Forever Yours

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"Choose your faces wisely..."
"He is not who he says he is..."
Gabriel takes on Aziraphale's form to deceive Crowley.

<<TWs for all chapters of this book will be updated in the desc. of the book

Word Count: 3677
Requested by: @/nepherim on Tumblr!

Please don't forget to vote if you enjoyed!

Aziraphale fidgeted nervously as he sat in a pristine, white chair...much cleaner than anything should naturally be— it wasn't exactly natural either, he supposed, as it was in the realms of heaven.
It was strange to be in a completely empty, white room with nothing but a chair and desk before him.
He hadn't been called up to heaven in years was more than startling... upstairs had never given two cents as to what he was doing- no more than recognizing how long he'd been on earth, hardly what he did, however- and even when they had finally decided to award him for his duties, to promote him upstairs, the offer had...suddenly disappeared after Gabriel's run to pick up a tailored coat of his...quite strange indeed..
Crowley was more than likely behind that, but best to have the benefit of the doubt in this case.

Aziraphale hadn't been told what he was to be doing upstairs...merely that it was urgent.

He'd been in the room no more than a few minutes, it being a branch off f the normal, larger room of heaven, this one looking for like...a very clean interrogation room...
Regardless, it toon only a few minutes before the door, just as clean and white as anything else in the room, no lights needed from how the walls shone with how bright they were, opened and Gabriel stepped in, shutting it behind him and sitting in a chair opposite of Aziraphale, a table in between them.

No words were spoken as Gabriel set down a collection of photos on the table.

Aziraphale looked down nervously, and it hardly helped him when he saw what the pictures were of.

Multiple photos of he and Crowley- walking, talking, sitting, having lunch.

"O-Oh, dear, well, I can't explain myself-"

"No need." Gabriel waved his hand all too calmly.

"I-I was simply trying to get closer to him to-!"

"I believe you, Aziraphale." Gabriel gave a piercing smile, "Manipulating a demon? Ingenuous, truly, I applaud you."

"Oh- Oh, yes, yes good, of course." Aziraphale's lips twitched into a nerved smile.

"Of course, it's not me you have to convince." Gabriel suddenly frowned, not one that showed genuine concern but more of one that was out of habit, as if his muscles knew he should feel guilt, though his mind did not.


"You see, Michael found this photos in the back channel- heaven knows where those are, not my department," Gabriel shifted in his seat, folding his hands together on the table before him.

"Michael...Michael thinks-"

"The evidence is overwhelming, I'm afraid." Gabriel sighed, "It's quite a simple fix, though.

"Oh...oh it is?" Aziraphale only looked moderately relieved.

"Yes, of course." Gabriel went back to grinning before reaching for a briefcase that had somehow miracled itself there at some point. He gently placed it down on the table and opened it. He delicately took out a silver dagger.

Aziraphale's mouth went dry, "That's a- that's-"

"A holy dagger, yes, metal cooled in the holiest of waters to give it just the most Devine shape- and accomplishments, too. Inflict a wound somewhere vital on an unholy being- and poof!"

"Poof..." Aziraphale repeated quietly.

Gabriel paused before gently sliding the dagger over to the other angel, "We're granting you access to it. You're close enough to the demon Crowley...he trusts you..foolish, really, but you have the perfect opportunity." Gabriel's grin turned into a wicked one.

"Y-You want me to kill him? It's- it has holy water! It'll destroy him!" Aziraphale cried in an all too shrill voice.

Gabriel's eyes narrowed, "It almost sounds as if you're fond of him..."

"What a- me? Fond of a demon? Don't be ridiculous!"Aziraphale defended himself, despite it being a blatant lie.

"Then you won't have a problem with killing him?" Gabriel cocked an eyebrow.

"It's just- just that...I've never killed anything before...I don't think I could." It wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the primary reason.

"Ah, right...I forgot you have an abundance of human emotions.." Gabriel sighed, "Not to worry. It'll work just as fine if I inhabit" Gabriel looked a bit disgusted at the idea of possessing another Angel's body.

