The Vampire Queen

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Name: Elisabeta Amalia Alexandria Dracul (Uses Joanna Murray as an alias)

Nickname: El, Eli, Elisa, Dracula

Age: 600, give or take (Looks 26-30 ish)

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Species: Vampire

Face Claim: Katie McGrath

Personality: Elisabeta is a very secretive person. She is a very observant and is constantly monitoring everyone around her in whatever situation she finds herself in. You don't survive as long as she has without being careful. She is incredibly intelligent, but does occasionally have a bit of a temper. She's learned to keep it mostly in check, though.

Likes: Blood, power, being in control, respect

Dislikes: Vampire hunters, vampire myths that get the facts completely wrong, people taking credit for her work,  being powerless

Backstory: Elisabeta was born in the year 1400 in modern day Romania. Her family was not of low standing, but were by no means the most influential. Her parents arranged a marriage for her in the hopes that it would bring them prosperity. She despised her betrothed, but she could not do anything about it.

One night, she had an unfortunate encounter with him and it left her feeling hopeless. All she wanted was control over her life. She begged for anyone's help. Any person, God, or monster. She couldn't stand to keep living like that.

Someone heard her pleas. She knows him as Simon, though she has come to realize he is actually Satan himself. He offered her power behind her wildest dreams in exchange for her soul on the condition that she supply him an army with it. Now, over six hundred years later, she has given him just that. Her "children" are found all over the world and she leads them all (though, she does not have actual direct contact or control over most of them).

Her betrothed was her first victim and his family, the Van Helsings, have been hunting her and her kind ever since. On a further downside, their blood is the best tasting and is almost irresistible to vampires.

Other: She has above average strength and agility, as well as possessing some hypnotic abilities that allow her to make suggestions through her words. Strong minded people are able to break through these suggestions and it is more difficult for her if you know what she is attempting to do. She does not burn in the sun, though she prefers to be out at night.


1. You are a vampire hunter. One day, a woman comes to you for help. She seems desperate. You?

2. You are a vampire. You have been sensing a strong presence nearby and it leads you to a coffee shop in town. You see a woman sitting alone by the window. The sense is pulling you toward her. You?

3. You are a human. You go to a bar one night and sit beside a woman in a maroon suit. She seems troubled and is nursing a drink. You?

4. Make one up.

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