Chapter 22- Marked Name

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Stan's POV
Kyle just whispered in my ear that we should tell Fiona about the wedding. We've been so busy with work that it just slipped its way through everything. The movie just ended that we were watching. "Well I'm off to bed. Goodnight." Fiona began getting up from the recliner she was in through the whole movie. "Hey Fi? We actually have something to tell you." I said standing up and having my beautiful fiancé take my hand. "We're engaged." Kyle said smiling widely. Fiona instantly grinned and covered her mouth with both hands in surprise. "Can I be a bridesmaid?" We laughed happily at her question. "Of course." I said. "Absolutely." Kyle agreed.

"I love you two." Fiona hugged us both. "Love you too." Kyle and I both said in return. Fiona went to bed and Kyle and I decided to go out on the deck and get some air. It was warm for nighttime. I checked the weather on my phone which read 68 degrees. Last night I stayed up till around 2:00 AM writing my vow to Kyle. I haven't finished it yet. I asked Kenny before I started writing the vow if he could let me rehearse it in front of him sometime. We were talking on video chat when I asked. He laughed and nodded. By the end of the week I had gotten my third pay check. I get paid every Thursday. I got scheduled to fill in for one of my friends I've made there named Zander. He's pretty cool. He has a girlfriend named Sophia. He asked me if I was seeing anyone and I told him a little about me and Kyle.

Kyle and I were in the car almost at Rachel's house. Kyle was afraid Daniel would be there but my mom assured me he wasn't anywhere in the house or sound the outside of it. Right when we got there my mom gave me a big hug. My dad gave me a hug too. My mom then turned and gave Kyle a big hug. All my dad did was shake hands with Kyle, he didn't dislike him but I guess hugging your son's fiancé might be weird...I don't know. It's his opinion not mine. Kyle and I told my parents and Rachel about the engagement. Everyone was happy for us. My mom said she was thrilled and couldn't wait for the wedding.

"So where's this important thing you need to show us?" I asked my mom from my seat next to Kyle one one of Rachel's dark brown leather couches. My mom walked over to the dining room table and grabbed a maroon velvet box. She pulled out a gold necklace. "This was my mom's necklace my dad gave to her on their wedding day. It's 10 karat gold. I took it in to get looked's worth $25,000." I felt myself almost throwing up. Kyle looked at me stunned. "l want you and Kyle to have a good future. Here." She handed me the box with the necklace inside. "Mom you're not serious." I sat there looking at the necklace and glimpsing at my mom's face to make sure this wasn't a joke. "I am. I've been saving it in case you ever wanted to go to college or for...oh I don't know...marriage and the future."

I wasn't going to cry but this was so generous I thought it wasn't that unreasonable to. I couldn't believe this. My mom was practically handing me $25,000. "This is amazing, thank you so much." Kyle smiled at my mom. She smiled back. My dad was in the kitchen helping Rachel clean up. I stood up and hugged my mom with so much thankfulness. "This is so nice of you, you really don't mind giving it to us?" I questioned still holding the box. "I kept it for you to use, you and whoever you planned on sharing your life with." My mom said looking at Kyle happily.

We continued on talking about what has been going on lately. We didn't mention the whole car chase and getaway on Monday but that's fine. Kyle told her about my suspension. I didn't care. "Stanley!" My mom gasped when she heard I knocked out someone's tooth. "He's very protective of me." Kyle grinned at my mom and then me. She smiled a little and then looked back at me, "Please no more of knocking out anyone's tooth, okay?" I laughed, "Sure, mom." Rachel suggested we all go to the cabin. I remember Kyle telling me it was only 45 minutes from Rachel's house. Everyone agreed on going to stay the night there. We drove down there in separate vehicles. Kyle and I got there first. He got out of the car and I saw the smile on his face. He was happy that we had the chance to start our future sooner.

I wanted it to start sooner. "We can stay up late and plan the wedding." I suggested. Kyle leapt into my arms. I pushed him up against my truck while still in my arms. We kissed until we heard the car pull up with my mom, dad, and Rachel inside of it. Kyle and I found the room we stayed in when we were here last time. We laid down on the bed side by side looking up at the ceiling. "Maybe instead of planning the wedding tonight we can just do what we did last time until the sun came up." Kyle said turning his head over to me. I rolled on my side thinking of how we did more than just sleep in that bed, "Think you'll be quiet?"

