Chapter 6- This One Was First

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Kyle's POV
Craig gave us a ride to Stan's house to get clothes and other things he wanted to bring with him to my house. It's hard to see him unable to do things he used to be able to do fine before. I know it's not permanent so I've been trying not to get so worked up. Some people might think, "Oh it was just a car accident." The destruction done to Stan's truck was probably horrid. He had to be pushed around in a wheelchair to walk around. He needed help getting into the car, laying down, sometimes eating and drinking, getting from one room to another. The wheelchair helped with most of the getting around though. I decided to let my Aunt Fiona know what was going on and what had happened in the previous few days. I didn't really feel like explaining it over the phone. She probably wouldn't answer right away anyway since she was probably spending time with her friend.

Me: Hey, Stan's gonna stay here a few days if that's okay

                     -6 MINUTES LATER-

Aunt Fiona: Sure no problem. Everything going okay?

Me: Not really, Stan was in a car accident

Aunt Fiona: What!??!

Me: Yeah. Your friend Rachel's son did it. You remember Daniel

Aunt Fiona: Was it because you're dating Stan and Daniel's jealous?

Me: Yep. I'm beyond pissed. Stan's ex Holly is dating him and was while her and Stan were dating, don't know how long for. Holly lied to the cops and said that Stan raped her which he'd never do that

Aunt Fiona: That's bullshit!! I can come home if you want?

Me: No have fun with your friend, we'll be fine. I stayed with Stan in the hospital for a couple days

Aunt Fiona: Let me know if you need me to come home. If you want to talk more call me later or something

Me: Okay

She's literally the best aunt/guardian ever.  Stan was on the couch sitting up. The doctor didn't want him laying down too much. I checked my phone for the time. 4:44 PM. How is that already the time? Stan did have to sign things before he left. Not sure why. Could be for early release from the hospital. He was able to lift the remote, which is good considering he's been having trouble lifting things lately. It wasn't just some ordinary car crash. This was worse. Stan's phone went off, presenting the tone he'd set for when people text him. "Can you get my phone Ky?" His phone was on the coffee table. I picked it up to hand it to him and saw who it was. "Oh hell no." I projected my arm back from moving to hand Stan's phone to him. "What who is it?" He asked. "Holly." I was dialing her number while I answered. Her message to him pissed me off.

Holly: Hope you got a good attorney. Jail might suit you considering you're a heartbreaker. You have no idea how big of a mess you've made for yourself. You and your bitch better never try to fuck with me or Daniel again.

"What're you doing?" Stan asked me as I put his phone to my ear. I walked off into his room to yell into his phone when that bitch finally answered. She didn't answer right away. "I thought I told you-" "You're a fucking psychopathic bitch do you hear me? Stan didn't rape you and you damn well know that! You have nothing better to do then to make up lies about other people whose lives you made miserable. You have no idea who you messed with, nobody's scared of your petty bullshit because nobody should be that fucking dumb to believe something that came from your mouth! I'm sick and tired of you trying to fuck up Stan's life. Cheating on him for Daniel? What the actual fuck is wrong with you? He did absolutely nothing to you. He deserved way fucking better than you. How the actual fuck has someone not beat your ass yet? Keep your fucking lies away from me and Stan. Grow the fuck up skank." Call ended.

No text back. No call back. No nothing from Holly Fermer. When I walked back out into the living room Stan was facing the TV, "Damn, guess I shouldn't ever mess with you." "I don't put up with bullshit, have you just met me?" I handed him his phone back. He was smiling. Good, glad he wasn't mad at me. Anyone tries to hurt Stan, it's not going to go on for long. I'm not saying I'm a tough guy. But never will I ever not stick up for him, even if he does stick up for himself. Lately it's been nothing but drama. I'd really like it to end. That's unfortunate for both me and Stan because of course it won't. Someone's always got to keep their mouth running. Just leave my boyfriend alone, how hard is it?

Apparently very for whatever crazy unknown reason. "Come sit with me." Stan patted the spot next to him. I leaned back on the couch comfortably next to Stan. "You were pissed." Stan laughed lightly. "Still am." I sighed and looked at the TV. Stan had put on a funny movie we both liked. We're so alike. It comes in handy and keeps us from arguing since we used to do that a lot. We have arguments here and there but in the last month or so there has been none of that. It won't last forever. It's normal with best friends. It's normal with couples. It's especially normal with best friends who became a couple because that best friend relationship never went away. It never did with me and Stan.

