The Criminal Mastermind

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Name: Jaime Zakiya Kyna

Nickname (Code Names): Z, Amelia Watson

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Species: Human

Face Claim: Natalie Dormer

Personality: Jamie is incredibly intelligent and observant. She is very independent and confident. She is creative, but not necessarily in an artistic way. She is almost always a step ahead of everyone.

Backstory: Jamie's parents died when she was eleven. She went through a series of foster homes that she hated. She ran away at seventeen. She started stealing to survive.

One night, the owners of a house she was stealing from came home. She panicked and shot them. She didn't feel bad, though. It made her feel good.

She continued to commit crimes, growing her reputation. She was smart and very careful never to get caught. Now, she has a large network of people working for her. She plans things, but is sure not to do anything illegal herself.

Likes: Committing crimes, leading, being surprised, reading, and having power.

Dislikes: Police, not being taken seriously, ignorant people, most men, and being reminded of her past.

Other: At the scenes of the crimes that her network commits, they leave behind a slip of paper with the letter Z. That way, she can take credit for all of the crimes and let the police know it was her. Also, she is from London.


1. You are a detective investigating the mysterious criminal "Z." You haven't had any leads. You don't even know what they look like. One night, you're at a bar and Jamie sits down next to you. She smiles at you. You?

2. You work for Jamie and you were unable to complete your latest mission. She has called you and told you to meet with her in an abandoned warehouse. You've never met her before, only gotten instructions over the phone.  You?

3. You are a normal person. One evening, Jamie sneaks into your home to steal something. You hear a creak in the floor from another room. You?

4. Make one up.

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