"Stan Marsh I am not that loud!" Kyle pushed me playfully and laughed. "I beg to differ." I laughed. "Fine. If I'm so loud then maybe we should just not do it anymore." Kyle grinned and got up from the bed. He started walking out of the room when I flew up off the bed and picked him up bridal style. I tossed him on the bed somewhat carefully and climbed over him. "Never say that again." I warned him. He knew I wasn't actually mad at him. He had been joking the whole time so I couldn't be mad at him. We did stay up late coming up with wedding ideas like who to invite and where it's going to take place. My fiancé and I stopped planning for now at around 1 AM and fell asleep. I had a dream that was pretty uh...heated. Kyle was in it.

I woke up to find Kyle sleeping soundlessly next to me. All I could hear was his faint breaths going in and out of his lungs. I wanted to wake him up but I could tell he was really tired. I laid there with my fingers stroking his curls lightly and gently for awhile. Damn he really is beautiful, I thought inside my head. We've gotten so far in our relationship that it's to the point where I never want to leave his side, even for a minute. I know I have to when I have work or when we have different classes in school. I'm in over my head with how many feelings I have for Kyle, but I don't care if I'm in over my head. I honestly never thought I could have these specific feelings for one other person. We have a connection that is so similar and comfortable it seems so impossible and wrong to let go of. I'd marry him right now, right at this second.

A lot of people were so happy when they heard about the engagement. Nobody had given us a disagreement yet. If they do, I couldn't care less. Kyle and I returned home with the $25,000 necklace. When Fiona heard how much it was she was so shocked and speechless all she could do was look at the necklace in awe. I put the necklace in a safe spot in mine and Kyle's bedroom. I was thinking of using the money to get him an engagement ring. I was thinking it over while we were laying down in bed. I had earbuds in and Kyle was typing up an assignment for school. He must've noticed me staring at the ceiling in deep thought because he tapped my shoulder and asked me this, "What're you thinking about?" "I wanna get you an engagement ring." I said after I took out each earbud.

"That's sweet of you but I don't need a ring." Kyle said setting his laptop aside on the bedside table. "What do you mean?" I wondered sitting up. "We should save our money for the future, a life with you is more important than a ring." Kyle told me. I felt my face form a smile and kiss him, "I'm so lucky." "I'm luckier." Kyle said. Kenny texted me after Kyle went back to typing his school assignment.

Kenny: Hey Craig and I can do it now

Me: You guys said there was no openings till next weekend?

Kenny: We can make room for our best friend

Me: Oh that's adorable

Kenny: Alright smart ass, just tell Kyle you have to go to work and get your ass down here

I knew this was going to be tricky but I would be able to sneak my way into it. "My boss just texted me saying I need to fill in for someone." I said getting up from the bed. "Right now?" Kyle watched as I got changed into my work attire which was only black work pants and a collared shirt. I chose my charcoal gray polo shirt. "When will you be home?" Kyle asked me. "Maybe 6 or 7. 7 at the latest. I'll text you when I'm leaving. I love you." I gave him a long kiss and made my way out to my truck. Kyle had no idea what was going on. I felt bad lying to him but what was happening was supposed to be a surprise and I wanted him to know he had my heart forever and I hope I have his. I'm pretty sure I do. Okay I guess I know I do. This isn't the most important thing to have in the world and some say it's tacky but it's not to me, depends on what type of tattoo it is.

Kenny and Craig had me come into the tattoo shop they work at. I haven't ever gotten a tattoo before. I've heard it can be painful. I'm willing to take that risk. I can tolerate pain pretty well. Nobody was there. I'd accidentally left my phone in my pants pocket with the ringer off. I hadn't heard Kyle's 2 calls. The tattoo wasn't too painful, but it wasn't pain free either. I talked a lot with Craig and Kenny. Craig did the tattoo for me. He told me how things were going with him and Tweek. Craig did a really good job. If someone was to look at me, my right hip had the first name of my fiancé. My phone fell out of my pocket when I got up off the comfortable bench they have someone lay down on to get a tattoo or more than one.

Craig picked it up for me, "Your boss is calling you." I had labeled Gary in my contacts as Boss, since that's who he is. I answered once the phone was in my hand, "Hello?" "Hey Stan. Kyle called here looking for you. He said you went into work and wanted to ask you something. I told him you weren't here and that I didn't call you in." Gary said. Damnit. This is why I didn't want to lie. I just wanted to surprise Kyle. "Oh okay, thanks Gary." I said. We hung up and I called Kyle. No answer. I called again. No answer. I texted him.

Stan: Baby I'm so sorry I'll be home soon and explain everything

No reply. "Guys I gotta go. Thanks for the tattoo." I rushed out to my truck and drove home as fast as I could. Fiona's car wasn't in the driveway. The second I walked in the door Kyle walked out of the bathroom. He stopped right in the middle of the hallway and looked at me. His eyes were an emotional pinkish red color. Did he think I actually cheated on him?

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