The Demon

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* - I don't know if any of you are going to care. But Clara has a more posh accent and Isabella's is a lot rougher. They both have a Victorian appearance, but scenarios can be modern.

Name: "Clara Eleanor Reilly."
"Isabella Josephine Spencer. But don't call me that."

Nickname: "I do not have any. Just Clara is fine."
"Most people call me Izzie. I think you ought to do the same."

Age: "Both Izzie and I are centuries old. Still relatively young for demons."

Gender: "We are both female."

Sexuality: "We don't usually get those sort of feelings toward anyone. But if we do, we don't usually care who it is as long as we like them." (Pansexual.)

Species: "I would have thought that I've made it quite clear by now. We're demons. Demons of mischief to be precise."

Face Claim: "Can you not see us?"
"What are you? Blind?"
(Natalie Dormer)

* - Isabella has paler, more sickly skin and eyes that give off a faint golden glow.




Personality: "I wouldn't want to sound as though I am bragging."
(Clara is more polite than her counterpart. She is quieter and more considerate. She's more willing to be nice and do things as long as she's not pissed off.)
"You'll find out soon enough."
(Izzie is the worse behaved of the two. She's crude and mean and sarcastic. She doesn't really care much about what people think and causes chaos whenever she can.)

Backstory: "We do not share that information with anyone."
"Yeah. Piss off."

Clara actually used to be a human. She was part of a noble family in Victorian Era England. Unfortunately, she died rather young due to an illness. She had been fairly greedy and had harbored a large amount of anger and hatred that she usually kept suppressed when she was alive. She went to Hell when she died.

Satan took a liking to her and decided to make her a demon. He made her immortal, but it came with a price. The worst parts of Clara, though some still reside in her, came to life in the form of Isabella.

Isabella and Clara take turns in control of the body they share. They're appearance and outfits change as they do. They switch quite frequently and you're never quite sure who you are going to get first if you summon them. They are demons of mischief and love causing trouble.

Likes: "We enjoy creating mischief, causing pain, money and expensive things, and torturing humans. All the main things that demons enjoy doing."
"I personally like to drink and party. Clara's boring and has never liked either."

Dislikes: "We don't care for angels, people who summon us to make ridiculous requests, people who try to summon us and make requests without proper pay, and overly optimistic people."


1. You decided to try to summon a demon based on something you found online. You don't expect it to work, but it does. You suddenly find yourself looking at a beautiful Victorian woman. You?

2. You are someone who regularly makes requests of demons. They all know you and are usually willing to do whatever you'd like. You just recently asked Izzie and Clara to do something. You summon them again for an even bigger request. They appear and don't look very happy. You?

3. You are an angel. You have been sent to try and stop Clara and Isabella from wreaking havoc on humans. One morning, after days and days of searching, you see them in the woods. You?

4. Make one up.

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