Chapter 7- Messing With Family

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Stan's POV
Kenny just told me the worst thing I've ever heard in my life, about Kyle. He wanted to kill himself because he thought I was dead. I just...I don't even want to believe that actually could've happened. This drama has gone overboard. It went overboard a long time ago. Harassing my life and Kyle's life to make his better. His. Daniel. I hate having to even think of that name and face. I shouldn't have to. But since he's teamed up with my ex, it's gone too far to ignore now. Not once did I think the drama would stop. I didn't. Asking about the whole suicide thing might end up starting an argument, but I was dying to know why on earth Kyle thought that was a good idea.

"Ky, did you uh-want to-ya know...kill yourself when I wasn't breathing?" I finally spat out the question. Kyle froze. I could tell he wasn't expecting me to throw that out there. I stared at him, waiting for an answer, a few words, one word, something. "I don't wanna talk about it." He said at last. He wasn't making any eye contact with me. "Ky why would you even think about doing something like that?" I turned my body on the couch to face him, it hurt like hell but I toughed it out with a few groans of pain. "Because I don't want to live with you not around." Kyle's voice was starting to break a little. "Suicide doesn't solve anything-" "I know it doesn't solve anything Stan! But if you aren't alive then I don't want to be alive either!" He shouted. I wanted to hold him in my arms, but my body wasn't in the most stable condition at the moment.

I didn't mean to make him yell and get upset like that. I'd never try to upset him on purpose. Kyle covered his face with his hands and then slid them away so he could talk, "Stan sometimes I think you forget how much I love you." "I don't. I love you so much Kyle." I sighed, trying my best to get closer to my loving boyfriend. Physically and emotionally. "I don't want you to die until I do." He spoke softly with compassion. "I said that to you when we were kids." I remembered happily. He smiled a little but looked away from me when he did. "Sometimes I think you forget how much I love you." At last I had gotten closer to him, we both sat criss cross on the gray colored couch. "That's insane." He mumbled low in his throat. We both just sat there for a minute, staring at each other with apologetic eyes. I was sorry for getting him all worked up and I could tell he was sorry for yelling, even though he wasn't necessarily mad at me. "We can't argue, at least for right now. It's exactly what Daniel wants, to make us fight and tear us apart." Kyle said to me. I nodded, "Nothing can tear us apart."

He nodded as well. When he stopped nodding he leaned in to my lips. I kissed back with passion. I tried to show him comfort and that I was there for him through our kiss. I leaned back on the couch slowly, trying to pull him with me. "I can't lay on top of you." Kyle looked at me sadly. "Yes you can, come on." I reached for his shirt, trying to tug on it. He had changed out of the black hoodie he was wearing. The dark tone of it brought out his eyes. That's why whenever he'd wear it I found myself not resisting to stare into those small green rings. "Stan I don't want to hurt you, we'll wait until you're better." I know he didn't want to have to wait.

At that point, I honestly wanted to just fight through the pain because I wanted him so badly. It'd been way too long. All the way back to camp was the last time we had sex. That was a month ago, maybe longer. With Kyle living so far away it's hard for us to have anytime together alone. When we are alone, it's either in his room or mine. But there's always someone else in the house. We like privacy. An empty house. I always feel like there's more freedom to have when there's nobody in the house and so does Kyle. "You don't actually want to wait until I'm better do you?" He couldn't actually be wanting to wait. "No but I don't want to see you in any more pain than you already are." Kyle explained, trying to make me understand why he wouldn't go through with it.

Checking the clock reminded me it was time to take my medication. My doctor told me to take them around the same time I first took them but I haven't followed that schedule well. I just want to get better so I can go back to normality. It's bothering me knowing I can't do certain things without assistance. I feel weird about it for some reason. Getting up to get the pill bottle would hurt. I wanted to try doing something on my own. I hadn't used my legs much. I cursed low in my throat as I leaned forward off the couch. "What're you doing?" Kyle questioned my movement. "Getting my medication" I was in the middle of letting out my pain through sound. "You can't walk." Kyle reminded me. "I'm well aware." I had somehow made it onto my feet without falling over like an idiot.

