Chapter 5- Ongoing Care

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Kyle's POV
The streak of no cops calling ended the 3rd day in the hospital at 9:18 in the morning. Stan answered the phone in his "I just woke up" voice. I found it cute, always did. Officer Calvin was the one to call him. Stan put the phone in speaker so I could be aware of what was going on. I'm glad he wasn't trying to be secretive about this. He was including me and wanted me by his side through this ridiculousness. Daniel acting like a 4 year old was not helping drama stay out of his life and mine. Stan and I have each other's backs, so whatever happens with this I'm going to be there for him no matter if he likes it or not. Officer Calvin told Stan that they needed him to come in for questioning about the supposed rape. I hated having to hear that word from anyone who said it. It hasn't ever happened to me, which I'm very thankful and grateful for. If it ever did I don't think I'd ever want anyone to touch me in that particular way again. I'd probably let Stan's Stan.

He'll be gentle if he knows I'm upset or something and just need to relax. Some days he can sense I'm in a bad mood and will just put on a movie and cuddle with me. Stan will make me food and let me vent about my problem or why I'm not the happy Kyle he's normally used to. I called Craig and asked him to pick us up from the hospital and drive us down to the police station. He said he'd be over to the hospital within 10 minutes or less. Craig said he'd push Stan in his wheelchair this time, but ever since I'd seen him in that hospital bed I've been like an overprotective parent and want to do everything for him to feel better and help him do things for now. Craig didn't fight me on it because he knew I was still wanting to be near Stan as much as possible. Was I still worried something would happen to him? Absolutely. Absolutely terrified. I can't get the idea of him dying out of my head. This time around at the station, the cops told me I couldn't go in with Stan to be questioned and I couldn't wait for him outside the interrogation room.

Craig said we could sit in the car till they were done. "How's he been doing?" Craig asked me. "Still sore. He seriously doesn't need more bullshit weighing down on him." I leaned back in the passenger seat. "So someone actually convinced these cops that Stan raped Holly?" Craig looked at me. I looked back at him, "That Daniel guy Stan told you about on the way here, he told them and so did Holly." From that point forward I felt as if my intestines were going to come out through my mouth. Hearing all those words associated with one another drew utter disgust and dislike into my body. "Stan's a good guy, he'd never rape anyone." Craig stated. He wasn't wrong in the slightest on that one. Stan's an amazing guy. Rape isn't even one of the last things he'd do. I'm aware that if anyone tried to hurt him he'd hurt them a lot harder. If anyone tried to hurt me he'd immediately throw his fists up. He always did that for me. He always will. I know he will. That's just the kind of person my boyfriend is. Protective, comforting, and hot as fuck. "He is." I agreed with Craig.

We talked about Stan for awhile. What happened before all of this happened with me and Stan, like how I didn't want to come out to anyone about our relationship but deep down I actually did. Craig understood where I was coming from. I told him about what my parents did and what Daniel did at the camp. I never get to talk to Craig much anymore. We used to talk a lot when I lived in South Park, but ever since I moved out of my hometown and in with my Aunt Fiona, I lost touch with some people I was so used to seeing every day. Craig told me a lot of people missed me. He had mentioned that Stan almost got into a big argument with some guy who said he wanted to fuck me.

I'm pretty surprised whoever it was didn't go to the hospital. I know exactly why Stan didn't tell me about it. He doesn't like repeating things and situations like that. According to Craig, Stan hasn't been focusing well in class. He's been zoning out and getting disinterested in a lot of things at school. Stan hadn't mentioned that to me at all. Maybe he just didn't want me to worry about him. He still tells me everything though. About half an hour later, Stan was pushed out through the station doors in the wheelchair by Officer Calvin. I jumped out of Craig's car and helped Stan get in the backseat. Officer Calvin loaded the wheelchair into the trunk. "Thanks again." I said to Officer Calvin. "No problem. We'll let Stan know about further information on the case." Officer Calvin walked back inside the station. "What happened?" Craig turned behind him in the driver's seat. Stan sighed deeply, "Might go to fucking jail because of that fucking dickhead people call a human being and that ugly fucking slut who tried controlling my life!" He grumbled loudly and slammed himself back in the seat.

