The Secret Agent's Daughter (Marvel)

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Name: Evelyn Elizabeth Carter

Nickname(s): Eve, Evie, Lyn

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Sexuality: Bisexual. Prefers girls.

Face Claim: Maia Mitchell

Personality: Evelyn is a very smart and perceptive person. She often presents herself with class and likes to look good and respectable. She does have a bit of a sarcastic streak, but she knows when and when not to use it. She is always willing to do the right thing and also do whatever it takes to get something done. Her determination can sometimes result in her being or coming off as stubborn.

Powers: None.

Weapons/Equipment: She owns a variety of guns, a lipstick called "Sweet Dreams" that puts people to sleep, a wristwatch that can open safes, a lock-pick disguised as a brooch, and a grappling hook gun. She is also skilled at hand to hand combat.

Likes: Being better at something than men, being respected, her mother, doing good, helping others, sparring, clothes, and reading.

Dislikes: Sexism, being disrespected, being underestimated, most men, arrogant people, ignorant people, and rain.

Backstory: After Steve Rogers' "death", Peggy Carter drowned her sorrows in liquor and spent a drunken night with a man she would never see again. That night resulted in Evelyn's existence. Peggy kept her pregnancy and her child a secret, not wanting the world to find out about her and the circumstances of how she came to be. She did love Evelyn, she just didn't want people to disrespect her even more than they already were.

Peggy taught Evelyn everything she knows and Evelyn began helping her mother out on missions when she was thirteen. It was their way of bonding. They kicked some serious ass together.


1. You somehow accidentally travel back in time and get yourself into a sticky situation with some bad people. Wrong place, wrong time. This encounter results in them kidnapping you. After spending s few hours tied to a chair, you hear some sort of commotion. Then Evelyn bursts into the room. You?

2. (Modern) You are walking down the street one day when you notice a girl dressed in old clothing. She appears to be rather confused. You?

3. (Past or Modern, You Decide) You are some kind of bad guy and just so happen to be Evelyn's arch nemesis. You learn that she's found your secret base and is on her way. You?

4. Make one up.

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