"I'll get it, just sit-" "I got it". Okay, one foot in front of the other. One step. Ow. Another, and back to the couch I fell. "I want to stab Daniel with a fucking pitchfork." Yeah that was brutal and dark. I really have no reason to care. Fuck him. I absolutely hate his guts. Kyle got up and got the pill bottle for me along with my water bottle he put in the fridge earlier. I took the 2 prescribed for each day. A nap sounded really fucking good. I laid back down onto the couch slowly. My head hit my memory foam pillow I'd brought from home. I brought a lot from home. Like a lot more than a few days worth. I didn't like being home that much anymore. I didn't argue that much with my parents, but it just gets boring over there. I patted the spot next to me for Kyle to lay next to me. He got next to me comfortably after pulling the blanket over us both from the back of the couch. I reached under the covers, sliding my hand up his shirt. I slowly rubbed it around the upper half of his body before slowly sliding it down the front of his pants. He closed his eyes and sighed in pleasure when I ran my hand down what was now becoming stiff.

He pushed my hand down on him harder. Good to know he was liking the feeling of my hand there. Kyle reached his arm around my neck, he got his other hand up under where my head was laying and wrapped that arm around my neck too. I finally reached up and shoved my hand down his boxer briefs. Kyle started rocking his body up into my hand. I kept moving it up and down to give him what I know he really wanted to feel. Kyle's phone started ringing just as he had told me not to stop. I could tell that whoever was calling wasn't going to have the call be answered. "You aren't in pain are you?" Kyle spat out breathlessly. "No baby, shhhhh." I shushed him as I continued to move my hand the way he was liking it.

The phone wouldn't shut up but I continued to ignore it. Kyle moaned loudly as his body began to slow down from rocking. I grabbed a tissue from the coffee table and wiped my hand off. Kyle reached for his phone to see who was calling. "Who's this?" Kyle shifted onto his back. He tapped the speaker button on the phone screen. "Yell at Holly like that again and I'll make sure this never ends." Daniel really loves drama. "Oh fuck you Daniel." Kyle said. "For someone who's 29 years old she really can't restrain herself from 2 other guys throwing her into a van." Kyle's face turned pale, "What the fuck are you talking about?" "Stan better admit he raped Holly or you'll see your aunt in pieces on your front doorstep." Daniel exclaimed. "Don't you dare fucking touch her you asshole!" I actually have seen Kyle get this mad before.

"Get him to admit it and she'll be fine." Daniel told Kyle. "You damn well know he didn't rape her." Kyle looked as if he was about to explode with deep rage. "Go to the police and tell them Stan did it, you don't want to live without the only person who supports you, right Kyle?" Daniel was happy for all the wrong reasons. What the fuck had he done to Kyle's Aunt Fiona? How did he find her? Kyle was in the middle of trying to track Daniel's location and his Aunt's location, no luck came from either search though. Daniel had already hung up the phone. "He went after the only family member who supports me." Kyle buried his face in his hands. I sat up, groaning in the motion.

My hand found his shoulder opposite to the one closest to me. I kissed his neck briefly and let my head rest on his shoulder. After all we've gone through, family now gets involved. Kyle's Aunt Fiona has said I'm like family to her. I think of her as family too because of how much care and support she shows for my boyfriend. She's all he has. All he has. All he has. All he has. Those three words kept pushing deeper and deeper into my brain. I sat there with my head on Kyle's shoulder, knowing that if I did lie and say I raped Holly, then Kyle's only family member wouldn't die. I know he doesn't want me to do something like that, I don't want to have to do it, but it might be for his own good. Cops aren't going to do anything. Daniel will somehow find out that we called them and kill Fiona. I can't have that happen. It'll be my fault.

"We can't call the cops." I stared blankly. "They won't know how to find her." Kyle replied, his words muffled by his hands. "Maybe I should just turn myself in, even though I didn't rape her, what other way is there?" I let my head lift off of Kyle's shoulder. "Have you lost your mind?" Kyle was baffled. "Ky, he will kill her." "The cops won't even believe you." Kyle tried to reason with me in the situation. "What else is there to do?" I asked him. He didn't answer me. I know he didn't have an answer. We related right now, we both had no idea what to do and no answer for what to do. We couldn't just keep sitting here. I'd need help getting up, not like I enjoyed having to feel like I was so useless to help myself. Kyle and I sat on the couch while minutes ticked by on the clock. It finally hit me, it could run into a few bumps but it was worth a shot.

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