Chapter 23- One Year

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Stan's POV
"Let me explain." I said taking my shoes off in a hurry. Kyle walked to the fridge silently to grab a bottle of water. "I'm sorry I lied to you." I apologized. My fiancé still said nothing. He started walking near the couch. "Babe." No words from him. "Ky look at me." When I reached for his arm he backed up and stared at me angrily and sadly. "I only want to know one thing....are you cheat-" "No. Absolutely not." I denied, "You actually believe I'd cheat on you?" "Well why the fuck else would you lie to me Stan?" Kyle questioned furiously. I unzipped my pants without taking them completely off and folded the waistband over on my dark blue boxers.

When he saw my name marked on his hip I could tell he felt like crying again. His feet made him slowly step back as his eyes looked like they were about to release tears. "When I said I wanted to marry you, I meant that I want every second of my life from here on out to be spent with you. I didn't think the perfect person existed and then I fell for you. Ky..." I walked closer and slid my hand on Kyle's waist, "I fell so fucking hard for you."

His tears continued on flowing out of his eyes one or two at a time. "I could never go on in my life knowing that I wouldn't be able to have you with me everyday." I stated emotionally. "I'd miss your lips." I kissed him, "I'd miss your heart." My lips pressed against his chest where his heart is underneath, "I'd miss this beautiful body and every personality detail that makes you who you are." I got on my knees and took his hands. "I want my life to end with you. I want your life to end with me." All these statements and compliments looked so comforting for him. "I don't deserve you." Kyle said sadly. I immediately shook my head, "That's not true." "You do so much for me." He stated. "Ky, you bought me a truck."

"Yeah and you stick up for me and always look out for me and drive me home from work and drive us both to school and you helped so much when Joey was here and it's like every time I see you I just want to jump on you!" I honestly feel like I could do more, feel like I could be a better fiancé. "The driving back and forth is just little stuff. I try my best to make you happy. All I want is for you to be happy." Both my arms wrapped around his waist and my face buried itself into his stomach from my kneeling position on the floor. "You make me more than happy." I instantly looked up when I heard that. We made our way onto our queen sized bed and talked about the future and random things for around an hour. Fiona came back before we finished talking and decided to make a late dinner.

Fiona asked where I'd been and I showed her my new tattoo. She thought it was very nicely done. I told Fiona and Kyle that Craig designed the tattoo of Kyle's name. Kyle forgot him and Kenny started working at the tattoo shop in South Park about a month ago. I honestly didn't feel like going back to school but I knew Kyle would be on my ass about finishing the year. If I drop out I may never get a good job, like a lifetime one. Belco's is nice but I won't be working there forever. My boss keeps talking about moving me to the bar part of the restaurant but he knows it's illegal and so do I. I don't think I'll be working there until I'm 21. Kyle and I have money for our future now. Our one year anniversary is in a few weeks. I'm still figuring out what I want to get for Kyle.

He'll tell me he doesn't want a present, but too bad he's getting something anyway. I'm making pretty good money at Belco's and Kyle's been doing well at his job so right now everything isn't the worst it could be in the world. If Daniel ever comes back I honestly think I'm going to shoot him. I won't though because then I'll go to jail and that means I'll have to leave Kyle, which is what I really don't want. I've been behind bars, that doesn't mean I've enjoyed it. I wasn't there long anyway.

A few weeks passed by quickly. It was now the day of Kyle and I's one year anniversary. This year rushed its way to the finish line. It's crazy. I rolled over to face my fiancé in bed. He was still sleeping. I pulled the sheet down slightly and kissed up his stomach to his neck. He stirred and opened his eyes, peering down at me. "Happy one year, baby." Kyle told me softly with his left hand running gently through my hair. "Happy one year." I cupped his face and kissed him affectionately. Good thing our anniversary decided to fall on a Saturday. We wouldn't be able to do anything if it was on a weekday instead of a weekend day because we'd have school and work. Kyle and I stayed in bed for a half hour kissing. Can't believe we didn't attempt to do anything beyond kissing from the waist up. His lips get me going. Fiona had left last night to go on a little mini vacation with 3 of her friends.

They went to Hawaii and wouldn't be back till Thursday. Kyle and I had the house to ourselves until then. Fine with me. Fiona left money for us to buy food for the days we were alone in the house even though we said she didn't have to. I already knew tonight and the next few days were going to be fun. My fiancé and I take advantage of alone time. We got in the shower and almost had sex in there before Kyle told me he wanted to wait until tonight. I got fake mad at first but then agreed. Thinking of dinner options was hard. Throughout the day we went shopping for food for most of the week and got some clothes too. We went to this indoor swimming place and swam for a few hours.

