A Different Kind of Sin

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TW: Non-consensual activities!  Not in a way where you're supposed to support lack of consent, of course ❤️ (Character A is not aware that character B is actually not comfortable with how physical they're getting)
Requested by: @ArkDanvers

Word Count: 1,814

It's a sin, Crowley.

Please dear, it's against the word of god.

She wouldn't want it this way.

A sin dear, as in unholy as in a mustn't.

Crowley could respect Aziraphale wanting boundaries, but not when the only reason those boundaries exist were because Heaven was blackmailing his angel into fearing what might happen should he finally do something out of line.
It saddened him more than angered him whenever he could get touchy enough with Aziraphale that the angel would have to stop him and remind him it was a sin that they be physically inclined towards each other.
Wether it was merely slipping a hand under the other's shirt to trying to take it off completely, Aziraphale would instantly shut it down.

It mustn't be allowed in the eyes of God.

Crowley was sick of it. Not of Aziraphale, but of heaven and hell- their differences and their rules that kept him from the man he loved.
Not entirely, however, as Crowley had slowly, but surely, been earning the angel's trust since after the not-pocalypse. What used to be sideways glances now became longing stares, turning to admiration that was clear as day and neither of them cared who was looking their way.
Their hands would inch closer to each other from where they lay by their sides of the park bench, until they brushed and Aziraphale would give a shy smile, intertwining their fingers and looking away as if it wasn't happening, however, smile never fleeting from his face.
Crowley enjoyed this...six thousand years and a single hand hold could send him spinning into absolute adoration of his angel.
However, six thousand years was also enough tension built up in one demon, so thick you could cut it.
He yearned for the other, every bit of him, the angel drove him insane.

Aziraphale was quite aware of this but tried not to bring it up most of the time. It wasn't a conversation he wished to have- no matter how much his gut told him it was one that needed to happen...he couldn't bring himself to it.
There was no telling how Crowley would react.
Perhaps if he couldn't he satisfied with their relationship, he'd leave...
And while part of Aziraphale knew that would never happen, it was the part of him that said it would happen that was the dominant thought at the moment.

It wasn't a chance that Aziraphale was going to take.
Which made it all the more difficult when Crowley became increasingly touchy.
Specifically the date fell on a late October Night.
After a few glasses of wine, the pair were happily in a tangle of limbs on the couch.
Aziraphale lay on the couch with his serpent of a significant other on top of him, lazily cuddling as Aziraphale run a gentle hand through Crowley's hair.
He cocked and eyebrow in confusion when a whine came from Crowley.

"What's wrong, love?" Aziraphale hummed.

Crowley looked up at the angel, with his shades gone his serpentine eyes shone round and questioning, "Angel, we don't have sides anymore."

"I...do suppose you're right..." Aziraphale didn't catch where Crowley was going with this.

Crowley sat up, Aziraphale following so they were both sitting on their knees, facing each other on the couch.

"Well, I was s'pposing...I don't think we can quite count something as a sin if we don' believe in sins anymore." Crowley had a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Aziraphale immediately began to panic as he caught the demon's drift.

"O-Oh...I...I suppose you're right.." The last thing he wanted to do was displease the one person in his life he felt closest to...and without a liable excuse-

Crowley leaned forward, gently grabbing the front of Aziraphale's shirt and pulling him forward, their lips inches apart, Aziraphale desperately wished they could stick with innocent kisses rather than focusing on the lust that was present on the demon's eyes.

Crowley smirked, "You and I can be our own world, just for a start..."

Aziraphale couldn't grasp words and simply nodded, "O-Okay." What else could he do? Risk losing a bond that took six millennia to form? He could manage. Discomfort was temporary- losing Crowley was perminant.

Crowley looked slightly surprised but this was quick as he hands slowly moved to the angel's sides, skimming over them.

Aziraphale let a small giggle out and Crowley held back a snort of amusement before he balled up the hem of the angel's undershirt, thankful that his coat and vest had already been hung up for the night, neatly of course.

Aziraphale's breath hitched, for a different reason than what Crowley believed to be why.

Crowley's forked tongue flickered out teasingly before he placed a kiss to the angel's lips.

The kiss did little to help, but Aziraphale could appreciate the bliss it brought before the demon moved his mouth down to the angel's neck, trailing peppered kisses before reaching his color-bone, kisses becoming rougher.

Aziraphale winced but couldn't deny the pleasure that it was eliciting. He couldn't shake the twist it gave his heart, however, as if his mind and his manhood were at odds— which they, quite frankly, were.

Crowley left a bruise or two before looking up at the angel as if to ask to continue.

Aziraphale could only give a shaky smile. Stick it to discomfort, if this made Crowley feel good, he could suck it up for his demon.

Well, so he thought—

Aziraphale couldn't deny the panic that flared in him as Crowley took action with the balled up hem of the shirt in his hands, pulling it up from where it was tucked in until he could see the skin of Aziraphale's middle, he began to pull the shirt over the angel's head until it was completely gone.

He stared at the other with a gaze that was between hunger and adoration.

"Angel...you're beautiful." Crowley gasped out.

Aziraphale blushes in embarrassed but couldn't keep a humble smile on his face, "Why, thank you, dear, s-so are you..."

"You alright, angel?" Crowley cocked an eyebrow.

"Peachy." Aziraphale lied.

