The Asylum Patient

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Name: Lucia Grace Rosewood

Nickname: Lucy

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Closeted Bisexual.

Species: Human

Face Claim: Katie McGrath

Personality: Lucy is usually a very sweet and gentle girl. She is kind and considerate. She loves a good party and is very friendly. But recently, she's been more closed off and spends more time alone. She's been paranoid and distrusts almost everyone.

Backstory: Lucy comes from an extremely well respected and wealthy family. She has always been an imaginative person. She had a plethora of imaginary friends when she was younger. But she has become more "troubled", as her parents call her, as she's gotten older. She started hearing things that weren't there and seeing things that no one else could see. Her parents, worried about their reputation being ruined, kept her locked in her room.

One night, while her parents were hosting a party, Lucy managed to unlock the door and went downstairs to where the party was being held. She started raving about voices and that someone was coming for her and trying to hurt her. The next day, her family sent her to an asylum to protect their respectability. She has now been there for a month.

Likes: Reading, singing, being happy, nature, having fun, parties, and clothes.

Dislikes: Medicine, doctors, mean people, and her family.

Other: This takes place in Victorian London.


1. You are a patient in the asylum. You see Lucy sitting alone during breakfast. You?

2. You are a doctor or nurse in the asylum. One morning, you walk into Lucy's room and find her huddled in a corner and staring in fear at the wall across from her. You?

3. You are one of Lucy's friends that wasn't present at the party. Wanting to know what happened to her, you discovered that she was committed to an asylum. You?

4. Make one up.

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