⭐️ Greek Mythology OCs ⭐️

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The OCs below this chapter until the next section are part of the universe/scenario described below.

The Titans are back. They have returned after many years of living in the shadows of their stronger descendants. And they are back with a vengeance.

They gathered as much strength as they could and stormed Olympus, dethroning the gods and goddesses. But that wasn't enough. The Titans has to assure that the Olympians and their friends wouldn't get in their way again.

Their solution? A curse unlike any the world had ever seen. They erased the memories of the gods and goddesses, replacing them with false ones. This also took away their domains and powers.

Now, they are stuck in the town of Elysia. None of them are aware of who they truly are or what has happened. But mysterious things are occurring that may just give them a clue.

(Feel free to play a normal human or another god or goddess. You can even change them to fit your idea of that character.)

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