Lust blinded Crowley's usual ability to tell how the angel was feeling and his kisses trailed from the other's collarbone to his chest, hands exploring the other's body as his mouth left marks, kissing the other's middle gently before arriving at the hem of his trousers. He looked up at Aziraphale who didn't look at him but gave a small nod.

The demon curled his fingers around the hem of the trousers and began to pull before he felt the angel whimper slightly. He paused a moment, to smirk up at the other, taking this as a noise of pleasure before seeing the fear on his face, "It's alright, Angel, I'll be carefu-"

"I-I can't, Crowley, I'm sorry." Aziraphale covered his face.

Crowley instantly leaned back, "Oh- um- a-alright then, maybe another time? When you're ready?"

"I won't ever be ready, Crowley." Aziraphale sighed.

Crowley furrowed his brow in confusion, "It's not a sin-"

"It was never about it being a sin or not," Aziraphale shifted uncomfortably, "I don't care what upstairs has to say about this- it's what I have to say about this." He sighed sharply, "I'm just not...sexually attracted— not just to you, no! To— anyone, really..."

"Anyone? You mean-"

"Humans have a word for it, it's- oh what was it..." Aziraphale racked his brain before he landed on a term, "Asexual! Yes, asexual...not that we celestial beings are defined by sexuality, but— we're as close to human as a demon and angel can be..."

"No, I- I've heard of...of yes- I-" Crowley's eyes seemed to squint, "But- does that mean you don't...?" His eyes said the rest as he looked down and they glazed over.

Aziraphale suddenly looked horrified, "Oh dear me, no! Of course I love you, dear!" He snapped his fingers to miracle his shirt back on, scooting closer to the demon, "I'm as romantically smitten with you as anything has ever been to anything else."

Crowley felt heat collect at his cheeks.

"I'm- I'm sorry if I can't be what you want- to give you what you, want that is-"

"Shut up." Crowley rolled his eyes.

Aziraphale's shoulder's sunk.

"Sorry- force of habit- look..." Crowley put a gentle hand on Aziraphale's leg, suddenly feeling self-conscious about the touch he began to take the hand away, but Aziraphale grabbed it before he could. The demon softened, "Angel- Aziraphale. Even if I could have anyone on earth, in the universe, even if they could give the most...physical attention, that I could ever desire from a being," Crowley grinned in amusement at his own choice of words before regaining a mature composure, "I'd still choose you."

Aziraphale's eyes widened and then rounded with the love he held for the other, "Really?" He paused, "Even if Freddie Mercury offered?" He teased.

"He still wasn't as amazing as you are, Angel."

"Oh, Crowley— wait, excuse me? Did you do Freddie Mercury?"

"Let's change the subject," Crowley grinned sheepishly.

"No, I-" Aziraphale sighed, "Fine, but only because this is...important."

"Of course it is," Crowley laced their fingers together, "I'll drop my sarcasm for a total of...however long this conversation is— can't promise anything after that but, you've got eh...oh let's see— until the end of the universe? To explain whatever you need to, Angel...just because I have different needs- or wants- than you, doesn't mean it should...well, that it should invalidate yer own wants and needs...I'll always choose you."

Aziraphale felt tears form at the corner of his eyes and he dabbed them quickly with the back of his hands, "Well, I'll be damned."

"Why didn't you tell me sooner, though?" Crowley frowned.

"I was afraid you'd leave...so I went as far as I could go to keep you.." Aziraphale shrugged.

Crowley looked horrified, "You thought I'd leave you?"

"I know it wasn't rational-"


"But I was just...it was such a strong loss that I...I couldn't risk it..." Aziraphale sighed.

Crowley rubbed the back of the angel's knuckles, "I pined over your for six thousand years, Angel, you're stuck with me."

Aziraphale brandished a shaky grin that turned into a smile. He leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss to the demon's forehead, "I quite like the idea of that, then. I would hate to leave you."

"You'd leave me?" Crowley teased to hide genuine concern.

"How could I leave my world?"

Crowley felt his heart do a flip.

"We're stuck with each other now, I'm afraid." Aziraphale grinned.

"I...quite like the idea of that, then."


Loved writing this because honestly this just felt really comfortable to write with how I thought of their relationship my first time watching the show— my fifth time through I'm skeptical but this was a pleasant throwback because honestly it's true that Aziraphale is a being that's been created to repent such idea but in a way that isn't a choice but a matter of being- and Crowley is the opposite, being made, after falling, to have a purpose of misdoing, and this being seen as sort of a misdoing in biblical sense.
That's the best way I can compare sexuality to them because I think that they're above sexuality but hold a lot of similar attributes to it, especially considering how human they are.
I'm so tired, sorry if things are flubbed up a bit— I also think my parental units are going to think I'm ace if they see my search history because I tried to do as much research as I could to identify this sexuality best I could while also fitting the characters.
Loved this request, so thank you @ArkDanvers for it!!
And, if you enjoyed the chapter, please don't forget to vote, thanks!
P.S. If it didn't make sense, the title is alluding to when Aziraphale tried to use the excuse that sexual activity was a sin and then Crowley finds out its something different that's bothering him, not Heaven's idea of what a sin is, because hell, Aziraphale cares more about his mans than what upstairs has to say.
I just didn't want anyone getting the wrong idea—
Okay g'night!!

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