Story Prompt RP: Hope Everdeen/ Nathan Taylor

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Name: "Hi! My name is Hope Everdeen! Nice to meet you!" She beams, bouncing on her feet.

Age: "Does age really matter? Anyway, I'm sixteen!"

Gender: "Female and proud of it!" She giggles, still bouncing about

Species: She freezes mid-bounce, staring at you for a moment before she giggles again, smiling as she says "Human, sadly."

Sexuality: "Hmm... Bi, I guess!"

Theme: (Story Prompt: You wake up in the woods with three others. Each of you are wearing what you went to bed in. You have no idea how or why you are there. There are four boxes with each of your names and inside each box is a clue to why you are there.)

Looks: (Ok, there are three pictures. One and two is what she looks like, the third is her clue.)

"Aren't I right in front of you, silly billy?" She giggles, bouncing about again. "I have long brown hair, light brown eyes and quite average skin! My height is 4"5 and I have a hourglass figure."

Personality: "Hmmm... I have no way to answer that!" (Hope is very bubbly and restless, simply filled with, well... Hope! She can be annoying as to how happy and childish she is but, in this roleplay scenario, you'll be glad she is happy all the time. Well, you think she is happy all the time... Inside, she is really insecure and broken, crying. She is pretty good at hiding it all the time, except for when it comes to her nightmares...)

Likes: "Music is a big fave of mine! I also like fairytales, myths and legends! Oh, oh, and apples! Yummy!" (She also likes animals, her family, singing and dancing, sunshine and seeing people happy.)

Dislikes: "Blegh, don't even mention broccoli! Eww!" (She also doesn't like crying in front of anyone, bullies and going to sleep because of nightmares she has. She is terrified of water, but is okay with drinking it. Obviously.)

Powers: "None, sorry."

Family: "A younger sister, older brother, older twin sisters and my parents! But, I'm a foster child, so you can tell the obvious difference."

(Five year old Angel, the little cutie!)

(This is Damien, who is 19 years old.)

(And these two are Rose, on the top, and Lily, at the bottom. Only difference between them is Lily's eyes are a lighter green! They are both 24.)

Backstory: "Hmmm... Well, when I was 2 years old, my parents left me at an foster agency only with a note about my name being Hope. Than, when I was 13, Mr and Mrs Everdeen adopted me! Otherwise, pretty normal life!" (When she was 8, five years before Mr and Mrs Everdeen adopted her, Hope, who had just returned from a different foster family, started having nightmares about why her parents left her at the foster agency, and never being loved, in a family manner, relationship manner or even in a friendship manner.)

Other: "Ah... I think that's it!"


Name: "Nathan. That's all you need to know, nothing more, nothing less." He glares at you, an angry look on his face. (His name is Nathan Taylor.)

Age: "And? I should just tell you that why?" (16, even though he looks at least 20.)

Gender: His eyebrow rises for a moment until he glares at you again. "Are you seriously that dumb?" (*goes to slap him, but than thinks twice* ... Male...)

Species: "What the fuck do you mean by that?!" (First of all, NO NEED TO SWEAR, NATHAN! *clears throat* Second of all, human.)

Sexuality: "I guess... NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!" (*now actually slaps him* Straight. That's all you needed to say, Nathan. Straight.)

Theme: (Story Prompt: You wake up in the woods with three others. Each of you are wearing what you went to bed in. You have no idea how or why you are there. There are four boxes with each of your names and inside each box is a clue to why you are there.)

Looks: (Same with Hope, the first and second picture is what he looks like, the third is his clue.)

"You... You are kidding me, right?" He rolls his eyes, and points at the top picture. "Dark brown hair, which kinda covers my left eye in a fringe. Dark grey eyes, tanned skin and I'm pretty athletic I guess." (He is also 5"9 in height.)

Personality: He rises an eyebrow, frowning. "My dad calls me a di--" (*claps hand over his mouth* At first, Nathan is cold, rude, stubborn and uncooperative. However, he is pretty gentle and sweet secretly. When one of his friends or family members are in a life threatening situation, Nathan will jump in to help, not caring about his life at all!)

Likes: He pulls my hand off his mouth, glaring at me. "I like it when my space is appreciated and not ignored..." (*shrugs* Sorry. Anyway, he also likes relaxing and doing nothing, most of the time. There is also his strange like for birds--) Nathan blushes softly, looking away as he crossed his arms (*smirks* and he loves his family dearly, and anyone who gets close to him will experience the same love and protective nature he normally has reserved for just his family.)

Dislikes: "Idiotic people and their questions..." He glares at me. (*hides question sheet behind back before looking at you* Other than that, there is also his hatred, and fear, of heights. There is a strong dislike towards being bossed about as well, and seeing others in serious trouble.)

Powers: He raises an eyebrow. (Um... None.)

Family: He actually smiles a little and pulls a picture out. "Two younger siblings and my old man. My mum... Passed away..."

(This is Lily, the middle child at 10 years old.)

(And this is the youngest, little Bobby, who is 1 year old!)

Backstory: He falls silent, taking the photo back. (Other than his mother dying by cancer a year after Bobby was born, not much...)

Other: (Nothing else.)


Scenario: Both your OCs wake up in the middle of the woods in the clothes they went to bed to after hearing a loud yell of surprise. Your OCs look around to see each other, (which they don't recognise) and two others. A female looking around surprised and a male groaning as he looks around, before he mutters "What the fuck...?"

The girl squeaks, looking at the male as she exclaims "Don't swear for one! And two... Where are we?" The boy shrugs, looking at you two as he asks "Do you two know?" Both your OCs look around and notice four boxes with names on them.

Requirements: Two OCs, one male and one female. They must both be sixteen and human. You can have your OCs fall in love with each other or with my characters, but everyone doesn't know each other at all, thank you!

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