The Vampire Twins

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Name: Carina Lucille Wren

Nickname(s): Carrie (hates this one. Usually only called it by Charles), Rina

Age (The age they look can be adjusted based on RP or scenario): Looks 18. Actually older.

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Species: Vampire

Face Claim: Madelaine Petsch

Personality: Carina craves power. She is ruthless and selfish. The only other person she cares about instead of herself is her brother, Charles. Though, not always. She can be rather easily annoyed or angered. Especially when something comes between her and her goals. She will stop at almost nothing to get what she wants. She is willing to go to very extreme lengths to accomplish whatever it is she has set her mind to.

Likes: Power, winning, her brother (though she'd never tell anyone), being the center of attention, and being a vampire.

Dislikes: Losing, the sun (it doesn't kill her or anything. She just burns easily), weak people, and not getting her way.

Backstory: Carina was born into a very wealthy family and grew up spoiled. She has always felt as though she is more important than other people and deserves more than they do. All she had ever wanted is attention and influence. She found this through supernatural means.

The year she graduated high school, there were rumors going around her town of vampires living in the woods outside of town. Most people brushed these rumors off as some stupid urban legend. But not Carina. Carina took them very seriously. She saw this as an opportunity. What could make her more powerful than eternal life?

One night, she snuck off into the forest to find out if the rumors were true. As it turns out, they were. She found them and begged them to turn her into one of their kind. They were hesitant at first, but eventually agreed.

The next evening, she found her thirst for blood to be too overwhelming. Unfortunately, the nearest option for feeding was her own family. Without fully realizing what she was doing (or so she says), she killed her parents and drank their blood, as well as turning Charles into a vampire against his will.

They have now taken over their family's business and try their hardest to keep their condition and what happened to their parents a secret.


Name: Charles Lucius Wren

Nickname(s): Charlie (only Carina calls him this because he hates it)

Age (The age they look can be adjusted based on RP or scenario): Looks 18. Actually older.

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Gay

Species: Vampire

Face Claim: Trevor Stines

Personality: Charles is the polar opposite of his sister. He is shy and quiet. He despises being the center of attention and could not care less about power or influence. He strives to be nice to everyone and has not been corrupted by his wealth or the way he was brought up. Most people that met him, like him. The same cannot be said about Carina.

Likes: People, quiet, being outside, reading, being alone, and his sister (sometimes).

Dislikes: His sister (sometimes), being a vampire, attention, large noises, and big crowds.

Backstory: Charles is Carina's twin brother, but the two could not be more different. They have very different aspirations and moral values. Charles has always been kind and good, while Carina has always been harsh and bossy. Eve growing up, Carina always took the lead and was often mean to Charles, despite him actually being the older one.

Charles also heard the rumors about the vampires circulating through town. But he never thought they held any merit. He thought Carina was insane for being so obsessed with them. He had no idea what would happen.

He knew that Carina had snuck out the night before the incident, but he didn't know where too. All throughout the next day, she'd been acting weird. But he didn't really think anything of it. Then he came downstairs to find his twin sister hunched over the bodies of their parents, drinking their blood. The next thing he knew, she was on top of him.

Carina forced him to drink her blood, turning him into a vampire. Ever since that night, he has hated her. He can't forgive her for what she did. He hates what she made him and refuses to feed from anyone, forcing Carina to go out and hunt for the both of them. She brings him bottles of blood back. That way, he isn't causing any harm to anyone.


1. You walk down the street late at night, looking at your phone. You don't notice the woman behind you until you stop at a crosswalk, waiting for the walking sign. She bumps into you and you both fall to the ground. She apologizes profusely. You?

2. You are a fellow rich kid and your parents wish to invest in the Wren's family business. They have sent you over to the large manor that the family lives in. You know that the Wrens are very secretive and that many rumors have been spread about them. Almost no one has seen any of them (especially the parents) in years. You knock on the door and Carina answers almost immediately. Charles is visible in the parlor. You?

3. You are new in town and have moved into the house right next door to the Wrens. About a week after moving in, you get curious about your reclusive neighbors. You bake a batch of cookies and go over to their house. You ring the doorbell and wait for an answer. Charles opens the door. You?

4. Make one up.

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