Elastigirl doesn't save the day. She only postpones her defeat. And while she postpones her defeat you eat chips and watch her confront problems that you are too lazy to deal with."

Elastigirl stretches her arm while holding the tracker to see where the message was coming from. It caught the signal and pointed toward several buildings. One in particular was where the signal came from.

Elastigirl: "That way."

She jumps to another building while Telekibunny picks up Indestructadog and flies behind Elastigirl. She jumps from building to building with the other two flying low enough to where they cannot be seen.

Screenslaver: "Superheroes are part of your brainless desire to replace true experience with simulation. You don't talk, you watch talk shows. You don't play games, you watch game shows. Travel, relationships, risk every meaningful experience must be packaged and delivered to you to watch at a distance. So that you can remain ever sheltered, ever passive, ever ravenous consumers who can't bring themselves to rise from their couches break a sweat and participate in life."

Elastigirl slingshots herself from a building and hovers through the city to get closer to the signal. Telekibunny and Indestructadog continue following her but aren't as fast.

Screenslaver: "You want superheroes to protect you and make yourselves ever more powerless in the process. While you tell yourselves you're being looked after. That your interests are being served. And your rights are being upheld. So that the system can keep stealing from you, smiling at you all the while. Go ahead, send your Supers to stop me. Grab your snacks, watch your screens, and see what happens. You are no longer in control. I am."

While he spoke those last sentences, Elastigirl found the building that was giving this message. She jumps to the roof and walks towards several cables that lead to a room. She jumps inside a window that lead to a hallway. Telekibunny and Indestructadog fly to another window that led to the room. Indestructadog bit down on window lock and opened it. They both get in. Meanwhile, Elastigirl stretched her arm under the door and opened it from the other side.

They all meet in the center of the room and begin looking around for clues.

Indestructadog (whispers): "What is..."

Telekibunny and Elastigirl: "Shhh."

Telekibunny: "Don't talk."

They see computer screens and different models of eyes. They also see several papers about hypnotism. They are startled by a clock that rang loudly. They check it out and then see a blueprint of the train they saved the other day. They go into a room and see something covered by a white cloth. They uncovered it and see goggles on a mannequin head.

"Find anything?"

The Screenslaver stood behind them and turned on several black and white lights to try and hypnotize them. Elastigirl and Telekibunny close their eyes and try fighting without sight. Indestructadog was caught off guard and didn't react in time to close his eyes.

They try punching Screenslaver but kept missing. Screenslaver put a taser into Elastigirl's left arm and made it numb. She pulled it off and pushed him away. Telekibunny couldn't use her powers, given that she has to look at something to make it hover. So she tripped him but he quickly got up to keep fighting them. Elastigirl grabbed items to whack Screenslaver. He tases her left leg, making it numb.

Telekibunny grabs Indestructadog and pulls him out of that room. Then goes back in, closing her eyes again. Elastigirl tries punching him more, but kept missing. He tases her right arm and she falls. Then he tases her whole body. Telekibunny grabs him from behind and gets him in a chokehold, allowing Elastigirl to get away. Screenslaver tases her hands and she lets go. He gets out of the room, and is tackled by Indestructadog. He bites his hand and attempts to make him let go of the taser.

Elastigirl and Telekibunny, weak and half numb, both start fighting Screenslaver. They throw him against shelves, which allows him to grab a hatchet and try hitting them with it. They dodge. Then pin him to the ground while trying to remove his mask. Screenslaver blinds them by shining a bright light at them with his goggles. This allows him to get away while activating a two minute bomb in the room.

Indestructadog: "Come on! Hurry!"

He chases after Screenslaver while Elastigirl hobbles as her limbs were still numb. Telekibunny grabs her and helps her run.

Telekibunny: "I can't pull his mask off, he's moving too fast!"

Screenslaver runs downstairs and pulls the fire alarm to alert the residents of the apartment. This would cause the heroes to be slowed down. Elastigirl grabs him from the shoulder and holds him for a few seconds. Indestructadog grabs his leg and trips him downstairs. He kicks him away and jumps down the elevator cables. They jump down with him and run down another hallway.

Indestructadog continues chasing him while Telekibunny flies over the people, and Elastigirl stretches to the walls and skips over the people. They chase him down a hidden hallway to the stairway outside. They were able to catch up to him and Elastigirl pushes him over the edge. She goes in parachute form to hold him. The bomb above them explodes. Telekibunny grabs Indestructadog and jumps. She flies down to the ground. Screenslaver blinds Elastigirl with the bright light from his goggles and they fall. Once on the ground, Elastigirl rips off the mask and sees who was the Screenslaver. It was a young man. Once the mask was off, he saw the fire above them.

"What happened?"

Elastigirl: "What happened is you destroyed my evidence!"

Later on, cops arrive to arrest Screenslaver. He seemed like he didn't know what was going on. Once he gets put in the police car, Elastigirl looks down at the camera in her super suit.

Elastigirl: "Your tracker worked like a charm, Evelyn and Bellwether. You're both a genius."

Evelyn: "Aw shucks. I'm just the genius behind the genius."

Bellwether: "But we appreciate the compliment."

Telekibunny: "Woo, our work here is done."

Indestructadog: "Finally!"

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