"You- You mean?" Aziraphale looked slightly horrified.

"Well, if your host doesn't reject the idea of killing him, then yes, you're off the hook." Gabriel nodded.

Aziraphale wasn't sure what that outcome would be— loyalty to heaven or to Crowley wasn't something he had decided upon quite yet.

"So, if you don't mind." Gabriel held a hand out, "Shouldn't take more than a day."

"Yes, well..." Aziraphale began to get up.

Gabriel cocked a suspicious eyebrow.

Maybe if he did it himself, he could find a way to fake it, maybe if he just- "M-Maybe it would be best if I...did i-" As Aziraphale stood, the table met his knee and he stumbled forward, grasping around for balance and unwillingly grabbing Gabriel's hand.

With a brilliant flash of light, Gabriel's physical appearance disappeared, and Aziraphale went limp on the table.

There was nothing but the quiet breath of an unconscious angel before Aziraphale's eyes flickered open.

However, it was not Aziraphale who possessed the eyes...but Gabriel...

"Aziraphale? Aziraphale are you conscious?" Gabriel-As-Aziraphale.

The body did nothing to respond.

"Great!" The archangel in Aziraphale's body responded, "It should be like a nap until I leave your host." He miracled a mirror up, looking into it and seeing the reflection of himself, of Gabriel, despite being in the body of Aziraphale, "Don't I look handsome.."

With a snap of his fingers, the archangel as Aziraphale was gone.


Crowley tossed an apple up in the air and caught it, tossing it again, catching it. He repeated this over and over as he lay, sprawled out on Aziraphale's couch, awaiting the angel's arrival.

"Complains about me being late." Crowley muttered, "He's two hours-" There was a ring at the front of the shop, the bell that signifies someone entering, "Er-" He considered yelling that they were closed, but instead simply popped his shades over his eyes, so that if the customer ended up coming into the back room, he could have plausible deniability in saying he was asleep.
This seemed to be the best idea as soon footsteps sounded.
Crowley instantly began to breath slower, going with the act that he was asleep. That is, until he saw a flicker of white from behind his shades, and recognized the colors of Azirphale, he sat up with a yawn, "Ah, Angel, finally." He saw the other slip something away and shrugged it off, taking his shades off to meet Aziraphale's gaze.

The angel smiled at him sweetly and Crowley felt his heart swell.

Gabriel felt this too.

Upon looking at Crowley, he felt something twist in his chest- it was unfamiliar and he couldn't put a name to it— must be something that came with the body, "Ah, Crowley." Gabriel nearly shuttered at the voice that was not his own but knew he'd have to get used to a lot of things too— he suddenly wished he knew Aziraphale a bit better.

"Ready?" Crowley stretched.

Gabriel was about to ask For what? Before recalling that he, as Aziraphale, would probably know, and simply gave a nod, "Lead the way." His heart pounded in fear. What kind of demonic activities were they about to encounter?
Were they going to summon something?
Were they going to kill something? Chant at it in a circle?
Eat shrimp?
God forbid they eat that of which dwelled on the ocean floor.

Crowley nodded and headed back towards the front.

Gabriel trailed behind before he saw Crowley stop, waiting for him to catch up, he quickly did.

Crowley nodded and they headed out the shop, walking down the street.

It was quieter than usual, not that Gabriel would know, he was too busy taking in all the sights about him, squinting, it sure had changed over the past hundred or so years.

"You're awfully quiet." Crowley snorted, "Hardly a time I've known you to stop talking, Angel."

What was with that nickname, anyway? All angels were— well, angels. Why was that any kind of name for one? It'd be as if Gabriel walked up to a human and greeted them with Hello, human. It didn't sound entirely right...not for someone you're familiar with.

"Oh...I guess I'm just a bit..." He searched for a word Aziraphale might use, "Flubbed, I suppose." Flubbed was a word? Right?

"You flubbed what?" Crowley asked.


"What did you flub up?" Crowley squinted from under his sunglasses.

Fuck. Flub meant- meant to mess something up- "Oh feelings, yes, my human feelings." That was sure to be convincing.