I guess we were best friends with benefits when we reached the age of 14. That's when we had our first kiss. I had went to Stan's birthday party, his 14th. It was his family party but since my parents were invited for some reason, I went along with them. Stan's parents invited them to have the boring conversations adults have these days probably. We were the only teenagers there. Shelly was older now. She came and talked with Stan's older cousins. After cake, Stan said he wanted to show me the new video game he got. Up the stairs we went to his room. He showed me the video game in its case. I looked at the back of it. Pretty good graphics. We stayed up in his room and talked for awhile. That's when this really out of the blue conversation came into thin air.

"Oh yeah, so Kenny was talking to me today about how I should experiment with a guy." Stan says. I had told Stan I was gay a few months before today. He was happy for me, glad I was able to tell him. He never treated me any different after I had come out to him. The first person I've told was Stan. If anything, he's tried hanging out with me a lot more and hugs me a lot. We always joked about if we ever did go past the point of best friends only. Being myself, I want that. The person who made me realize I was gay was Stan. I don't have the guts to come out and say, "I like you." but I knew I wasn't going to keep it in forever and would eventually tell my best friend how I felt about him. "You ever been with a guy?" Stan asks. I'm only 14. Even though kids say they're dating I still think I'm too young for a love story like how you see in movies. I've never done anything with anyone. "Nah, I don't think anyone wants to be with me right now." I reply honestly. "Ky that's ridiculous, you're cute and really fun to hang out with." He's always called me- did he just call me cute?

Was he drunk? No, not right now. "Thanks." I smile shyly at the boy across from me. "Dude I'm serious. Everyone always calls their boyfriend or girlfriend perfect and all  I can think is 'Have you met Kyle Broflovski?'" He's not actually speaking these words right he? He...he is. Is he saying what I think he's saying? "Stan what're you talking about?" I ask curiously. He smiles brightly at me. "You're just amazing." 14. A 14 year old says this to me. Right here, right now. I couldn't think of any other way to come out to him, words weren't going to run smoothly. I simply lean inward and press my lips against his. I can tell he's a bit surprised but presses his lips into the kiss with more force.

It ended sooner than I hoped it would. It felt right though. Like it was supposed to happen. I want it to happen again. Now. I leaned in quicker this time. After leaning back in and out a few more times, we play Stan's new video game. No word of what happened earlier. Even though we hadn't talked about it at all.

It's hard to believe it was such a long time ago. If I've said that another time was our first kiss, I lied. I tried to forget about any kiss or moment I had with Stan back before we were dating. Since we never talked about what we'd do, I figured he wanted no relationship with me. Guess I was wrong. Really wrong. Now we can't keep our hands off each other. We always, not exaggerating, always fall asleep in each other's arms. We cuddled a few times after I came out to him and after we kissed on his birthday but I didn't think much of it. It felt normal and comforting to me. It's not every day that someone gets to repeatedly keep falling in love with their best friend. I love waking up next to Stan. I love falling asleep next to Stan. I love doing everything in my life with him. "Dude have you talked to Kenny lately?" Stan picked up his phone, slowly moving his fingers to each number of his passcode to unlock it.

When I meant pain everywhere, I meant it. "He asked how I was doing and how you were doing this morning." I kept my eyes on the TV. I saw him texting Kenny out of the corner of my eye. Since we were sitting close to each other like we regularly do, I was able to look at his phone screen without him seeing.

Stan: I want to do it now, but I'm waiting till I'm better

Kenny: He'll love it I'm sure. He was really upset when he heard you stopped breathing. You know he had pulled me into the bathroom at the hospital saying he wanted to kill himself to be with you?

Stan: Kenny stop fucking around that's not even funny

Kenny: Dude why would I lie about something like that? You're one of my best friends, I don't fuck around with joking about suicide

Stan: He really told you that?

Kenny: I'm not gonna lie, I was considering getting a room in the hospital for him

Yeah I freaked out pretty bad that night. Maybe a little too much. It's not a crime to be madly in love.

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