At one point nobody was in there so it was just Kyle and I. "Where do you want to get married?" Kyle asked out of nowhere. I honestly had no idea, "I'm not sure. Did you have any ideas?" "I don't want a big fancy wedding. Just something nice and simple, but memorable." Kyle responded. Great minds think alike. "Same, did you want to do it out of state?" I wondered. "I don't want anyone we invite having to spend money on a flight. I'm honestly open to whatever you might have in mind." At least we weren't arguing over plans for the wedding. We still have plenty of time to do everything. I'm not worried. We're still really young and haven't even graduated yet. I'm not saying we rushed into this, because in my eyes and Kyle's eyes we didn't. We're excited about the future and hope for the best.

We left the indoor swimming place and decided on going to lunch. We went to our favorite restaurant in South Park. Kyle and I ran into Craig and Tweek who were having lunch as well. We chatted for a few minutes and then Kyle and I went back to the table the host brought us to in the first place. Continuing to talk about and plan the wedding and future was all I could think about. I was so sure why I wasn't able to focus on anything but that. It was what surrounded by and brought on my happiness. Kyle left to go to the bathroom while I sat on my phone. Craig texted me. Him and Tweek were still in the restaurant.

Craig: You good? You looked a little distracted.

Me: We've started planning the wedding

Craig: Is that a bad thing?

Me: Not at all but my mom had saved this really expensive necklace from a family member so I could get money off it and use it for the future. She gave it to me already. Dude, it's $25,000.

Craig: Holy fuck

Me: yeah it's crazy

Craig: You guys pick out a best man yet?

Me: No but we'll keep you in mind 👍🏻

Craig: I bet you were gonna pick Kenny, that's low man

Me: Just don't get your hopes up, Tucker

Kyle returned to the table and smiled at me. I then went to go wash my hands. The waitress came to our table after I'd come back and took our orders, drink and food. Just as I took a glance at the door, the two idiotic parents of my fiancé walked in. Kyle saw my deep poisonous glare and turned his head. "Oh c'mon." He sighed angrily. All I could do was stare angrily at Sheila and Gerald Broflovski. They got seated at the table next to us. When Sheila saw her son and I she immediately made a face of disgust. "Can we be seated somewhere else?" Sheila asked the host. "I'm sorry m'am the other tables are either full or reserved." The host walked away. Gerald took one look at me and rolled his eyes. I snickered and looked back at my phone that was resting on the tabletop.

Ike had come in with them, I just hadn't noticed. He ran up and hugged Kyle. Kyle hugged him back because he missed his brother too. "Ike get over here now!" "Mom all you talk about is getting Kyle to come home, so why act like you hate him when Stan's around?" Ike asked looking at his mom. "Because he poisoned Kyle." I had the hardest time holding in my laughter. It was such a ridiculous lie that it was funny. "Yeah he looks really fucking depressed when he's with me." I said sarcastically. "You ripped this family apart!" "No the fuck I didn't you assholes did!" I screamed at Gerald. Kyle stood up and took my hand. We left the restaurant with Ike tagging along. Sheila called after him but we ran so fast to my truck they couldn't keep up. I drove to Stark's Pond and parked in the little concrete area. "I hate living with them." Ike stated from the backseat. "Why do you think I moved out?" Kyle said from up front in the passenger seat.

"I don't want to go back, Kyle." Ike said. "I don't want you to either but where else are you going to live?" "With my boyfriend and his accepting parents." Kyle turned and looked at Ike surprisingly, "You have a boyfriend?" "Yep, 2 months." Ike said smiling. "Mom won't turn over her guardian rights unless she knows you're dating him." Kyle explained. A lot just happened in a small time span. "Stan can you drop me off at his house?" Ike asked me. "Sure but you'll need to guide me there." I answered starting the truck up. Ike's boyfriend lived about 15 minutes from Stark's Pond but still went to Ike's school. When Ike got out of my truck, Kyle got out and gave him a big hug. They both told each other to be safe and Kyle climbed back into my truck as Ike went into the house we'd driven to.

He looked so upset. "I'll take us home." I drove down the street and pulled onto the road that took us back home. We got in the house and both took our shoes off. My left sneaker came off and Kyle was on me. On my lips, his hands on my cheeks and my jawline and in my hair. He started going for my shirt with lust expanding his pupils. "I thought you wanted to wait till tonight." I said smirking. "I need you, now." Kyle said seriously. He didn't need to ask me or tell me. Not like I have a problem with that. We didn't leave our bedroom for a full hour. He was so upset, all his emotions of anger and sadness needed to be released. We don't always have sex if we need to let off steam. We'll have long talks or cuddle sometimes too. It's just what we do to send signals of comfort and the words that say "You're safe, I'm always here for you."

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