Harry Potter RP: Jackson Paleo

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Name: "Jackson Paleo. But my friends call me Jack." He didn't look up from his homework as he spoke, still writing with his quill.

Age: "15. Strange question." He looks up, frowning before he goes back to his homework.

Gender: "Even stranger. Is it that hard to see I am a boy?"

Species: He falls silent, looking up from his homework. "Wizard...?" (Yep, but he is also a half-breed, bitten by a werewolf.)

Sexuality: "Hm... Straight, I guess." He looks down, flicking through his book before he writes again.

Theme: (Harry Potter; The Order of the Phoenix.)

House: "I am in Ravenclaw."


"Aren't I right in front of you?" He looks up confused again, tilting his head. (Jackson has messy dark brown hair, which almost looks black, and he has brown eyes. He has an average skin tone, with scars lacing over him and even crossing over, including a scar from the end of his right eyebrow down the tip of his top lip. He normally wears sweaters and jeans to cover up, which also hides his skinny, almost skin-and-bone figure and his height is 5"7.)

Personality: "Hm... I guess I'm like your typical Ravenclaw...?" (Jackson is nerdy, but he mostly became a Ravenclaw for his creativity with music. He is quiet and well-behaved, but would gladly argue over what he thinks is right. He can be sweet and kind, offering chocolate to others, but when full moon comes, expect a snappy mood before he changes and a sleepy, almost given up attitude after he had changed.)

Likes: "Oh, I rather like music, especially the piano. And... I suppose I have a small soft spot for chocolate..." He smiles lightly. (Anything else you like?) He thinks for a moment before he speaks up "My classes, and having a silent study hour."

Dislikes: "Loud noises, I have, er, sensitive hearing..." He avoids your eyes, going back to his homework. (Jackson is scared to tell what he truly is, as well as hurting someone at full moon. He surprisingly hates getting up early and would rather sleep in.)

Powers: "..." Jackson continues with his homework, clearly ignoring you. (Other than magic, Jackson turns into a wolf once a month. Instead of going to Snape for the potion that allows him to control himself, he has learnt how to make it himself.)

Family: "My mother was a muggle and my father was a wizard, Hufflepuff in fact." He smiles a little.

Backstory: "Not much happened. I knew a lot of both the muggle world and the wizarding world." (Lies. When Jackson was 10, he was bitten by a werewolf who was actually the father of his best friend. His best friend moved away to America, go to the wizarding school there while Jackson experienced pain once a month.)

Other: He smiles fondly as an owl flies on to his shoulder. "This is Tanya, my pet."


Scenario (1) : "Professor Snape?"

You turn around in your seat close to the front to see Jackson Paleo with his hand up, looking pale. You were in Defence Against the Dark Arts and your professor for this class, Professor Lupin, was sick, so you had Professor Snape and even though your class wasn't up to this lesson yet, you were learning about werewolves.

You find yourself looking at Jackson more, even as he answers Snape's question. He looked sick, tired and weak, shadows under his eyes and his skin pale. You remember this morning how he had snapped at someone was simply asking him to pass the butter.

Like, did he have a problem with butter or something?

Anyway. The lesson went by quick and you decided to ask Jackson if he was alright. As you followed him out of the classroom, you noticed how he tried to avoid everyone, sometimes holding his stomach tightly. You tap him on the shoulder and Jackson jumps, spinning around to face you.


Scenario (2) : Jackson was your best friend. You knew everything about him... Except for how he got that scar on his face. Whenever you asked, Jackson would look away and not talk until the subject was changed.

So, you got worried when one of his house mates he had slept in longer than usual. You convinced Jackson's house mate to take you into the common room and quickly ran up to the boy's bedroom.

Indeed, Jackson was still asleep, hugging his pillow underneath his head as he snores softly. You find yourself smiling a little as you sat next to him and shook his shoulder. He groans, slapping your hand as he muttered "Noooo... Too early..."


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