The Other Superhero's Daughter (Marvel)

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Name: Wendy Maria Danvers

Nickname: Dee, Danvers, Lieutenant Marvel

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Species: Part human, part Kree

Face Claim: Lili Reinhart

Personality: Wendy is very driven and determined. She doesn't let anything stop her. She tends to let her emotions get in the way sometimes, but she is working on it. Though she isn't sure it's such a bad thing. She's a pretty great advice giver and friend.

Backstory: Wendy doesn't know her father. But  she assumes he's some kind of alien. Probably one of the few friendly Kree that her mother has probably met somewhere, given that she has inherited some of her mother's abilities and Kree DNA. Her mom is partially human still and Wendy doesn't think that she'd have as much Kree DNA as she does if her father was human. But that's really all just speculation. Her mom won't talk about her dad.

Carol has been teaching Wendy about being a pilot for her entire life, leading to her being able to fly a plane really well. She has also helped her learn to control her powers.

Powers: Superhuman strength, superhuman durability, superhuman stamina, immune to most toxins and poisons, flight, and photon blasts/energy control (I guess that's what you call it? I dunno.)

Weapons: She doesn't have any that she usually uses. But she can use a gun and a few other weapons.

Likes: Flying, her friends, helping people, using her powers, rom coms, her mother, and parties.

Dislikes: Being told she's too emotional, sexism, her friends getting hurt, villains, and not being able to help someone.

Strengths: Wendy is always there to be a shoulder to lean on and gives amazing advice. She's a good pilot. Her mom's been teaching her stuff about flying since she could remember.

Weaknesses: Wendy can sometimes be too emotional. This can lead to her being easy to manipulate or be susceptible to crumbling under stress. She also has to recuperate if she uses her powers a lot.

Other: She has blue blood, like her mom does after having her DNA spliced with the Kree. She also has a pet cat named General Whiskers (she got him when she was six) who may or may not be a Flerken. Who knows?


1. Make one up.

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