The Personification of Death

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Name: Bria Lorelai Grimshaw

Nickname(s): Bri, Death

Age: As old as life. Looks to be somewhere in her mid-twenties.

Gender: Technically none, looks female and prefers female pronouns but doesn't really care what people call her.

Sexuality: Pansexual

Species: Death

Face Claim: Emma Watson

Personality: For most of her life, Bria wasn't the kindest. She wasn't exactly super mean, but she did her job without really feeling anything. Recently, however, she's grown to feel bad about taking the lives of so many people who don't deserve to die. She's starting to seriously dislike her job.

Likes: The color black, reading, rain, autumn, painting, and music.

Dislikes: Killing people who don't deserve it, summer, heat, and really bright colors.

Backstory: Bria was created at the same time that life was created. Her sole purpose was to end the lives of living beings once their time came. Every death that has ever occurred has happened because of Bria. In more recent years, she's grown to dislike her job. She hates the fact that she has to sometimes take children or good people that don't deserve to die and wants to do something about it.


1. One day, out of nowhere, Bria came for you. To save your life, you captured her. Now that you're keeping Death herself trapped in your basement, you?

2. Bria has decided that she's had enough and has stopped killing people. You are the embodiment of Life and you need to get her back on the right track.  You?

3. One evening, you decide to explore a graveyard with some friends. While you're there, you notice a woman standing underneath a tree. She seems to be watching your group. You?

4. Make one up.

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