The Heiress

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Name: Margaery Joanna Scott

Nicknames: Maggie.

Age: 24.

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Lesbian

Species (Can be changed for some RPs or scenarios): Human

Face Claim: Katie McGrath

Personality: Margaery is a very hardworking individual. She understands the privilege she has, but doesn't take it for granted. She tries to use it for good. She can be very ruthless and determined person when it comes to deals and business decisions, but she isn't a heartless person.

Likes: Being respected, her dads, her work, helping charity, fancy clothes, drinking, flirting, and women.

Dislikes: Old men making decisions for her, her dads (sometimes), flying, being disrespected, and not being busy with something.

Backstory: Margaery was adopted as a baby by her two dads. Her dads are Irish and moved to America for a better opportunity for business. They ended up being very successful with their company and have gained a lot of money and attention.

Margaery has grown up privileged and in the public eye. She has been groomed to take over the company and currently does many things for it. At the moment, she's trying to really solidify her place in the Scott dynasty while also trying to gain some revenue through her own ventures.


1. You are a business owner and the Scotts wish to invest in your company. They have paid for an evening at a fancy restaurant to work out details. You are seated at your table and, a few minutes later, Margaery is brought over and sits across from you. You?

2. You are at a gala hosted at the Scotts' house. Margaery comes over to you. You?

3. You work for the Scotts' as a (butler/chauffeur/cook/gardener/etc.). One day, Margaery shows up at your house on the estate. You?

4. Make one up.

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