"You...your-" Crowley was beyond confused, "Angel, are you feeling alright?"

"Absolutely! Boo-Tickety!" Aziraphale grinned.

Crowley's eyes seemed to flash down to Aziraphale's pockets, "First time I've ever seen you walk without your hands in front of you." He sniffed.

"Oh..." Gabriel didn't want to let go of his hold on the dagger that was currently held in his pocket, "New style of mine, I guess."

"You guess." Crowley chuckled.

"What?" Gabriel furrowed Aziraphale's brow in confusion.

"Nothing." Crowley waved a hand. He seemed to pause a moment and held out his hand for who he thought was Aziraphale.

Gabriel's eyes widened as he looked down at his hand and felt his heart-beat race for a reason he couldn't explain.
He had to take the hand or he'd blow his cover.
He released his grip on the knife begrudgingly and took Crowley's hand.
A buzz went through his body and he felt his stomach flip.
The hell kind of demonistic bullcrap is this?

Crowley smirked as they crossed the street towards Saint James Park. They walked on in silence until they were strolling through said park.
Crowley whistled quietly while Gabriel kept his gaze pinned forward, struggling not to glare at his current situation.
Aziraphale had really gone in deep undercover on this one—

"Lovely day, eh?" Crowley hummed.

"What? Oh, yeah." Gabriel nodded.

"Shall we sit?" Crowley had a mischievous expression on that Gabriel didn't quite trust- not that he trusted the demon in the first place.

"Sure." Gabriel forced a smile.

"Lead the way." Crowley mimicked.

Gabriel winced at the effort it took him not to roll his eyes. He looked around for a spot to sit and his eyes landed on a shady spot beneath a tree. He tugged Crowley's hand gently to lead him there and the demon followed obediently.

Upon arriving, Gabriel frowned at the sight of dew on the grass. His host or not, he wasn't going to sit on wet grass.
Letting go of Crowley's hand, much to his relief, he took his own coat, Aziraphale's, off and laid it gently on the ground, sitting down.

Crowley looked amused before sitting down beside the angel, leaning back and looking up at the sky through the branches of the tree.

"Very...pleasant..." Gabriel attempted at small talk while scooting to get closer to Crowley. His goal now was to distract the demon in a way that would allow him to pierce him with the dagger, preferable in the heart, neck, or stomach.

"Mm." Crowley hummed in agreement, "Clouds are all blotting the sky, though."

"Ah, Yeah." Gabriel nodded, "Like which ones?" Perhaps if the demon looked up, he'd be distracted enough.

"Well, that one that looks like a misshaped horse." Crowley pointed.

Gabriel slipped his hand into the pocket.

"Or that one, looks a corgi, really, doesn't it, Aziraphale?" Crowley looked over at the angel.

Gabriel cursed in his mind but gave a tight smile.

Crowley continued to list off the clouds, looking at "Aziraphale" for approval every now and then.

"And that one...a duck, kind of." Crowley looked back at the angel.

Gabriel nodded with a sniff before running through options. His mind landed on an easy human distraction- physical contact.
He continued on, as Crowley listed, to put a hand on top of the demon's, who seemed to looked amused but didn't stop listing. Soon Gabriel managed to muster up the strength to put his head on the other's shoulder.
Crowley continued to list.
Gabriel was losing his patience and planted a gentle kiss to Crowley's shoulder...all of this made his heart skip and maybe— no, that wasn't a possibly— what he noticed was how much the demon stiffened and got distracted from listing clouds when the other kissed his shoulder.
Gabriel smirked.
This was too easy.

"Crowley..." Gabriel murmured.

"Yes, Aziraphale?" Crowley looked at the angel.

Gabriel reached up to touch Crowley's cheek.

Crowley eyed "Aziraphale's" lips slightly and Gabriel hid a smirk with a smile.
He began to lean in, grip tightening around the dagger. So close to Crowley, he could see the demon's eyes closed from behind his shades. As soon as that happened, Gabriel, continuing to lean forward slowly, grabbed the dagger and lifted it to raise it behind Crowley's back- however, just before the kiss was sealed, and the dagger raised, there was a hand on his wrist.
Crowley's eyes flashed open and he was smirking with a hard glare.