His pain hadn't gone away yet so he let out a groan of pain this time. "Let's get something to eat." Craig backed out of the parking lot and drove to the nearest food place with a drive-thru. All 3 of us ate our food on the way back to the hospital. Stan stayed very quiet. Craig put on music that we all liked. I mouthed the words silently to a few songs that played. Craig dropped us off at the hospital entrance. He asked us if we needed help getting up to Stan's room but I told him I'd handle it. On the way up, Stan didn't talk. I didn't blame him for being upset. Deep down I knew he really wanted to go fight Daniel right now. Even though Holly possibly just fucked up a big part of his life, Stan would never hit a girl. Hearing his pain hurt me in ways I didn't want to feel. Stan doesn't deserve any of what's happening to him. I feel bad, like in some weird way it's partially, in the littlest bit my fault.

Stan told me I was crazy to think that, but I can't help but think some of this happening is my actual real fault. "Can you hand me my medicine? In the cabinet above the sink?" Stan asked me when I got him laying back down in the hospital bed. "Yeah." I walked over to where the cabinet was and opened it up. I'd been there with Stan the whole time now. Not once did I leave.

The bag he was bringing to my house has a bunch of his clothes in them, so I just changed into an outfit each day. Nothing fancy. I don't have time for that right now. I handed Stan two of the pain pills he had to take daily. Next I handed him the giant cup of ice water that was still here from when the nurse brought it in this morning. They wanted Stan to be hydrated. "Thanks for your help Ky." Stan moved to sit up in the bed a little more with the remote that controlled the bed movement. "No problem." I sat on the bedside looking forward at him. "No I mean it." He said seriously. I intertwined our fingers together and kissed his hand, "It's no big deal." "It is though. You've been through so much bullshit but you still have a heart. Most people don't who go through that kind of shit." Stan didn't look away from eyes the whole time.

I love him way too much and I really don't care if it's too much. "I love you." I leaned into his lips. He moved forward so his lips hit mine, "I love you more." "Think you'll be able to go home?" I asked him. He shrugged, "I'll ask. I don't wanna go home though. Just to your house." I smiled. I'm glad he wanted to come back home with me. He didn't say permanently but I hope one day he will. I know it won't be easy for him to move out of his house. He's lived there his whole life. He'd have to go to my school. I still don't think Sharon and Randy will let him though. They're not really strict but letting their son move in with his boyfriend? Eh, I don't know about that one. Maybe they will, I'm not sure. "How long do you wanna stay at my house?" I questioned. "I'm gonna need some more clothes from my house. I could blow off school for a few days. I might have to anyway, I still don't think I can walk," Stan explained. That was true, no doubt.

"I'll have to tell my mom to call the school and tell them what happened. I can stay with you until I feel better right?" Stan asked me. "Yeah of course." I assured him it wouldn't be a problem. Nobody knew how much longer Stan would be in pain. I didn't know. His parents didn't know. It was all up to his body from here on out. Sharon's caller ID came up on Stan's phone just as we had gotten comfortable in the hospital bed. "Can you call the school?" They were halfway into their phone conversation, "I already did. They're getting work together for you to do while you're out. When're you coming home?" Sharon asked her son on the other line.

"I have to ask the doctor. I'm going to stay with Kyle for a few days." Stan told his mom. "We would like you home Stan." She said in a calm voice. "I will be, after a few days. If they let me out today I'll stop by the house to get more clothes." Stan explained. Sharon didn't seem very thrilled about Stan staying at my house. She met my Aunt Fiona and they got along pretty well to say the least. I'm surprised she didn't immediately say no to Stan staying with me. "I guess that'll be okay. He'll be taking good care of you I'm sure." Okay, whoa. Either we weren't talking to Sharon or this mood swing of hers came way too unexpected. "I'll ask the doctor now and text you what's going on." Stan said into his phone. He had put it on speaker. "Okay. I love you Stan." She said. "Love you too mom." Stan didn't sound annoyed, that was good.

He didn't need the stress right now. "Looks like I'm staying with you for awhile." Stan grinned at me. We were sitting next to each other upright in the hospital bed. Sharon was completely nice about it. She didn't say I caused this car accident or blamed anything on me. I don't want to get used to it though. Who knows what could happen if I do? Stan pressed the call button for the nurse or doctor to come in. Whichever one was available to come to the room. Much to my surprise, they came in pretty quickly. I think his nurse did most of her other work on this floor. Convenient for him. When the nurse came in Stan asked her if he could go home. I jumped in and told her I'd take care of him and I'd be there to help him with anything when he needed it. She was a little hesitant at first but ran it by Stan's doctor and he finally was able to agree. I'll help him. I'll take care of him. I'll take care of him forever.

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