Flower Buds

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Crowley considered himself quite the malicious demon. He'd hurt quite the handful of things in his lifetime— or, so he liked to think— however, any kind of harm had to come to a stop when it came to children, even when Aziraphale busts him for saving a handful — all — of the children from the flood.
It's a good thing flowers can solve almost any problem.

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Word Count: 1151

Requested by: @/sailoryue on tumblr!


Aziraphale found himself panting from the exhaustion of flying.
It had been quite difficult when he'd been tasked to find dry land for Noah, it'd been days of endless flying and hardly anything was showing up.
He was sure his wings would be in tatters by the time he found dry land anyway.
His Hope was fleeting, along with his ability to not discorporate, before he saw the glimpse of a change in color.
The ocean that seemed endlessly blue suddenly turned to a soft glow of yellow and orange and...green! Green, thank the lord herself, it was land.

Aziraphale picked up his pace, wings thundering harder against the wind currents to reach the dry land.
As he neared it, he looked for a place to land. What confused him most was...how carefully put together the island was.
It was almost a perfect disk shape with an even rock wall surrounding it, Olive trees and...apple trees growing at the center...he'd only seen plants so beautiful as he had in Eden- perhaps this was the new garden?
He let it go with a shrug and took a dive over the stone wall, angling his feet down and landing on the sand with a soft fluff of his wings before he achingly let them rest before snapping a finger and causing them to disappear.
Not that he had to, considering all life, other than bacteria, was on Noah's Arc. He merely wanted to rest them— and he almost got this wish before he felt something barrel into his shoulder and knock him over.
He let out a huff of protest as he felt more projectiles hit him until he was pinned on the ground.

Aziraphale groaned and slowly blinked open his eyes to see the face of— children?
They all looked quite clean for what seemed to be a life in the forest- grant it their hair was a bit long, but the flowers woven into the hair made up for any messiness that the salty air brought.
They were all clothed in clean robes, which was quite odd, again, for their situation...all robes were brandished as blacks and grays.
How in heaven's name had children survived? The almighty had made sure that...well, made sure that Noah made sure that...how was this possible?

"I saw he had wings!" A female child, around the age of ten, who held Aziraphale's leg down, chirped.

The other children holding the angel down gasped in awe.

"He looks like Mr.Crawley!" Another child, this one male and clinging to Aziraphale's arm.

Aziraphale felt his eyes roll on command as if he should have expected this.

"Let's bring him to father Crawley!" The first girl squealed.

Father Crawley? Aziraphale frowned on confusion.

"Let's eat him!" A girl who was sitting Aziraphale's middle squealed.

"Let's not." Aziraphale began to sit up, causing the children attached to him to gently fall off with grunts of protest. It took him a moment to shake the one off his arm before the boy let go and Aziraphale was free.

"Are you an angel, too?" The little girl of ten, who acted as a leader, asked.

"Too? Do you mean to say you consider Crawley an angel?" Aziraphale sounded almost amused, perhaps he was.

"Well, he doesn't like us calling him an angel, says that's someone else's name- but we've seen his wings!"

"And he saved us! Wouldn't do that if he weren't'n Angel."

"Saved you? Saved you how?" Aziraphale furrowed his brow.

The girl of ten spoke again, "Well, he said we was all going to drown."

"So you just believed him?" Aziraphale scoffed.

"He also said he'd give us sugar." The boy grinned.

"And dogs!"

"And flowers!"

"And bread!"

"And Candy! As long as we hopped in his carriage-"

"Never take candy from a stranger! And let alone get a carriage ride with them." Aziraphale pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Father Crawley says always he kind to strangers."

"He did...?" Aziraphale was slightly surprised.

"So that they trust ya' blindly!" The girl added.

"Right, sounds more like him." Aziraphale sighed.

"You know father Crawley?" The crowd of children gasped.

"Yes- and why do you keep calling him father Crawley— is he a...is a priest now?"

"What's a priest?"

Aziraphale was about to answer before he was interrupted.

"Because he's our dad!"

Aziraphale felt his heart warm at this and he smiled slightly, "Well, would you mind taking me to him?"

"No need, Angel." Crawley smirked as he emerged from the olive trees that were a few feet up from the sand.

"Father Crawley! Dad! Pap!" A hoard of Children swarmed the demon, hugging his legs and arms.

Crawley refused to look at Aziraphale as he patted each child on the head.

"New hair." Aziraphale commented in amusement.

Crawley's face turned red in embarrassment and he touched the flowers woven into his hair self-consciously, "I dunno' how to cut hair so we kind of just style it with flower-"

"It's looks lovely." Aziraphale admired.

Crawley paused before giving a small smile.

"Now could you please explain this to me?" Aziraphale cocked an eyebrow.

Crawley gave a sheepish grin, "I couldn't let her kill the children!"

Aziraphale sighed sharply, "It's the Ineffable-"

"Bite your tongue or I'll take it myself." Crawley rolled his eyes.

"But, you're going against God's will-"

"These kids are alive by God's will to not smite us on our way over."

"How did you get so many children here?" Aziraphale mused.

"Had to get a net— squeezed 'em all in and carried 'em- they didn't seem to mind much either."


"It was fun!"

"I still have the missing toe to show ya!"

"Circulation doesn't go well with ropes!"

"But there was candy!"

"Dear god." Aziraphale sighed.

"Father Crawley says not to use the lord's name around here, or she might find us." One of the children fretted.

Crawley looked away.

Aziraphale frowned, "Oh...um, dear, sorry..."

"It's okay, Angel. I'm just..."

"A Protective Father?" Aziraphale grinned.

"Shut up!" Crawley spat.

"Can we do your hair too, Mr.Aziraphale?"

"How'd you know my name?" Aziraphale frowned in confusion at the children.

"Father Crawley never stops talking about his angel, Aziraphale, he tells us stories about you and hi-"

Crawley had his hands around the child's mouth quickly before shooing them all off, "Go and get some flowers for his hair, eh? Last one to find one that matches his eyes is a Hastur!"

"Don't you mean rotten egg?"

"What's the difference?"

Aziraphale snorted.
There was a long pause.

"So, please do tell me these stories about us that you share with these children?"

"I'd rather you say the word Ineffable before we do that."

"How many children are there even?"

"All of them that existed."

"Crawley! How do you fit them all on one island?"

"It's bigger on the inside."

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