The Victorian Killer

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Name: Celine Lavinia DeWitt

Nickname(s): Cel, Lina

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Closeted Bisexual

Species: Human

Face Claim: Hailee Steinfeld

Personality: Celine is smart and always seems to be two steps ahead of everyone else. She's a talented liar and actress who knows how to spin the truth to get what she wants. She acts like the an innocent girl. The perfect daughter. But she's secretly harboring a dark side.

Likes: Manipulating people, things going her way, lying, having fun, drinking, pretty girls, and partying.

Dislikes: People not believing her lies, not getting her way, her brother, and nosy people.

Backstory: Celine grew up as the younger of two siblings in a wealthy family. Her brother, Julian, was a troubled individual who brought a lot of pain and grief to their family. Celine wanted nothing more than to protect her family and their reputation from the ruin that Julian was sure to bring.

One night four years ago, Celine's father came home to find that Julian had shot and killed himself. Celine's mother had witnessed it and has never been the same since. She had to be sent to a hospital for care and Celine and her father visit every weekend.

The truth about the day of Julian's death is known only to Celine and her mother, though the latter most likely won't be revealing what she knows any time soon.

In actuality, it was Celine who killed her brother. Her mother happened to walk in just as she pulled the trigger. Celine saw what she did as a way to help her family. She hadn't meant for the event to cause so much damage. That night ruined her family more than Julian ever could have, just in a different way.

It also awakened something in her. A bloodlust. Recently, many people connected to Celine have mysteriously died or disappeared. The good news for her is that her family is influential enough for her to not be suspected.


1. You are new in town and attend a party that Celine also happens to be at. You see her across the room and she glances over at you with a flirtatious smile. You?

2. You are a nurse/doctor at the hospital where Celine's mother is. Celine comes in for a visit and you notice how her mother seems to tense up around her. You?

3. You have had the misfortune to get on Celine's bad side. One evening, you receive a letter requesting that you meet her in the stables on her property. You?

4. Make one up.

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