+lifting the mask+

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Name: Flamewhisker

Gender: Male

Age: 28 moons

Breed: A longhaired mix

Sexuality: Bisexual- leans towards females as he has always wanted kits of his own.

Clan: TideClan; a clan that resides near the heavily planted coastline. The climate is relatively temperate, although Greenleaf does bring high temperatures, with heavy rainfall following soon after just before the start of Leaf-fall.

Clan Position: Warrior

Positive Traits: Overall, Flamewhisker is a good guy. He's pleasant to be around and generally is good company. During his apprentice days, his mother had a second litter of kits, so he often volunteered to watch over his younger siblings to give his mother some time away from the rambunctious litter. As a result, Flamewhisker is quite responsible and skilled at teaching others. He's fantastic with keeping youngsters entertained and out of trouble.

Neutral Traits: Having never experienced betrayal, Flamewhisker puts a great deal of trust into others. He believes most cats are good-hearted and are true to their word, so he feels no reason to be wary towards them.

Negative Traits: Flamewhisker sometimes has superficial takes on things- for example, he believes a vital aspect of being an ideal mate for another cat in the clan is clean and acceptable appearance. He meticulously grooms himself, which results in him getting distracted from his duties on occassion. The tom also has a vain streak to him- he takes a great deal of pride in his looks because of the effort he puts into his presentation. Despite this, he tends to keep his conceited thoughts to himself.

Fears: getting physically stuck somewhere, being disfigured.

~Scenario 1~

The sun beamed through the cracks of the bracken ceiling of the medicine cat den as you diligently sorted through your herbs. It had been a rather uneventful day as of now, so you decided it would be a good time to head out and forage for anything that was low in stock. Just as you're pushing a pile of borage back into its dedicated spot, you hear someone bark your name "Medicine cat! We need some help out here- Flamewhisker got a gnarly gash from an otter!" Before you can react, the deputy that had been alerting you to the incident that had taken place, the tom burst through the entrance, Flamewhisker at his side with a shell-shocked expression. Analyzing the wounds from your position, it was apparent that three deep claw marks had been slashed across the bridge of the warrior's nose. Red, viscous blood surged from the wounds, staining Flamewhisker's muzzle and chest fur. Oddly enough, the tom appeared more horrified than in pain, his glassy eyes widened and his bottom lip trembling ever so slightly. What had gotten the tom so shaken up? You..

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