"Does heaven er hell really take me for that much of an idiot?" Crowley smirked.

Gabriel's mouth opened and closed multiple times as he searched for words, struggling against Crowley's grip- he cursed Aziraphale's soft build keeping him from being able to fight against Crowley's.

"H-how did you-"

"You really don't know him at all, you're aware?" Crowley sniffed.

Gabriel glared, "I'm sure I do more than you."

Crowley paused before bursting out in laughter, "I guess." He mocked in a tone that should have suggested something.

Gabriel looked confused in his rage.

"Sorry if you're not up to speed but the last time I recalled, he says I suppose- all the satandamn time too, it's all I suppose this, I suppose that- and who the bloody heaven thinks Aziraphale says yeah." He snorted, "That's only your verbal mistakes too. Never in a million years would my angel sacrifice his coat for a nice place to sit. Let alone a place other than our bench, which would've been his first choice of seating, thank you very much."

Gabriel looked stunned.

"So, which side wants me head? Heaven or hell?"

"Both." Gabriel sneered.

"Wonderful." Crowley rolled his eyes while inwardly panicking, "So which of you lot is in his body?"

"None of that business is yours." Gabriel sniffed.

"Ah, Gabriel, long time no see." Crowley yawned.

Gabriel let our a strangled squeak of a noise.

"You're quite predictable. Say, I'm a bit peckish, mind if you let go of his body so we can go grab something to eat?"

"You're a fool." Gabriel growled.

"Says the one who's plan just blew up in his face."

"Stop acting so defensive, you're scared out of your wits around him." Gabriel rolled his eyes.

"Of an Angel? Of Aziraphale?" Crowley almost laughed, "He gets depressed over eating cakes that have faces on them because they have feelings, that's not someone who-"

"That's physical fear, I'm talking about emotional." Gabriel's eyes narrowed.

This seemed to concern Crowley as his eyes flickered apprehensively.

"You love him, don't you?" Gabriel hissed the words out.

Crowley's heart lurched, but not in the way it usually did when Aziraphale was around him, but in an oh shit a Nunnery just burned the fuck down in front of my eyes kind of way. He quickly hid his blank moment with a sneer, "I'm a demon, that can't happen."

"You're no demon. You're human- I can feel it myself when I'm in his body, his emotions, he has human emotions. You've both gone native."

His emotions? Crowley shook his head, "I don't love him."

That made something in Gabriel's chest tighten in an uncomfortable way and his grip on the dagger loosened. He then firmly gripped it with a glare, "Stop pretending. You love him and you don't want to because you know that Aziraphale will never love you." He spat the words out.

Crowley's hands shook slightly and he growled, "You hardly know him so I'd appreciate it if you stop acting like you do."

"I can feel his emotions. Don't you think I'd have noticed by now?" Gabriel's jaw set before he spoke, "He doesn't love you. He was pretending, you stupid piece of-" He paused as he saw Crowley's eyes round unintentionally, "He doesn't love you. He never even liked you. Why else do you think he'd lend his body to me? These things can't be forced."

"That- That-" Crowley's hands shook more and eased their grip of Gabriel's wrist.

The archangel took his chance and shoved the weakened demon to the ground, holding him down by his throat, raising the dagger, "The last thing you'll see is mere proof of this."

Crowley's shades had fallen off to reveal eyes that were round with disbelief and...pain, genuine pain. But acceptance- acceptance that this was how he died.

Gabriel struck down hard, feeling the knife squish into a target deeply until he couldn't force it down any further, his hand growing wet as it touched the surface—

Of grass.

Gabriel spat in disgust and raised his hand again, plunging the knife at Crowley but missing just by a fraction.

"No..." Gabriel whispered as Crowley sputtered with a smirk. He continued to stab around with the knife, but it never hit Crowley.

