The Reincarnated Vampire

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(Sorry the backstory is so long.)

Name: Saskia Roxana Sheridan

Nickname: Kia

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Lesbian

Species: Human/Vampire

Face Claim: Katie McGrath (Lucy looked the same, just with blonde hair)

Personality: Saskia is usually pretty quiet, though she does like a good conversation. She's very smart and a good listener. She loves her small group of close friends dearly.

Recently, however, she's been a lot more bubbly and outgoing. But, at the same time, more private about things that have been going on with her. She's perfectly fine with listening to and talking about things going on with her friends, but gets oddly quiet when someone asks about her.

Likes: Reading, writing, painting, her friends, nature, rain, new books, and dogs.

Dislikes: Wearing bright colors, being too hot or too cold, her friends being sad, and talking about herself.

Backstory (This has nothing to do with my vampire queen character btw):

The story of Dracula is wrong. The truth has been covered up over time thanks to the book by Bram Stoker, which gets quite a few things incorrect. This is the truth.

Dracula came to England in the 1890s. There, he met Mina Murray (a young woman studying to be a doctor under Professor Van Helsing), who was engaged to Jonathan Harker. He was absolutely entranced by Mina and quickly fell in love with her and grew jealous of Jonathan. But Jonathan wasn't the one he had to worry about.

Mina's best friend, Lucy Westenra, was madly in love with her. She kept her affections hidden, of course, but couldn't deny them. She had no idea that Mina secretly felt the same and Lucy turned to Lady Jayne Wetherby (secretly a vampire hunter) for guidance. Unfortunately, Jayne was not seeking to help Lucy, and instead wanted to ruin her relationship with Mina for reasons that are still uncertain.

She convinced Lucy to sleep with Jonathan in order to make Mina feel some of the pain and betrayal that she is feeling and, being as naive as she was, Lucy went through with it. Mina was understandably upset, but Dracula was even more so.

One evening, he snuck into Lucy's home and turned her. He told her that if she was going to act like a monster than he would make her one and forced her to drink his blood. She grew weak and sick and didn't understand what was happening. Her thirst became out of her control and she killed her mother in order to feed.

She found Mina, worried about what she'd become, and Mina tried to help her, forgiving her past mistakes. Over time, Dracula realized the connection the two women had and revealed who he was and what happened to Lucy. He offered them a deal they couldn't refuse. He offered to turn Mina as well so they could live forever, as partners.

They accepted and ran off together. Dracula did fail to mention one thing. Vampire hunters. The two were found about a century later and killed. The good thing is, Dracula had worked some magic to make them (somewhat) more immortal.

Lucy was reincarnated as Saskia, with no memory of her past life. But the memories (and vampirism) are returning and Saskia is afraid. She doesn't know what is happening or why.


1. You are one of Saskia's friends. She comes to class one day and seems different. You?

2. You are a reincarnated person from Lucy's past (preferably Mina, but it could be someone else) and are one of Saskia's friends. One day, Saskia comes to you to talk to you about all the weird stuff that's been going on lately. You?

3. For this, I was thinking we could do something in the past. So, instead of Saskia, this is just Lucy and we can act out a part or all of the history detailed in the backstory.

4. Make one up.

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