"No!" He shrieked, and released his grip on Crowley, using both hands to steady himself and stabbing, knowing his only target could be Crowley with this precise aim. He held it over the demon's chest a Crowley struggled for breath to regain his senses. There was nowhere else to hit even if the knife tried to move.
He plunged the dagger down and this time it finally hit the stomach.

When Crowley regained his senses, he was surprised to feel no pain...
But felt something stiffen atop his middle, his gaze focused on "Aziraphale" who had a knife struck into his stomach.

Crowley could do nothing but watch as the light slowly faded from the angel's eyes.

"...He loves you." Gabriel-As-Aziraphale choked out as blood dripped from his lips.
It was the last thing spoken before he discorporated into a million shards of light that burned brightly before dimming.

Crowley was left alone, staring at where the man he'd loved had once been.
The dagger having disappeared along with him.

Crowley slowly got to his feet, unable to do much more than that, he absently went down and picked up Aziraphale's coat, miracling it clean.
He wasn't sure what to do next but merely held the coat to his chest, breathing in the angel's scent before falling to the ground once more.

"Love you too." Crowley's voice cracked.

There was silence for what felt like hours- and maybe it was, before Crowley felt something warm touch his cheek. A hand caressing it, but not a hand- no, more as...a feeling of energy.

"I'll wait for you, Angel, just come back." Crowley promised.

Then the energy left Crowley to himself, and the demon collapsed into his knees, which were drawn to his chest with the coat clutched tightly to his chest as well.

Crowley returned to the bookshop later that day, wearing Aziraphale's coat now. It didn't exactly go with his outfit...but it was the best he could do to not break.

The shop stayed closed for a month.
And in that month, Crowley did indeed wait.
Even after that month...
Another month...
Half a year had passed, and while one would think that the serpent could forget, he hadn't.
Everyday, he got up, got dressed, his usual outfit with the addition of the coat, which helped now that winter had fallen. He sat down on the couch by the window and watched the snow fall, doodling on the window with the fog of it.
Through the fog of the glass, he could just make out the silhouette of a familiar figure.
It made his heart skip a beat and a smile to form, his legs carrying him swiftly to the front door where he swung it open, greeted by an old smile with familiar lips and face and— everything but a coat.

"I believe this is yours." Crowley murmured, taking the coat off and handing it to the angel.

Aziraphale took it silently and shouldered it on before looking at Crowley, eye to eye, "...You knew it was me?"

"I'll always know." Crowley whispered.

"How do you know right now?" Aziraphale gave a small smile.

Crowley shrugged, "Wether it's you or not, somebody needs to help me figure out how to clean cocoa stains from books."

"What in the name of god have you done to the books?" Aziraphale shrieked.

Crowley chuckled, "That's how."

"You serpent!" Aziraphale rolled his eyes.

"Your serpent." Crowley shrugged.

Aziraphale stuttered before choosing to scoff.

Crowley smiled at this.

Aziraphale paused, "They...well, upstairs isn't very happy about this...played it off as a tempting and finally got a trial after-"

"Six months."

"Six month- you've been counting?" Aziraphale's face flushed red.

So did Crowley's, but he didn't deny anything, "Ah, shut up."

Aziraphale chuckled before sighing. He paused..." me?"

"You love me?" Crowley cocked an eyebrow.

"I'd much sooner have killed myself than you, my dear...that seems to speak for itself." Aziraphale shifted on his feet.

"That didn't sound like an I love you, Crowley to me." Crowley grinned cockily.

"How about you start then-"

"I love you more than anything this universe has ever created, Angel."

Aziraphale was take aback but felt his heart fly higher than his wings could ever carry him, "I...Yes.."


"Yes, I...—I love you, Crowley."

"Do you suppose you love me?"

"You serpent!"

"Forever yours."

//I need to sleep now— hope y'all enjoyed this chapter, if you did, don't forget to vote for it <3
Thank you!!
-Jay 😇😈

I got this request before this piece of art came out but it did indeed inspire me to have the weapon of choice be a dagger versus just holy water!
Here's the speed paint of the picture that I highly recommend you watch because it's an amazing piece of work:

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